Keir Starmer

Funny how last week Starmer’s dad was the reincarnation of a Victorian factory owner and now he’s the reincarnation of Karl Marx.
I make you right and @BobKowalski is spot on when he describes it as tedious.

The reality is that only reason why Rodney Starmer has become a bit part player is because a certain Keir Rodney Starmer can't stop banging on about him.

It's almost as banal as searching the records at companies house ;-)
I make you right and @BobKowalski is spot on when he describes it as tedious.

The reality is that only reason why Rodney Starmer has become a bit part player is because a certain Keir Rodney Starmer can't stop banging on about him.

It's almost as banal as searching the records at companies house ;-)
I get the impression that you’re not big on refuting bullshit. For me, a minute to check online if someone is posting bollocks isn’t a huge inconvenience.
Funny how last week Starmer’s dad was the reincarnation of a Victorian factory owner and now he’s the reincarnation of Karl Marx.
Well, Engels' dad worked in a Victorian factory (that he owned) and Engels and Marx were best mates in Manchester so I suppose there's a link.
I’m struggling to keep up with whether Starmer is an undercover communist or a Tory.

My hunch at the moment is that he’s probably just like… a guy.
I think to be fair most people on the left have been influenced by Marx, Krotopkin, Gramsci , Benn, Foot, Lenin, Blair, Atlee and Wilson to some extent.

That is why Benn i think said that for the Labour party to fly, it needed two wings. Starner is trying to fly on one wing, whilst trying to aquire his other wing from the soft right of the Tory party whilst neglecting the wing he already had. As leader he had the mandate to change the party and he has turned Labour into a Social Democrat party rather than a Democratic Socialist party and in doing so he has lost people like me and gained some dissident right wing Tories like that horrible female Dover MP.

It looks like he will succeed too, and once again like Blair he will squander the opportunity to make real lasting change to our country. I wish him well, honestly I do, he may surprise me in power but I do not have any great hopes that he will be much different to the current lot. Neo-liberalism will prevail with tinkering around the edges in a sop to social justice. I do hope i am wrong, for all our sakes. If on current polling he will have the opportunity to do anything he wants, but i doubt he has the will or the desire to do so.

The Greens are standing in my constituency, i will vote for them, I will not be party to getting Starmer elected, the Labour party has left me.
Funny how last week Starmer’s dad was the reincarnation of a Victorian factory owner and now he’s the reincarnation of Karl Marx.

He was neither just a dad doing a job whose son tried to use it to grab votes. You can't blame a father for his sons desperate need to gain power at the expense of his own families reputation.
I think to be fair most people on the left have been influenced by Marx, Krotopkin, Gramsci , Benn, Foot, Lenin, Blair, Atlee and Wilson to some extent.

That is why Benn i think said that for the Labour party to fly, it needed two wings. Starner is trying to fly on one wing, whilst trying to aquire his other wing from the soft right of the Tory party whilst neglecting the wing he already had. As leader he had the mandate to change the party and he has turned Labour into a Social Democrat party rather than a Democratic Socialist party and in doing so he has lost people like me and gained some dissident right wing Tories like that horrible female Dover MP.

It looks like he will succeed too, and once again like Blair he will squander the opportunity to make real lasting change to our country. I wish him well, honestly I do, he may surprise me in power but I do not have any great hopes that he will be much different to the current lot. Neo-liberalism will prevail with tinkering around the edges in a sop to social justice. I do hope i am wrong, for all our sakes. If on current polling he will have the opportunity to do anything he wants, but i doubt he has the will or the desire to do so.

The Greens are standing in my constituency, i will vote for them, I will not be party to getting Starmer elected, the Labour party has left me.

If he surprises me for the better, I'll come on here and say I was wrong. I'll also show my arse on the East Lancs.
I think to be fair most people on the left have been influenced by Marx, Krotopkin, Gramsci , Benn, Foot, Lenin, Blair, Atlee and Wilson to some extent.

That is why Benn i think said that for the Labour party to fly, it needed two wings. Starner is trying to fly on one wing, whilst trying to aquire his other wing from the soft right of the Tory party whilst neglecting the wing he already had. As leader he had the mandate to change the party and he has turned Labour into a Social Democrat party rather than a Democratic Socialist party and in doing so he has lost people like me and gained some dissident right wing Tories like that horrible female Dover MP.

It looks like he will succeed too, and once again like Blair he will squander the opportunity to make real lasting change to our country. I wish him well, honestly I do, he may surprise me in power but I do not have any great hopes that he will be much different to the current lot. Neo-liberalism will prevail with tinkering around the edges in a sop to social justice. I do hope i am wrong, for all our sakes. If on current polling he will have the opportunity to do anything he wants, but i doubt he has the will or the desire to do so.

The Greens are standing in my constituency, i will vote for them, I will not be party to getting Starmer elected, the Labour party has left me.

My post was a little tongue in cheek - I know the truth is more nuanced and your scepticism is totally reasonable to me. I’ve said on here a few times now I’m also reserving judgment. I will be holding this Labour government in waiting to a high standard, because if we don’t at least begin to move things in the right direction then the situation is bleak indeed. Realistically, there’s nobody else who is going to come to our rescue because of our woeful electoral system, which is why my feeling is that it’s pragmatically better to be exerting pressure from inside the tent. and I think that pressure will have some effect, the same way the Tories have gotten pressure to their right, Starmer will find it to his left.

My feeling is that he will make some positive changes, but whether it’ll be enough to offset all the harms our country has suffered… very much remains to be seen.

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