Kevin De Bruyne 2016/17

Your right. I didn,t understand your post, and still dont.
Theissue was the belguim teams doctor saying the team were mentally and physically drained.
For some reason you implied he was not telling the truth because he and his colleagues run on with a magic sponge to treat broken legs.and that lots of players feign injuries.
Bizzare logic really .Your post was ridiculous in that for some reason you suggested the belguim team doctor was lying.or making excuses for the teams exit.Why would he do that? Is his job on the line because belguim went out to Wales? i very much doubt it.I imagine kdb was one of the players who wasn,t in tip-top condition due to his own injury problems the previous season and his adjustment to the particular physical stlye of the premier league. I only mentioned Kompany as he of course was missing from the belguim team after breaking down through injuries during the previous season. Who were you accusing of feignng injury when the discussion was about the belguims team doctors comments? is it any wonder i became confused when you claimed you were "sick to the core of players being "fakers".This is the kdb thread after all.

You then go on to make comments about pampered footballers who cant play more than one game. I made the point that the modern day player hardly gets a break -the global pre season games which start this week,leading to the premier league start in 4 weeks,the league,league cup fa cup champions league and international matches mean that many are suspectible to injuries and wear and tear.this then reduces the quality of the football we see..i likened that to the generally accepted view that the euros were poor in quality, full of teams playing a cagey,cautious style,whic h, i believe is to cover for the exhausted players who are fucked from the season before.

Its all about opinions i suppose, and i note that Louise Taylor in the todays Guardian makes exactly the same point i am making...Premeir league clubs embark on globe -trotting pre season tours, but at what cost? She mentions BFS complaining about westhams exhausting pre seaon trip to New Zealand two summers ago, Dick Advocaats moaning about Sunderland playing 3 games in 8 days in north america and canada,..she could also have mentioned LVG at utd a couple of years ago moaning about the global travel before the premiership starts. I agree with all the dont and think the players are lazy,feign injury and the belguim club doctor is lying.
Each to their own ...

For the final time I didn't say I was sick to the core, the physios must be sick to the core running onto the pitch to treat the fakers, they must cringe inside when a player is rolling around clutching his leg, face or whatever and they damned fine well know he was barely touched (this has nothing to do with genuine injuries) fuck me man it wasn't that hard to understand.

Yes people do make excuses for failure sorry if you have never seen or heard that happen, I would be shocked if you hadn't though.

You only mentioned Kompany for what ever reason but you didn't just mention him, you invented an entire sentence that suggested I had called him a faker, now that is just bizarre.

Again I will say it the pampered fuckers can't play 2 games a week, or bless them, what you seem to fail to understand is I think they should be able to play 2 games a week, they are fit as fit can be, yes they get a kick every now and then if they are injured they don't play, they shouldn't play if injured.

But I fail to see how a young man in his prime can not cope with training and 2 games a week if fit, not sure how us average men manage a day, a week, a month or a year at work and still manage to fit training in and play two games on a weekend, maybe I was just stupid eh ?

I agree with you about needless friendlies on the other side of the world but that is now modern day football and all those lovely countries and their sponsors pay for our players to have wages that high, they can not have it all.
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For the final time I didn't say I was sick to the core, the physios must be sick to the core running onto the pitch to treat the fakers, they must cringe inside when a player is rolling around clutching his leg, face or whatever and they damned fine well know he was barely touched (this has nothing to do with genuine injuries) fuck me man it wasn't that hard to understand.

Yes people do make excuses for failure sorry if you have never seen or heard that happen, I would be shocked if you hadn't though.

You only mentioned Kompany for what ever reason but you didn't just mention him, you invented an entire sentence that suggested I had called him a faker, now that is just bizarre.

Again I will say it the pampered fuckers can't play 2 games a week, or bless them, what you seem to fail to understand is I think they should be able to play 2 games a week, they are fit as fit can be, yes they get a kick every now and then if they are injured they don't play, they shouldn't play if injured.

But I fail to see how a young man in his prime can not cope with training and 2 games a week if fit, not sure how us average men manage a day, a week, a month or a year at work and still manage to fit training in and play two games on a weekend, maybe I was just stupid eh ?

I agree with you about needless friendlies on the other side of the world but that is now modern day football and all those lovely countries and their sponsors pay for our players to have wages that high, they can not have it all.
Playing two or even three games a week is now the norm,for the top clubs, i accept that.
And you,like me,in your prime played football several times a week. i doubt the game that we played was at anything like the speed the top players do now... and that we didn,t play under the pressure they do.we also got a break,i imagine every summer? yes five a side continues all year round,i still play...but the wear and tear on top modern players playing at a high level,all year round is, in my view, and those of others, having a serious effect on the quality of the players performance.You think players should be able to cope..maybe they should...but when i look at the flair players who didn,t perform out in France..players like our own David Silva, one of the finest midfield players of his generation and he didnt look anything like the player we know he can be.
Is that down to him being dis interested, pampered,lazy..or maybe the spanish coach wasn,t up to scratch in getting the best out of our David.
i think its because he was fucked.
Very few flair players lit up the games out there. why is that? Maybe you dont care about that point, but you might do if you were paying to see top players perform.
You also brought Tennis into the debate,unsure why?... playing on a sat and sun morning during the summer inhot weather leaves me feeling nowhere near as drained as even one football match with the aches and pains and injuries i used to pick up...and still do/ i didnt understand why you picked Tennis players as an n example of other sportsmen who dont moan.Tennis is an entirely diff game as you know with rests after every three games/15 mins and a chance to take a breather and a drink. the top players benefit from this and run nowhere near as much as footballers i imagine.

