Kylian Mbappé | Real Madrid Player (pg620)

Let me get this straight. His sin is that he alerted PSG early that he's not be signing a new contract. That's his sin. Didn't whine about leaving. Simply stated he is happy to finish his contract but he is not re-signing.

So he did exactly what Gundogan did, except he was more upfront about it

If he has a dream to play for Real Madrid, he is under no obligation to mortgage his future signing a longer contract where PSG can dictate his life indefinitely.

There are lots of things to criticize Mbappe over... Being honest about his intentions isn't one of them.
Gundogan? With all due respect to our treble winning Captain he's a soon to be 33 year old whose best years are behind him. Mbappe is, at 24, one of the 2 most valuable players in terms of being an asset in world football. The impact of their respective decisions could not be more diverse.

Losing Mbappe on a free after all the money they've committed to him is a massive blow regardless of how rich they are. His original position was to leave with term on his contract to help defray the cost of replacing him. Now something pissed him off so he's insisting on staying and running out his contract so he can go on a free. You're making him out to be some noble gent trying to do the right thing. I'm saying he's a spiteful prick looking to fuck over his club.

That said, on a personal note, I can't stand PSG so them getting fucked over is fine by me. But it doesn't change my opinion that Mbappe is a self-centered prick who would act in the same petulant way no matter the club...

You have your opinion and I have worries...
Well then, we should applaud him for alerting them early enough for them to sellkl him if they so choose.

This is why I don't understand the angst towards Mbappe here. He did not pretend he was going to extend then exit last minute. Knowing how much he was worth to them, he gave them a heads up early.

I don't plan on re-signing, so here is a heads-up to let you know in case you want to make some profit off selling me.

Frankly, this is gesture worth applauding. Knowing this might get the fans to turn on him, he does it anyway.

What PSG want is for him to sign his life to them and then to determine when and where he goes.
I personally think that's nonsense. Look at Harry Kane going through similar. The only difference being he has had little control of his life for years and is now (possibly) on the back end of his career.

In my opinion the only loyalty a player owes to the club, is for the length of his contract. To let a team know you won't re-sign early is above and beyond expectation. And Mbappe dis that.
You're missing the key point. He wants to stay at PSG and then leave on a free. He's not saying you might as well sell me now and get something. Quite the opposite. And it's out of spite. It's a dick move...
Not often I agree with you, but you are spot on with all this. Yes, Mbappe is an arrogant egotistical wanker, but it’s all PSG‘s fault, when they were trying to play billy big bollocks in getting him to sign a new deal last year they should have made him sign a better deal for them rather than the one he got. He’s exploiting the position now which he’s fully entitled to.
He suckered them. They trusted him and now he's trying to fuck them, simple as...but who cares, they're both dicks...I'm happy if they get screwed.
Real Madrid lost with age and injuries at Etihad. They were basically playing with 10 men. Benzema, Modric, and Valverde couldn't even run normally. And Ancelotti decided to play with Kroos as a DM. When they catch you with their new young team it will be a reality check for all of you. Just like this summer is. Madrid aren't what they used to be, right? The best English talent in years rejected Premier League and soon the best player in the world will wear the white shirt. REALITY CHECK.

P.S. La liga is hands down the most successful league in the 21st century. It's embarrasing for the Premier League. Spanish teams haven't lost Champions League/Europa League final against non-spanish opposition since 2001.
We beat the fucking brakes off Real...take a walk, preferably into a crowded roadway...
They are not staying loyal to him. They are honoring the contract they proposed.

They can't sell the player unless the player agrees to go. It's clear he'd only go if they struck a deal with Madrid. If they can, he'll go there. If they can't, he'll stay 1 more year, make 100 million in salary and loyalty bonuses plus another 100 in sign on fee from Madrid.

So he is potentially making 200 million this year. That he'll give up most of if he can get to Madrid.

PSG wants to play tough and make him out to be the bad guy, freeze him out etc. But none of this will work. They simply have to cut their loses and deal with Madrid or pay him 1 million a week to air home and then pay him 40 million at the end of his Contract for loyalty bonus.

It seems what PSG is trying to do is weasel out of the dumb contract they proposed and signed. They are trying to force him to demand a transfer so he forfeit his loyalty bonus. He ignored their threats and simply planned on going to work.

They got pissed, sent him home and our threatening to bench him all season and how this may ruin his National team chances etc.

