Kelechi Iheanacho

Thays more of a hope than a fact. It's like Liverpool players claiming some young guy is better than Sterling. Not having information to judge a player by does not equate being better. The most anyone can conclude is that we haven't seen enough of Kelechi against adults. Rashford and Martial on the other hand have excelled. So for now, claiming Kelechi is Better is guessing.

No it isn't. You can judge Kelechi by the minutes he's played on the pitch for us this season, and what he's showed is he's hugely talented and as his mins per goal exceeds them both I can make the assumption.
Rashford is shite. He'll go out on loan and won't come back.

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No he won't mate. he's more than half decent to be fair. Fast, direct, knows where the goal is and he can finish.
if you don't believe me then have a word with Demichellis and see what he thinks.
Yep the rags got lucky due to the circumstances they 'discovered' him but that doesn't mean he isn't due any credit.
As others on here have pointed out the main difference is that Rashford has been given the minutes on the pitch
and kelchi hasn't. Only one man to blame for that when he persisted with Bony game in and game out for months on end.
You reap what you sow.
Comparison is tough to make at this stage because Rashford is playing from the start (but in a shit team that doesn't create much) and Nacho is generally coming on for a couple of minutes at the end in games we have already won and most of the team are waiting for the final whistle. From the small glimpses of Nacho we have had in situations where the game is still live he has looked very impressive and full of potential. Also on Rashford, I think I read somewhere recently that he has a crazy high chance conversion ratio, something like 50% while Kun is at about 20% which to me suggests he is going through a very purple patch and won't be able to maintain this kind of goal scoring rate for long (those figures are probably not accurate and I can't be arsed looking for the article but you get the point)

Edit: looked that up and Rashford is 50%, Messi is 17%
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Rashford looks decent. But, i do think they'll spend heavy in the Summer, and he'll be reduced to the bench or a loan out....
Depends. Martial has been used predominantly as a winger this season and Rooney will be moved back into CAM.
Depends. Martial has been used predominantly as a winger this season and Rooney will be moved back into CAM.

True, but if they have Martial & Rooney on the pitch, they'll only have 1 up top, and if they do, and i think they will, spend on a striker, Rashford will be behind him in the pecking order.

Can't see him getting the game time next season at all....
True, but if they have Martial & Rooney on the pitch, they'll only have 1 up top, and if they do, and i think they will, spend on a striker, Rashford will be behind him in the pecking order.

Can't see him getting the game time next season at all....

If the turtle selects Wooney over him, then he is playing into our (and every other clubs) hands.
I'm not saying Rashford is all hype(and I want to see good English players coming through in the prem) but I think some people are too easily wowed by pace. Kelechi has pace but he doesn't over rely on it, he has a better footballing brain IMO watch his movement off the ball, watch some of the passes he's already picked out in his brief appearances when he has dropped deep and it's easy to see he fits our system much better. Also with the minutes thing it's not fair to compare, 5mins is not enough to even settle in a game for most players and when it comes at the end of one that's already dead with players waiting for the final whistle it becomes even more unfair. I'd rather see him get 20-30 mins in one match than have that spread out over many games because there's actually a chance for him to get a foothold in the game then and really show us what he can do. Kelechi has been coming on in games where Pellers feels it's safe to(not saying that's wrong but it is different), Rashford has played plenty of minutes in games with everything to play for i.e more reliance placed upon him. The more Kelechi watches Aguero's movement and tries to emulate that the better chance he has at becoming a top striker, if that's where he wants to play(which I think he does) he came to us as a number 10 lets not forget.

Also it's perhaps a good thing he's not English in a way, I believe our culture has a negative impact on alot of players, the press will overhype them and build them up... players heads swell and they'll start acting like superstars going to clubs when they should be living the life of a dedicated athlete. Kelechi seems a good humble lad who is hungry for success and wont let things go to his head too much before he's really made it IMO.
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Will reserve judgement on both until they play week in week out for a season.

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