Khaldoon Interview on OS

ballinio said:
PrestwichPeteMcfc said:
He says all the right things, and he seems to be doing a good job, but it's easy when you know and pick the questions on an official site.

I'd like to see a proper journalist press him, just so we can get more interesting responses than the vague all pleasing comments.

I would like to see him quizzed on last summers transfer policy and what lessons have been learnt. On what steps (other than building a new training ground) we're taking to ensure homegrown players are fed into the starting 11, especially considering he's said developing youth is important in each of his last 3 interviews and we're not seeing the fruit of it in the first team.
And where would we find this impartial proper journalist you speak of , any names ?
Ian Ladyman
bluemurray said:
I watched the interview on the OS. The people on here - the Lord only knows why they bother to call themselves City fans - who are moaning and begrudging need to give their heads a good wobble. I cannot belief there are still people out there who doubt the sincerity and determination of the owners. These people have pumped some serious dosh into our club. I suspect - once the stadium is extended, new players bought and the Academy up and running a sum somewhere close to the billion-pound mark will have been invested or earmarked for future development.

Good Lord, I can remember every close season for eons listening to Swales rambling on about us having to "cut our cloth accordingly" while putting out spurious nonsense about us making "major signings" only to have the MEUN reporting our ever increasingly desperate chase of Paul Stewart or whoever and we'd end up with Adolphus Grunfuckwit from FC Nowhere while the North Stand might get a lick of paint... or not.

I still have to pinch myself when I consider the progress we have made in less than 5-years. Incredible. But somewhat less incredible than some of the moaning, whining, brain-dead morons who post on here actually comparing the chairman to Tony Blair?? Or making bold statements like "I'll believe it when I see it"!!??? WHAT?? Hello!!!! Open your fu*king eyes.. smell the coffee!!! Like "WAKE UP!!"

If the current owners up sticks and left at 6am tomorrow morning they will still have done more for the great entity that is Manchester City FC than any other collective group or individual in the last 100-odd years!

Cheers Khaldoon and if you can ever be arsed to actually read some of this tripe, please try to remember that the moaners and doubters represent a very small minority of us!
You don't belong here on Bluemoan

Great post
bluemurray said:
I watched the interview on the OS. The people on here - the Lord only knows why they bother to call themselves City fans - who are moaning and begrudging need to give their heads a good wobble. I cannot belief there are still people out there who doubt the sincerity and determination of the owners. These people have pumped some serious dosh into our club. I suspect - once the stadium is extended, new players bought and the Academy up and running a sum somewhere close to the billion-pound mark will have been invested or earmarked for future development.

Good Lord, I can remember every close season for eons listening to Swales rambling on about us having to "cut our cloth accordingly" while putting out spurious nonsense about us making "major signings" only to have the MEUN reporting our ever increasingly desperate chase of Paul Stewart or whoever and we'd end up with Adolphus Grunfuckwit from FC Nowhere while the North Stand might get a lick of paint... or not.

I still have to pinch myself when I consider the progress we have made in less than 5-years. Incredible. But somewhat less incredible than some of the moaning, whining, brain-dead morons who post on here actually comparing the chairman to Tony Blair?? Or making bold statements like "I'll believe it when I see it"!!??? WHAT?? Hello!!!! Open your fu*king eyes.. smell the coffee!!! Like "WAKE UP!!"

If the current owners up sticks and left at 6am tomorrow morning they will still have done more for the great entity that is Manchester City FC than any other collective group or individual in the last 100-odd years!

Cheers Khaldoon and if you can ever be arsed to actually read some of this tripe, please try to remember that the moaners and doubters represent a very small minority of us!
totally agree with you regarding what they have done for city financially, and i like what khaldoon does, but that was a politicians interview. i would like an open interview without staged questions and with an interviewer without bias. other clubs fans looking at that interview will be sceptical and jealous in equal measure. an open forum would be much more interesting.
SheeshKebab said:
ballinio said:
PrestwichPeteMcfc said:
He says all the right things, and he seems to be doing a good job, but it's easy when you know and pick the questions on an official site.

I'd like to see a proper journalist press him, just so we can get more interesting responses than the vague all pleasing comments.

I would like to see him quizzed on last summers transfer policy and what lessons have been learnt. On what steps (other than building a new training ground) we're taking to ensure homegrown players are fed into the starting 11, especially considering he's said developing youth is important in each of his last 3 interviews and we're not seeing the fruit of it in the first team.
And where would we find this impartial proper journalist you speak of , any names ?
Ian Ladyman
the treatment these press vermin give our club & you want to see ian ladyman grill our chairman ? He answers to the Sheik & the fans , he doesn`t owe the press not one word.
ballinio said:
SheeshKebab said:
ballinio said:
And where would we find this impartial proper journalist you speak of , any names ?
Ian Ladyman
the treatment these press vermin give our club & you want to see ian ladyman grill our chairman ? He answers to the Sheik & the fans , he doesn`t owe the press not one word.
It was sarcasm matey hahaha
ballinio said:
PrestwichPeteMcfc said:
He says all the right things, and he seems to be doing a good job, but it's easy when you know and pick the questions on an official site.

I'd like to see a proper journalist press him, just so we can get more interesting responses than the vague all pleasing comments.

I would like to see him quizzed on last summers transfer policy and what lessons have been learnt. On what steps (other than building a new training ground) we're taking to ensure homegrown players are fed into the starting 11, especially considering he's said developing youth is important in each of his last 3 interviews and we're not seeing the fruit of it in the first team.
And where would we find this impartial proper journalist you speak of , any names ?

Chris Bailey could have perhaps asked more pressing questions. Although I'm aware is more of a publicity/propaganda platform.
SheeshKebab said:
ballinio said:
SheeshKebab said:
Ian Ladyman
the treatment these press vermin give our club & you want to see ian ladyman grill our chairman ? He answers to the Sheik & the fans , he doesn`t owe the press not one word.
It was sarcasm matey hahaha
sometimes hard to get on here, place is full of moaners & whingers...but have a look there are people who are serious about this.
Worst Case Ontario said:
His interviews calm me down


He says what they believe needs to be said to please the masses.

Just do it.<br /><br />-- Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:20 am --<br /><br />
kinkladze96 said:
tbh it reminded me of a tony blair interview, smarmy. tell the people what they want to hear.

Yep, that is all it was mate.

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