Kun Aguero

n_mcfc said:
I've said it since the Bayern game at home which really highlighted it for me, not a single person in the British media understands just how good Aguero is. Not one.

They've all praised him for his goals and the way he's adapted but I'm absolutely certain that nobody within the media quite understands how good of a player he is.

The game today really showed what a world class striker can do. Wayne Rooney is not a world class striker. There is a difference. I can't quite comprehend how good he is. He's absolutely fantastic.

For me, he's the best striker in the league by far. Van Persie will receive deserved praise but he is not as complete as Kun. Picture him up front alone in that game today.

Haha what a load of rubbish. I understand you are rivals but how can you say Rooney is not world class. Even United fans on Red Cafe say Aguero is class.
Whilst i think Rooney is overrated, he is clearly world class and is in the tier below Iniesta and Xavi regarding the best players in the world alongside the likes of RVP, Silva, Fabregas etc....
Rooney is not 'world class'. It takes a hell of a lot of technical ability to be world class. There's very, very good, and then there's world class. Zidane, Ronaldo, Messi, C. Ronaldo were/are world class. Rooney suffers from the over-hype of the British media.

Phil Jones will be branded as world class in two years time regardless of how well he develops. He may well prove me and a lot of football fans wrong and become a 'world class' defender but he'll certainly be tagged with it in England before any other country's press.

Rooney under Ferguson hasn't developed the way I thought he would do when he broke through at Everton. Again, I ask you, Rooney couldn't have played that lone striker role like Aguero did today. There are too many flaws in his game still that stops him from deserving the title of 'world class'.

He is clearly world class and is in the tier below Iniesta and Xavi regarding the best players in the world alongside the likes of RVP, Silva, Fabregas etc....

I honestly think you're being generous putting him in the same bracket at van Persie, Silva and Fabregas. You genuinely think that Wayne Rooney is of the same level as those 3 players? Take off the English tinted spectacles. I'd possibly put Gerrard in that bracket, that's it. He could have become one of the greatest ever players if he left Liverpool. He's never developed into a top top level player like Xavi, Iniesta etc.
n_mcfc said:
Rooney is not 'world class'. It takes a hell of a lot of technical ability to be world class. There's very, very good, and then there's world class. Zidane, Ronaldo, Messi, C. Ronaldo were/are world class. Rooney suffers from the over-hype of the British media.

Phil Jones will be branded as world class in two years time regardless of how well he develops. He may well prove me and a lot of football fans wrong and become a 'world class' defender but he'll certainly be tagged with it in England before any other country's press.

Rooney under Ferguson hasn't developed the way I thought he would do when he broke through at Everton. Again, I ask you, Rooney couldn't have played that lone striker role like Aguero did today. There are too many flaws in his game still that stops him from deserving the title of 'world class'.

He is clearly world class and is in the tier below Iniesta and Xavi regarding the best players in the world alongside the likes of RVP, Silva, Fabregas etc....

I honestly think you're being generous putting him in the same bracket at van Persie, Silva and Fabregas. You genuinely think that Wayne Rooney is of the same level as those 3 players? Take off the English tinted spectacles. I'd possibly put Gerrard in that bracket, that's it. He could have become one of the greatest ever players if he left Liverpool. He's never developed into a top top level player like Xavi, Iniesta etc.

I don't consider myself a scout or a talent evaluator, far from it.

Phil Jones may be 19 or whatever, but when talking about potential world class, you can usually tell if the young talent has 'it' to eventually be world class.

Phil Jones does not have 'it'. Phil Jones is trash.
How dare you doubt Phil Jones!

It's blatantly clear he doesn't have it and will never be 'world class'. I very much doubt he'll even become very very good, as I put it above.

It's not coincidental that England 'underachieve' at every major tournament yet when you actually analyse it, England always get to where they should do and every other footballing country knows it...except us. In many ways, it's fucking hilarious.
Ran himself into the ground today.

Reminded me of Tevez, he was everywhere and just never ever gave up.

The lad deserves a few days off for Liverpool, it's vital he start's.
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Their whole back four struggled to cope with Aguero alone... roll on the next derby.

Hart, Yaya Toure, Clichy and Balotelli will probably all be back by then and you can probably bet Foy won't be handed the game again.

They won't know what's hit them.

You forgot the player of the month and possibly year back next game
Rooney is clearly on the level of Silva and Fabregas. Silva is a smashing player but what has he proved over Rooney? Rooeny has scored in the CL final, scored over 100 goals for United, done well with England etc...if anything he has done more than Silva and Fabregas. Stat's don't lie.

The problem is Rooney is he doesnt have the mentality to be one of the best ever/World Player of the Year etc..
You see pics of him smoking, partying, off the field distractions, which takes its toll on the pitch. Cristiano Ronaldo may be a ****, but he is one of the most professional athletes you will find, which is why he has had the career he has had at United and Madrid. Rooney should have learnt from him when they played together.
Rooney isn't world class, Rooney isn't the best player in the world. He's never been the best player in the world and he will never ever be the best player in the world.

Not consistent enough, goes hiding and yes i'm being serious. Complete bottle job on so many occasions.

I've always said he is Overrated, not calling him a bad player. He's just overrated and my opinion on that will not change.

I'd take Drogba over Rooney, and i'm being serioius.

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