
My biggest beef is he doesn't seem able to pass the ball to a colleague or do the basic stuff of defending right. If Pellegrini can sort that out why flog him at a loss unless we have someone better lined up.
Rammyblues said:
My biggest beef is he doesn't seem able to pass the ball to a colleague or do the basic stuff of defending right. If Pellegrini can sort that out why flog him at a loss unless we have someone better lined up.

If Pellegrini can sort this untalented waster out I will personally nominate him for sainthood. As you say yourself he is incapable of passing to a blue shirt (unless we are playing Everton away) and he simply can't defend - his positional sense is woeful Quite how and why we parted with 17m for him seriously needs period of reflection! to say the least. I suggest we get rid of him - even if we only get a bag of balls in return. Anyone who has scouted him (properly) as we should have done will not part with very much for him - so we need to get real and ship him out as a makeweight in a deal to get his ridiculously inflated salary off the books.
His current form is not anywhere near good enough for us or juve.

I remember when it actually was exciting to watch Kolarov's free kicks.

He does have it in him, but can he bring it back?
Sorry but I can't see Pellegrini doing much with Kolarov. Say what you want about Mancini but he is an outstanding defensive coach and improved nearly every defensive player at City. Kolarov was a very notable exception who hasn't improved at all. You'll get a great free kick or cross from him once every blue moon but they come in between the basic defensive errors and Row Z specials. If there are any takers at all I'd get rid of Kolarov but we have probably fooked ourselves by giving him such a big contract. There must be at least one Russian club owned by an oil baron that wants him?
LoveCity said:
Sorry but I can't see Pellegrini doing much with Kolarov. Say what you want about Mancini but he is an outstanding defensive coach and improved nearly every defensive player at City. Kolarov was a very notable exception who hasn't improved at all. You'll get a great free kick or cross from him once every blue moon but they come in between the basic defensive errors and Row Z specials. If there are any takers at all I'd get rid of Kolarov but we have probably fooked ourselves by giving him such a big contract. There must be at least one Russian club owned by an oil baron that wants him?

Hard to disagree with this.
Never mind passing to a blue....simply watching him with a ball at his feet hurts your eyes. Up there with Sinclair and Maicon as the most pointless player in the squad.
Unfortunately, I am going to have to disagree with almost every post on this topic. I believe that Aleks is a talented player who hasn't had enough time to prove him self. His free-kicks, his shot power and his shot accuracy are all beautiful. I believe that he should take the role of a left-sided midfielder or a winger at that. I believe, just like Maicon, he needs the chance to prove him self and hasn't been given the oppurtunity.
His free kicks, shot power and shot accuracy is beautiful?


I agree he is good at those things, shame his running, defensive ability, heading, tackling, passing and concentration isn't. But that's ok because his job isn't to be a defender.....oh wait.

Can't wait till he leaves, useless. Living off his reputation of scoring free kicks and being able to cross the ball. He isn't consistent at doing that.
Who ever decided that Kolarov is a left back wants his head testing - Any decent winger would relish taking him on :-)

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