Kelvin Etuhu

TFC said:
He's already the new boo boy judging by the match thread. Fucking unbelievable.

Ignore them mate. They aren't fans; just moaning tossers.

I wish they'd fuck off to be honest.
I think with the right coaching he could be a good right winger for the club. Hes big strong and quick put a nice cross into the box for Irelands goal. I hope if he isn't in the plans this season send him out on loan to get him games thats all he needs. Confidence works wonders for players all you have to do is look at SWP he lost his confidence with Chelsea came back to City with the fans behind him he did wonders for a few months. Tailed away during the end of the season when he was moved about.
Pezzer2 said:
I cant believe what i'm reading tonight. Some our fans just need a scapegoat. It was a decent run out tonight and i thought Etuhu had a half decent game and he set our goal up. I hope people are not judging him for his miss
of course they are they can't help themselves
The Invisible_Man said:
I didn't see tonights game so I couldn't comment on that, but when I've seen him in the past he's done nothing to show he's good enough. I'd love him to prove me wrong mind, but I expect him to end up at a Championship/bottom half Prem team.
I concur!
BlueMooner87 said:
Project Rain said:
And so it begins. The season hasn't even started and there's thickos righting off kids.
irony at it's finest


"It's" is a contraction. It is short for "it is" (or occasionally for "it has"). It's not a way to ascribe a property to some "it". Yes, I know that this would make sense given that the general rule for forming a possessive is to tack on "'s": fool's errand, brewer's yeast, horse's ass. "It's" is an exception to this rule, and I honestly apologize on behalf of the infuriating English language. I didn't invent this stupid rule, but it's hardwired into my brain like gender of nouns to French speakers.


It's a small world, after all. It's a small world, after all. It's a small world, after all. It's a small world, after all.
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, that's what it's all about.
Well, it's been a long, been a long, been a long, been a long day.

"Its" is a possessive pronoun. Its interpretation is something like "that which belongs to it", where "it" stands for some previously defined object. In the previous sentence, the object being referred to is the word "its", and the thing that belongs to it is its interpretation.


He left it dead, and with its head he went galumphing back
Love rears its ugly head.

Using them correctly
With practice, it's easy to tell these two devilish words apart. To help you keep them separate, here are some handy tips:

* Try replacing your "it's" with "it is" in the sentence. If the sentence becomes obviously wrong, you probably meant to use "its". If it sounds okay, "it's" can stay.

Example: "Nothing can take it's place" can't be right, because "Nothing can take it is place" is nonsense. You probably mean "Nothing can take its place".
Example: "It's not easy being green". Well, "It is not easy" is right, so the original sentence is okay.

* Try replacing your "its" with "his" in the sentence. If it comes out sounding right, "its" can stay.

Example: "That's just its way of making friends" must be okay, because "That's just his way of making friends" is grammatical.

In general, "its" as a possessive is like "his". You wouldn't write "hi's", would you? Well, maybe you would if you were talking about something belonging to Hiram...

* Look at the word that follows "its" or "it's". A noun means that you want "its". An adjective probably indicates "it's". This isn't always true, but it's a half-decent rule of thumb.

Example: "The cat licks its tongue into the corners of the evening". "Tongue" is a noun. I probably don't mean "it is tongue", so I'll stick with "its".

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