Kinky at Sunday's Game

Jack74 said:
cheddar404 said:
Jack74 said:
Ha ha and u must b no older than 30

I'm 35 and it's silva by a mile

Why cause he can't beat a man take a decent corner or free kick and as scored 5 league goals out of 96 this season

Granted them 5 yard balls are a sight 2 behold

Someone's got a man crush. I think you're letting your love affect your judgement, Silva by a country mile.
Jack74 said:
jimharri said:
IanBishopsHaircut said:
Why does YouTube not work?

Works fine for me!

Try removing the ''&feature=youtu,be'' off the end of the URL.

Silva could not do any of this , if Silva could beat just 2 men was I would stand up and actually applaud him

Silva never goes missing. Kinkladze had genuine world class talent but I remember him going into hiding for half a dozen matches at a time. I've seen silva beat men too; it's not what his game is about but he can do it. I loved kinky at the time but he wasn't half the player silva is.
I loved watching Kinky like everyone , but recon Bernarbia was a better player ..
And Silva is better than both of them ..
Look forward to seeing Kinky on Sunday though.
I've been a city fan all my life, my first season ticket cost £4 junior in the Kippax (1973/74), I've seen them all come and go. But who is the best between Georgio Kinkladze and David Silva is an impossible decision because when kinky played he didn't have the quality players around him as Silva has. I remember when Kinky had the ball he would be pointing to his team mates where he wanted them to run. His team mates were not on the same level as he was. Silva doesn't have that problem because his team mates have talent in abundance. It would be interesting to have put Kinky in our present team. Lets not forget just how lucky we were to keep kinky for so long and how much of a sacrifice he made for us! and what about Ali Bernarbia?
A wonderful, wonderful player. Looking forward to seeing him again.
Comparing like with like Eyal Berkovic was a much more effective player and had a better career. We got him cheap and he left under a cloud but the club moved forward during his time with us.
Comparing Gio with Merlin is a little unfair as they are totally different types of players and he was here in totally different times.
Individual dribbling skill and going past players Kinky was incredible and that type of player is a rare gem indeed. Nearest comparison today would be Hazard and I think Gio was better than Eden is currently imho. Lots people were dying for us to get Hazard when he was available.
Loved him when he was at City and as I was a fair player when I was younger and he could do things with a football I could only dream of. Very introverted young man as well, met him and got his autograph at a Boxing do at the Piccadilly Hotel (as was then) he was there with young Buzzer. Still got the boxing programme as well with his autograph.
I hope the crowd give him a great reception
The M M M Messiah t t to ...sniffle... r r return...sniffle sniffle.... h h h home.?

bawls and cries uncontrollably...
gedmc1960 said:
I've been a city fan all my life, my first season ticket cost £4 junior in the Kippax (1973/74), I've seen them all come and go. But who is the best between Georgio Kinkladze and David Silva is an impossible decision because when kinky played he didn't have the quality players around him as Silva has. I remember when Kinky had the ball he would be pointing to his team mates where he wanted them to run. His team mates were not on the same level as he was. Silva doesn't have that problem because his team mates have talent in abundance. It would be interesting to have put Kinky in our present team. Lets not forget just how lucky we were to keep kinky for so long and how much of a sacrifice he made for us! and what about Ali Bernarbia?

Hear, Hear!!!!

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