Kodi (Bluemoon Build)

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Pretty much what TCIB said, the whole Kodi add-on 'scene' is under severe scrutiny right now and I'm really not sure how safe it is to host this build anymore matey :(

I wish we could go back to the days when all anti piracy groups were incompetent numptys :(

As you say the scene will always find a way to keep going but things like what CD were great in that there was a huge community and allowed piracy to thrive, the scene is obviously (for damn good reason) alot more exclusive in its nature but the more public piracy scene is coming under heavy fire and I'm not sure it can continue to survive :(

It is not going to survive you are right, in 4 years with no huge new cool thing (complete new protocol is probably needed) it will die. That is going of current ratio of sites coming up to sites being shut down, in my opinion.
It is not going to survive you are right, in 4 years with no huge new cool thing (complete new protocol is probably needed) it will die. That is going of current ratio of sites coming up to sites being shut down, in my opinion.
Do you think there is anything that can be done to stop the downward spiral mate? :)
Hopefully when Jesus gets here (the walking on water one not the young Brazilian whipper snapper) he likes watching shit for free. One in the eye for these antichristpiracy wankers ruining our watching shit for free revolution.
Don't think the Bible says anything about piracy Mach so there is hope ;)
Are you still going to use kodi or do you see it as a unnecessary risk ?

It depends on the service used. For example i use https streams but will simply switch to rtsp protocol to serve my users. The connection is initially made via ftp also so there is no http/s logging to be logged :-). That is to say i do not hit a recognized pirate http site first in which my stream is appropriated. As far as the new law is concerned no traffic has passed and nothing to log. Not trying to plug my service there it is just a good illustration of a kodi based service unaffected or to be more accurate 'adapted'.

Do you think there is anything that can be done to stop the downward spiral mate? :)
The ball is now in the court of content owners to provide a platform that satiates the needs of users across the globe. If one is not forth coming in a timely fashion there will be a bit of a development push for a p2p method. Herein lies the rub, the contractual issues about showing stuff where and when is a complete mess, that is not a bm style generalization, it is a mess that nobody can untangle (content owners v media departments of governments). It needs a huge hammer blow to it all and everything to be restarted.
It depends on the service used. For example i use https streams but will simply switch to rtsp protocol to serve my users. The connection is initially made via ftp also so there is no http/s logging to be logged :-). That is to say i do not hit a recognized pirate http site first in which my stream is appropriated. As far as the new law is concerned no traffic has passed and nothing to log. Not trying to plug my service there it is just a good illustration of a kodi based service unaffected or to be more accurate 'adapted'.

The ball is now in the court of content owners to provide a platform that satiates the needs of users across the globe. If one is not forth coming in a timely fashion there will be a bit of a development push for a p2p method. Herein lies the rub, the contractual issues about showing stuff where and when is a complete mess, that is not a bm style generalization, it is a mess that nobody can untangle (content owners v media departments of governments). It needs a huge hammer blow to it all and everything to be restarted.
Not sure I can't see that happening, we're doomed I reckon :(
Hopefully when Jesus gets here (the walking on water one not the young Brazilian whipper snapper) he likes watching shit for free. One in the eye for these antichristpiracy wankers ruining our watching shit for free revolution.

I will give him a free account to corrupt his heart, then off to Amsterdam for a week for the fella :-D
Yes bud but I will be pretty much using a VPN at all times nowadays

Just my personal choice though mate :)

So there seems to be a gap in the market for routers that can be easily loaded with a vpn, in fact perhaps pre loaded ?
I use a small android box which may have the possibility to load a vpn, is that feasible ?
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