Kelvin Etuhu

smeeagain said:
its inconcievable that a chelsea or utd or liverpool player even would miss a chance like that
You're gonna be disappointed with Tevez and Adebayor then, as both of those have missed easier chances than that. It happens to all players; even Pele missed a few open goals in his time.

Are you new to this newfangled association football lark?
r.soleofsalford said:
1894 said:
I thought the Academy was there to bring players through the ranks, to the point of being grafted into the Carrington set-up ? To that end it serves its purpose, but a football club also operates like a production line, and all the players cannot possibly turn out for the club - there's just too many. Sad as it is, the time comes when the club has to wish them well and move them on. Statistically, many of our Academy players are released and go on to play for other clubs. As already said, if a player isn't in the manager's plans by age of 21/22, chances are he'll be moving on.

I'd be surprised if Kelvin stays with us much longer. Probably got a better chance of regular football elsewhere. The owner's blueprint does not allow time for pussy-footing around with players of this calibre. And of course, Kelvin himself will be aware that the new signings coming in are already household names.

i`ve been round long enough to know there is no sentiment in football but fuck off your shit isnt the sentence that should follow you out of the door[/quote]

And I'm sure our manager wouldn't speak to any player like that - I guess it includes far more agents these days as well. I worked with an ex-pro footballer and when it came to a parting of the ways, his manager (Jimmy Frizzell) called him into the office and put it like this : "I don't think this is working out..." There was no malice either side, but we're now in the internet/blog/twitter/mobileapp age and everyone gets a chance to have a say. It's been happening on the terraces since forever, only now fans have more opportunity for expressing themselves. There's a way of saying 'farewell' to a player and I'm sure Mark Hughes is very good at it.
The lad was absolutely bollcoksed and didn't have anything left in hm by the time he came to shoot, not his fault but Hughes should have taken him off. Etuhu did well to lay the goal on for Ireland, but I doubt he's gonna make it here and it would be better to move him on this summer I think
BlueMooner87 said:
irony at it's finest


"It's" is a contraction. It is short for "it is" (or occasionally for "it has"). It's not a way to ascribe a property to some "it". Yes, I know that this would make sense given that the general rule for forming a possessive is to tack on "'s": fool's errand, brewer's yeast, horse's ass. "It's" is an exception to this rule, and I honestly apologize on behalf of the infuriating English language. I didn't invent this stupid rule, but it's hardwired into my brain like gender of nouns to French speakers.


It's a small world, after all. It's a small world, after all. It's a small world, after all. It's a small world, after all.
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, that's what it's all about.
Well, it's been a long, been a long, been a long, been a long day.

"Its" is a possessive pronoun. Its interpretation is something like "that which belongs to it", where "it" stands for some previously defined object. In the previous sentence, the object being referred to is the word "its", and the thing that belongs to it is its interpretation.


He left it dead, and with its head he went galumphing back
Love rears its ugly head.

Using them correctly
With practice, it's easy to tell these two devilish words apart. To help you keep them separate, here are some handy tips:

* Try replacing your "it's" with "it is" in the sentence. If the sentence becomes obviously wrong, you probably meant to use "its". If it sounds okay, "it's" can stay.

Example: "Nothing can take it's place" can't be right, because "Nothing can take it is place" is nonsense. You probably mean "Nothing can take its place".
Example: "It's not easy being green". Well, "It is not easy" is right, so the original sentence is okay.

* Try replacing your "its" with "his" in the sentence. If it comes out sounding right, "its" can stay.

Example: "That's just its way of making friends" must be okay, because "That's just his way of making friends" is grammatical.

In general, "its" as a possessive is like "his". You wouldn't write "hi's", would you? Well, maybe you would if you were talking about something belonging to Hiram...

* Look at the word that follows "its" or "it's". A noun means that you want "its". An adjective probably indicates "it's". This isn't always true, but it's a half-decent rule of thumb.

Example: "The cat licks its tongue into the corners of the evening". "Tongue" is a noun. I probably don't mean "it is tongue", so I'll stick with "its".

Too much time on your hands.......
gazzaa2 said:
TFC said:
He's already the new boo boy judging by the match thread. Fucking unbelievable.

Ignore them mate. They aren't fans; just moaning tossers.

I wish they'd fuck off to be honest.

i'm with you there. So called 'supporters' slagging off players in a pre-season friendly are an embarassment to us and the club.

The world is watching and the biggest City fans site is full of posts from obvious football genius' who only wanna concentrate on the negatives. Fuck em all.
Dobsy87 said:
Unfortunately his touch just isn't there, but giving him abuse is way out of order.

Talk about over exagerating... giving him abuse?

The fact of the matter is that kelvin, although a young lad and tries hard is not up to the grade... a season long loan is probably best for him.
Dubai Blue said:
smeeagain said:
its inconcievable that a chelsea or utd or liverpool player even would miss a chance like that [/quote]
You're gonna be disappointed with Tevez and Adebayor then, as both of those have missed easier chances than that. It happens to all players; even Pele missed a few open goals in his time.

Are you new to this newfangled association football lark?

what fuckin planet are you from.
based on his performance, hes no where near the first team.

but i wonder why on earth MH does not try to give the first team, much needed experience of playing together!

how on earth will we be 100 per cent prepered to Blakcburn now with only four games left??
LCBblue said:
The OP obviously missed his open goal last night.
Using that logic, most people off here obviously missed Carlos Tevez's open goal howler against City a couple of years back, as everyone seems to think the sun shines out of his arse.

As I said previously, it happens. There may be valid reasons why Etuhu won't make the grade, but missing an open goal in a pre-season friendly certainly isn't one of them.

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