To be fair to you there is difference with have the runners who can run all day and put a shift in.Its the flair players whose quality i miss..and if kdb had got to the final with belguim,d be worried about him missing a fair chunk of pre season,or worst, being carted out in meaningless friendlies at the birds nest in china,days after finishing a gruelling tournament.
yes they are highly paid, and i understand the get- on- with- it mentality,but for my season ticket next season i want to see kdb and silva and kompany all fit and ready to go.not burnt out.i,d want my money back!!

if i misunterstood your point about the belguim team doctor/physios in general then i hold my hands was confusing how you set it out tho.or i,m just thick,lol
Anyway, enjoy the season!
Kev created more chances than anyone else at the Euro's,he is very deceptive and can appear to not be playing well when he is doing ok.The games he played in the middle he was great,the ones on the wing he didn't play as well

I looked it up, looks like Payet has the most created chances in the tournament: 24, KDB created 23 chances (and played 2 games less!).
So i don't understand why some people keep saying he had a bad tournament.

The biggest failes of our euros were Lukaku and fucking Wilmots. The amount of chances Lukaku ruined is absolutely insane, he was absolutely horrible. And the worst part isn't that his finishing was bad, it's that he almost always in a horrible position to begin with. KDB would fizz in a dangerous cross between the defenders and the keeper and nobody would be there, except Lukaku who would be complaining that he didn't recieve the ball while standing still between 3 defenders, ffs.
Our game vs Hunary said it all: 1 goals in 77 minutes with Lukaku on the field. We got that goal because Lukaku missed the ball entirely (and Alderweireld headed it in). Bats on for Lukaku and 3 more goals in 15mins.

Second part: Wilmots. For FOUR years now KDB has been our most important player. He's tried putting KDB on the wings a few time (to give Hazard a bit more space), but that was a disaster every single game he's tried it. So what does this idiot do? He puts KDB on the wing with fellaini as our playmaker against Italy. WTF? Predictable result ofcourse. Although Wilmots just blamed it on the players.
Anyone with a little knowledge of football was furious at Wilmots and he wisely reverts back to our standard team with KDB in the middle.
1-1 vs Wales at HT, what does our tactical genius do? He puts fellaini in the middle again with KDB on the wings AGAIN. Obviously we lose. I'm still fucking furious about this, an entire tournament ruined because our idiot coach can't even do the most basic tactics.

Sorry about the long rant, but my point was: KDB still created an insane amount of chances and got 4 assists despite all of this. A decent forward and he's have a lot more assists (and probably a few goals). But alas...
I looked it up, looks like Payet has the most created chances in the tournament: 24, KDB created 23 chances (and played 2 games less!).
So i don't understand why some people keep saying he had a bad tournament.

The biggest failes of our euros were Lukaku and fucking Wilmots. The amount of chances Lukaku ruined is absolutely insane, he was absolutely horrible. And the worst part isn't that his finishing was bad, it's that he almost always in a horrible position to begin with. KDB would fizz in a dangerous cross between the defenders and the keeper and nobody would be there, except Lukaku who would be complaining that he didn't recieve the ball while standing still between 3 defenders, ffs.
Our game vs Hunary said it all: 1 goals in 77 minutes with Lukaku on the field. We got that goal because Lukaku missed the ball entirely (and Alderweireld headed it in). Bats on for Lukaku and 3 more goals in 15mins.

Second part: Wilmots. For FOUR years now KDB has been our most important player. He's tried putting KDB on the wings a few time (to give Hazard a bit more space), but that was a disaster every single game he's tried it. So what does this idiot do? He puts KDB on the wing with fellaini as our playmaker against Italy. WTF? Predictable result ofcourse. Although Wilmots just blamed it on the players.
Anyone with a little knowledge of football was furious at Wilmots and he wisely reverts back to our standard team with KDB in the middle.
1-1 vs Wales at HT, what does our tactical genius do? He puts fellaini in the middle again with KDB on the wings AGAIN. Obviously we lose. I'm still fucking furious about this, an entire tournament ruined because our idiot coach can't even do the most basic tactics.

Sorry about the long rant, but my point was: KDB still created an insane amount of chances and got 4 assists despite all of this. A decent forward and he's have a lot more assists (and probably a few goals). But alas...
It's ok to rant,i don't pretend to know much about the tactics of football but even i scratched my head at bogbrush in the midde and kev on the wings,it seemed so obviously wrong,with a better coach i think you could have done much better than you did although you have to account for not having vinny to lead you

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