This is bad faith behavior by PSG. They wrote the contract. Then signed it. Now they want a different outcome. And have been trying to make him out to be the bad guy. Sadly, on this issue. He is t the bad guy.
Agree to disagree I’d feel the exact same way if it was one of our players. Thankfully none of ours are this entitled and we’re not that poorly run - that I can agree with you on with PSG. Appreciate the debate either way
Real Madrid lost with age and injuries at Etihad. They were basically playing with 10 men. Benzema, Modric, and Valverde couldn't even run normally. And Ancelotti decided to play with Kroos as a DM. When they catch you with their new young team it will be a reality check for all of you. Just like this summer is. Madrid aren't what they used to be, right? The best English talent in years rejected Premier League and soon the best player in the world will wear the white shirt. REALITY CHECK.

P.S. La liga is hands down the most successful league in the 21st century. It's embarrasing for the Premier League. Spanish teams haven't lost Champions League/Europa League final against non-spanish opposition since 2001.
Oh dear hahahaha la liga fuck me,the Premier league is what Everyone wants to watch around the world,Madrid and their league generate interest but nothing really substantial if there was another super league mooted it would have no interest to fans around the world unless English clubs were in it think about that,la liga has done very well in recent years in the champions league but apart from that no one outside of Spain gives to fucks about la liga,now fuck off ..
Real Madrid lost with age and injuries at Etihad. They were basically playing with 10 men. Benzema, Modric, and Valverde couldn't even run normally. And Ancelotti decided to play with Kroos as a DM. When they catch you with their new young team it will be a reality check for all of you. Just like this summer is. Madrid aren't what they used to be, right? The best English talent in years rejected Premier League and soon the best player in the world will wear the white shirt. REALITY CHECK.

P.S. La liga is hands down the most successful league in the 21st century. It's embarrasing for the Premier League. Spanish teams haven't lost Champions League/Europa League final against non-spanish opposition since 2001.
Between the Arsenal fans and this fella is anyone else getting a bit bored of people using this forum to tell us that next year is going to be everyone else's year?
Gundogan? With all due respect to our treble winning Captain he's a soon to be 33 year old whose best years are behind him. Mbappe is, at 24, one of the 2 most valuable players in terms of being an asset in world football. The impact of their respective decisions could not be more diverse.
Again, I already recognize that. I'm simply pointing out he did the right thing to let them know.

Losing Mbappe on a free after all the money they've committed to him is a massive blow regardless of how rich they are. His original position was to leave with term on his contract to help defray the cost of replacing him.
This is just not true. There is no obligation other than what the contract obligates. And in so far as regards leaving with term on his contract, I suppose that's why he alerted them at the end of last season so they can sell him to Madrid this season if they want.

But what they want is for him for one more year before selling. He doesn't want that. Sell now or let him finish his contract out. He is okay with either.

Now something pissed him off so he's insisting on staying and running out his contract so he can go on a free. You're making him out to be some noble gent trying to do the right thing. I'm saying he's a spiteful prick looking to fuck over his club.
Nothing pissed him off. He wanted to leave last summer but stayed to run it back with Messi and Neymar and because they gave him a massive contract increase.. It didn't work. Messi left so he is not interested in a 3rd year. But he is not going to request a transfer and lose his bonuses. He has no interest in doing that

It's not Mbappe trying to weasel out of the contract he signed. It's PSG. If they try to punish him for fulfilling his contract, he should sue the fick out of them.
You're missing the key point. He wants to stay at PSG and then leave on a free. He's not saying you might as well sell me now and get something. Quite the opposite. And it's out of spite. It's a dick move...
No. He said, I'm happy to finish my contract but I have no intention to extend beyond this contract.

PSG then responded, asking for clarity... I.e say you want out and put in a transfer request. So we know you want out type of thing. But really, there goal was to try to stop him from getting his bonuses.

He ignored their request as he has no obligation to request a transfer. He has already stated he is happy to stay. But if PSG aren't happy with his decision to not resign, they can call up Madrid and work out a deal. But they'll still owe him his loyalty bonus.

It's not Mbappe who's pissed. It's PSG. Nbappe is clear eyed from what I see. All the emotional ranting has been done by management.
Between the Arsenal fans and this fella is anyone else getting a bit bored of people using this forum to tell us that next year is going to be everyone else's year?
Arsenal, rag, dipper, Munich, madrid, barca fans are all exactly the same delusional entitled pricks. The ones that then go to the trouble of joining another team's forum to sprout they drivel are always going to have little cock syndrome and are best ignored.

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