Kolarov - south stand

Neil McNab said:
Why the fuck is this wanker still at the club never mind playing.
Did you say "look at that wanker, he can fuck off with his free kick goals and shit, he's still shit at defending" when he scored his free kicks. Silva has been equally shit going forwards at times but defenders get more shit, the thing is bad finishing has cost us more goals this season than bad defending.
Which is down to starting Clichy and not that shower
SalfordCityBlue said:
Blue Maverick said:
My take on it I stand in 118, Kolarov constantly backed off his man enabling the Norwich player to get into the box before any attempt at a tackle it was a penalty waiting to happen, the general frustration of the crowd and the inept performance of our defence in particular led to supporters having a go basically get stuck in, time and again it happened with Kolarov backing off and he just snapped, don't exactly know what he said but from his reaction I doubt he'd say it to his mother. From then it became open season on him as I think the frustration of last week and indeed the season came forward with the booing, I don't condone it at all by I think it summed up how many felt and Kolarov just got the brunt.

Surely the fact that he defended the incident that kicked it all off perfectly well should have come into people's consideration at that point? Focussed on the ball, didn't fall for any trickery and blocked the attempted cross from a position just outside the box?

He didn't dive in or do anything that could be classed as a penalty waiting to happen either?

No wonder he responded as he was getting slaughtered for doing his job. Worked hard up and down today and put a few quality crosses in as well. No, he's not a world beater, but he by no means should be singled out today for a bad performance as there were far worse - he wasn't even the worst defender.

The only thing he did particularly wrong was dare to respond to the idiots who decided he was their target for the afternoon.

We all know that people in the stands are far better players and far better managers than the people doing it in the dugout and the pitch
Well done Kolarov for giving it back.

Sorry but no player is going to act up without having abuse thrown it him first and foremost.

We all know to what extent the abuse players get, I mean we were calling Holt a fat bastard for ages today.

Respect to Kolarov for giving it back.
I was sat in 119. Saw Kolarov say something towards the South Stand. Some of the natives got a bit upset at his reaction and gave him abuse back, which then developed into booing when he next touched the ball and chants of 'there's only one Gael Clichy'.

Arguments then started amongst City fans about whether it was OK to boo or not. Some guys at the back of the Colin Bell started singing Kolarov's name which started a bit of banter with the South Stand.

Personally, I've never rated Kolarov and if he leaves in pre-season, I'll be happy. However, I'd never boo any City player. I just think it's counter productive.
It's an absolute embarrassment, any one booing on of our own should be ashamed of themselves and not bother coming.
I think Kolarov is shit & hope he leaves the club, but I would never ever boo a City player during a game & found it embarrassing to hear some of our crowd booing him.
No offence to anyone but a player who looked half hearted at every driving run into the City box and often left Nasri or Lescott to pick up the pieces is worrying. Games won with Kolorov as a percentage must be pretty low. He was shouted at to get stuck in - and it was a clear fuck off in clear English. Sorry but I don't pay my hard earned to have an overpaid player belittle the class and shirt of City by telling a stand with youngsters in it, to impolitely go away. he deserved the heckles, jeers and boos, hes professional, fans are not. He should rise above it and turn the encouraging messages of get stuck in to actually getting stuck in. The defense as a whole today was slacker than slack and frustration boils over. mountains have been made from bigger and smaller molehills. South's stand is quiet, been getting quieter for 3-4 seasons now. Fans being out priced. I'm jacking it next season and I stand by loudest person in 118 by corner flag. Too expensive and sterile, sit down shurtup etc.
I didn't think it was his fault for the Moses parting of the Red Sea for their third.

If fans give shit they should be big enough to take it back - but a lot weren't today.
neoblue said:
Blue Maverick said:
My take on it I stand in 118, Kolarov constantly backed off his man enabling the Norwich player to get into the box before any attempt at a tackle it was a penalty waiting to happen, the general frustration of the crowd and the inept performance of our defence in particular led to supporters having a go basically get stuck in, time and again it happened with Kolarov backing off and he just snapped, don't exactly know what he said but from his reaction I doubt he'd say it to his mother. From then it became open season on him as I think the frustration of last week and indeed the season came forward with the booing, I don't condone it at all by I think it summed up how many felt and Kolarov just got the brunt. What I didn't agree with was the booing I heard at the end if the match at the final whistle, too many spoilt bastards these days and when I'm priced out of going eventually I expect they will be in the majority, sadly.
It's bollocks mate, I'd never boo a blue!

That's how I observed as well, will never ever boo a Blue shirt. respect from a South Stander.

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