Khaldoon's End of Season Review | Pt 1 (p26) | Pt 2 (p40)

£25 for a membership that doesn't even allow access to buy tickets..
£35 for a membership to have the chance to buy £63 tickets v Burnley. Probably more next season.
Last year the cheap cup and early CL games disappeared too.

Co-op live is £80/90 a pop and seats in the gods not cheap either.

The two have been timed immaculately..

Next will be the club opening the new stand and hotel..£300 a night knowing no bastard can get a tram home
City made £80m profit last year.

The TOTAL match day revenue from every game in every competition, not just ticket sales but boxes and Tunnel Clubs and concourses and everything was £83m.

City could let every fan in yhe ground in for free and still be profitable. So yes, the rises are a choice and not a necessity. It would have been okay if they made £78m instead.
And they could probably recoup £1m of that back if they charged more for food and drink while still letting everyone in for free. I wouldn't mind paying £5 for a bottle of Sprite and £10 for a pie if my season ticket cost nothing.
£25 for a membership that doesn't even allow access to buy tickets..
£35 for a membership to have the chance to buy £63 tickets v Burnley. Probably more next season.
Last year the cheap cup and early CL games disappeared too.

Co-op live is £80/90 a pop and seats in the gods not cheap either.

The two have been timed immaculately..

Next will be the club opening the new stand and hotel..£300 a night knowing no bastard can get a tram home
What's the price of CO-OP Live tickets got to do with anything?

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