Easy words, but in what way specifically? Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of privatization of everything, and e.g. water companies is a big problem because you can hardly switch water providers. When you have to rely upon a regulator, it's probably not a great start.
But comparing for example, electricity supply pre and post privatization, in what way is it "a disaster" now compared to how it was before?
I remember when it took 6 weeks minimum to get a new phone line connected by the GPO. How wonderful was that? It was fucking awful. Now, the service is miles better.
My local GP surgery is shut on a saturday and shut on a sunday. Good luck if you are ill at the weekend. What sort of "service" is that. And when Jeremy Hunt tried to change it, they all threatened to strike. M&S cannot shut on a Saturday or Sunday, can it. My local garage - a little independent with like 3 mechanics, manages to be open on Saturday, so why can't my GP surgery? It's because they don't give a toss. They get paid whether they open or not, so they'd rather play golf. Wouldn't we all.
It's dangerous to get too hung up on specifics. I tried to answer as a generality and give an example that's all. In that specific example, it might be great if the council arranged a rota system so they could provide extended hours of cover, so the public could access services and more convenient times, perhaps?