Khaldoons End of Season Interview

When isn’t winning a treble enough?
What was you Christmas list like as a child? Were you disappointed every year? If so did you ever think you might be being unreasonable?
We’ve just won a historic treble & got 2 monkeys off our back; 3 premiership in a row and a first champions league and as cherry on top beat the old enemy in the final of the FA cup.
Perhaps the chairman’s end of season review is exactly that, a review of what happened not what may happen in the future.
Utopia does not exist it’s only a perfect world to aim for and how do we not know they are working on improving the “ fan experience “
Seems a little churlish to piss on the parade but that’s just my view but seems you’ve foisted yours on this forum I felt the need to record mine!
We don’t need utopia, we just want the club to care about us as a set of fans.

Not a single word from the club 9 days on from Istanbul where our fans were treated so poorly that it’s fortunate nobody died.

That is far far more important than any pots and pans we might win.
I don't disagree with a lot of that. I do know though that the club made a number of visits to Istanbul to view the facilities, and knew there would be issues but trusted UEFA to get them right.

I'd expect them to come out publicly and say something like "We regret that there were significant problems for many of you in Istanbul. We worked with UEFA prior to the game and it was clear to us there were risks. We will be talking to UEFA and feeding back all the issues raised. Our fans, having made the effort and spent a lot of money to attend the CL Final deserve better. We expect a suitable response from UEFA and will not accept silence". I don't think that's asking a lot. At least it gives the impression they care.

I got my new white trainers really scuffed having had to walk the last km to the ground. As a minimum i want a new pair.

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