Keir Starmer

It's obvious that some people get triggered by people who don't think like they do, echo chambers confirm they are right don't they? Well don't they? :)

I don’t think anyone gets triggered especially. Things can get heated, but this is a political forum so it comes with the territory.

If by echo chamber you mean some peoples views are in a minority, well, there will always be a minority view. I proffered some support to JSO, more people seemed to disagree than agree with me. It’s they way it goes sometimes.
I don’t think anyone gets triggered especially. Things can get heated, but this is a political forum so it comes with the territory.

If by echo chamber you mean some peoples views are in a minority, well, there will always be a minority view. I proffered some support to JSO, more people seemed to disagree than agree with me. It’s they way it goes sometimes.
It’s not even that.

When all you get is “things are shit, but there’s nothing we can do about it as they’re all the same, whilst voting for stuff that makes things even more shit because they’ve said they’d drain the swamp”, it gets tedious.

Once all you have left is cynicism of everything, then you become a hateful, miserable person that tries to hide behind Christmas Cracker jokes, also always based on cynicism, ending with a smiley face.
His description of Starmer is what gets me. Uses all those negatives as a reason not to vote for him when the leaders of his party over the last few years have been all those things and worse including blatant corruption and failing the country and it’s people.
Make it make sense.

It would be quite a fun exercise to get metalblue to list all the leaders/political parties he has voted for and we can see if he’s just another miserable hypocrite or if he actually has a record that shows he only votes for people who never change a policy.
I won’t be voting Labour, mate. I just found it amusing how you described Starmer when the Tory mob have been all that and much worse.
If Labour come in and prove to be more of the same then they will be rightly fucked off next time around and round and round we go.

Spot on mate. I won’t be voting for either of them.
Because you are a Tory. Your vote and allegiance is tribal and emotional. It is not based on policies.

My vote is pragmatic. I will vote Labour because I think they will do a competent job at governing. I have no particular allegiance to Labour or Starmer. I just think they will do a better job. Admittedly, this is not a high bar, but it is a bar nonetheless.

Whether Labour’s manifesto is Tory lite or Pol Pot communism depends entirely from what end of the political spectrum the attacks are coming from. Most of the attacks are illiterate garbage, but a few hit the mark. Which is to be expected. No leader or party is going to escape unscathed in a campaign and it does no harm to pull them up on occasions.

Fortunately for Labour, the Tory Party and campaign keep feeding us headline grabbing fuck ups on an almost daily basis. This latest betting scandal will run for days, maybe even up to polling day. It has that partygate drip effect. New day, a new name in the frame. It is truly remarkable how bad they are.

But I’m not voting conservative at this election. Anything else in your locker or are we done here?

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