Keir Starmer

Really? Well, colour me shocked. A Tory not voting Labour. We truly live in end times :)

Why would I not vote for Labour when Labour’s stated policies are pretty much Tory aligned ones without the history of corruption and less of the more right wing stuff?

Do you even know what you’re voting for if you think they aren’t?
Not all kids are academics - which is where our education system fails them full stop with this insistence on a national curriculum. The golden age of British education was before the national curriculum came in to force.

If private schools are so brilliant then why would we be opposed to the brightest 20% going? Hell I’d favour more so make private education fees come out ahead of tax to make it more available and / or the government contribute the £7k or whatever it is they would spend sending a kid through state school each year. Tax private education profits at 100% and pump it in to the state offering. Teach vocational skills not just academic. Education isn’t free wherever you undertake it so let’s think big and just focus on the kids here who in turn eventually pay taxes and keep everything running in the future.

Otherwise we just have a race to the bottom where ideology is more important than what’s best for kids.

The reason why you don't want the brightest kids being syphoned off, (and at 11 that skews very heavily towards kids who come from settled, middle class families) is that it has a knock on effect to the balance of the state schools left behind.

The private schools wants the brightest kids, not because they want to make a difference to society. They want them because having bright kids pushes up the standards of everyone, and brings up their exam results, helping them attract more rich kids.

It's not a race to the bottom if you want to raise standards throughout the system, instead of giving an extra boost to the kids who least need it.
His description of Starmer is what gets me. Uses all those negatives as a reason not to vote for him when the leaders of his party over the last few years have been all those things and worse including blatant corruption and failing the country and it’s people.
Make it make sense.

My party? Lol. Tribalism is alive and well in your head! The tories are getting booted out for good reason, no debate there.

Johnson was a liar … so vote for Starmer who is a liar. You can see he’s a liar but choose to accept it. That’s fine but don’t pretend your shit doesn’t smell eh?

The corruption one is more interesting, let’s wait for them to get in to power first - and I sincerely hope you’re right but history teaches us power corrupts. The Welsh Labour bloke, the SNP, etc etc it’s not unique to any party or ideology and we all deserve better - I hope Starmer means his country before party but see above, the bloke can’t lie straight in bed.
The reason why you don't want the brightest kids being syphoned off, (and at 11 that skews very heavily towards kids who come from settled, middle class families) is that it has a knock on effect to the balance of the state schools left behind.

The private schools wants the brightest kids, not because they want to make a difference to society. They want them because having bright kids pushes up the standards of everyone, and brings up their exam results, helping them attract more rich kids.

It's not a race to the bottom if you want to raise standards throughout the system, instead of giving an extra boost to the kids who least need it.

So tax the private schools profits at 100%! Next objection?
My party? Lol. Tribalism is alive and well in your head! The tories are getting booted out for good reason, no debate there.

Johnson was a liar … so vote for Starmer who is a liar. You can see he’s a liar but choose to accept it. That’s fine but don’t pretend your shit doesn’t smell eh?

The corruption one is more interesting, let’s wait for them to get in to power first - and I sincerely hope you’re right but history teaches us power corrupts. The Welsh Labour bloke, the SNP, etc etc it’s not unique to any party or ideology and we all deserve better - I hope Starmer means his country before party but see above, the bloke can’t lie straight in bed.
I won’t be voting Labour, mate. I just found it amusing how you described Starmer when the Tory mob have been all that and much worse.
If Labour come in and prove to be more of the same then they will be rightly fucked off next time around and round and round we go.
In the absence of la revolution I'll temporarily take being governed by less venal, greedy, incompetent and grifting imbeciles than what we've had of late.

We need to get the girl guides and boy scouts in charge because I have zero faith in any sitting politician festering in the big house right now.

Greed is everywhere, the only decision you or I have to make is which greedy bastard do we trust more.
So tax the private schools profits at 100%! Next objection?

That's nothing to do with my comment. I was just explaining why the private school teacher would prefer a bigger bursary system, rather than VAT.

On profit - which schools are you talking about? Private schools that aren't paying VAT are charities/non-profit.
Why would I not vote for Labour when Labour’s stated policies are pretty much Tory aligned ones without the history of corruption and less of the more right wing stuff?

Do you even know what you’re voting for if you think they aren’t?

Because you are a Tory. Your vote and allegiance is tribal and emotional. It is not based on policies.

My vote is pragmatic. I will vote Labour because I think they will do a competent job at governing. I have no particular allegiance to Labour or Starmer. I just think they will do a better job. Admittedly, this is not a high bar, but it is a bar nonetheless.

Whether Labour’s manifesto is Tory lite or Pol Pot communism depends entirely from what end of the political spectrum the attacks are coming from. Most of the attacks are illiterate garbage, but a few hit the mark. Which is to be expected. No leader or party is going to escape unscathed in a campaign and it does no harm to pull them up on occasions.

Fortunately for Labour, the Tory Party and campaign keep feeding us headline grabbing fuck ups on an almost daily basis. This latest betting scandal will run for days, maybe even up to polling day. It has that partygate drip effect. New day, a new name in the frame. It is truly remarkable how bad they are.

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