Khaldoon's End of Season Review | Pt 1 (p26) | Pt 2 (p40)

Have you complained about inflation by chance? Don’t think the club, which employs people and buys lots of “stuff,” Including players and their contracts, not to mention is building a high quality stadium into a world class venue, MIGHT be experiencing it, too?

Or, do you think Mansour is pocketing your hard earned cash and laughing from his gold throne?

Come on, man, get real!

City made £80m profit last year.

The TOTAL match day revenue from every game in every competition, not just ticket sales but boxes and Tunnel Clubs and concourses and everything was £83m.

City could let every fan in yhe ground in for free and still be profitable. So yes, the rises are a choice and not a necessity. It would have been okay if they made £78m instead.
My one gripe is this strange belief that the media will ultimately be silenced once the 115 verdict is announced and City are judged on "facts" rather than chip shop anecdotes.

The media are preparing their headlines and angles for every eventuality, and despite Tolmie's best efforts to make us think otherwise, the club have done (and will continue to do) nothing to prevent this continuous drip-drip of slanderous negativity.

We might be the best team, and the slickest organisation, but by no means are we the most powerful club
If you bothered to watch for twenty minutes, this was just part one of the interview. You seem to be bitter about stuff and therefore not (in my view) a real fan. If you are upset about supporting the best team in the World, try Stockport or Bolton

You can't be a fan and have issues, haha fuckin hell pmsl.
Ungrateful comes to mind, we are incredibly lucky to have this guy as our figurehead, in many ways without him none of this happens and for sure a certain Mr Guardiola would no longer be here.

This guy is the real deal.

I said to him in the pub last night come on fella you must have enough to retire now. I do he replied but I carry on for that Keeper fella sniff! He deserves any success we can give him. In fact I do it for all the fans. And when I retire, to Beswick, I hope the next guy feels the same.
City made £80m profit last year.

The TOTAL match day revenue from every game in every competition, not just ticket sales but boxes and Tunnel Clubs and concourses and everything was £83m.

City could let every fan in yhe ground in for free and still be profitable. So yes, the rises are a choice and not a necessity. It would have been okay if they made £78m instead.
If they'd have let every fan in the ground for free, they'd have made a £3m loss, by your numbers.

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