Kyle Walker newspaper story

What a knob, said the girl in the bar. Seriously though what a knob this fella is. Get him training with the youth team for a bit and give the fucker a reality check.
Snogged and pawed, FFS. Written by an IQ of 60 for IQs of 30. Reminds me of the episode in Extras where the press says he "glugged" his wine.

In the hierarchy of morality, people who write for papers such as these are on a par with people who shag people who are unconscious. They are beneath contempt.
Ha Ha Ha

Meh, not the best look from a club employee although everyone was more that likely consenting but, the words used by The Sun make me laugh.

They're such a bastion of moral standards we're so lucky to have them to tell us what's what and even managed to get his wages in the article.
they arrive as a party fumbling with each other on the way in, fumbling with each other while they were in there and it’s not a huge mental leap to imagine them fumbling with each other back to the minibus

There is no suggestion that he was running around the place trying to shag anything that moves

This is between KW and his missus

Oh and the fact that his data protection has been massively breached here. Imagine if you had got dumped in the shit by some random with a tape of you when you’d done nothing illegal

I doubt the CCTV Acceptable Use Policy of the boozer has a “selling footage to the media” section
Oh dear, just what we needed….

wont click on their links, so does it have quotes to confirm the full context or just the grainy cctv footage all over twitter.

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