Kylian Mbappe

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Think real Madrid have been clever stating they will bid next season ( if he fancies madrid and which player wouldn't especially one that's supposed to be a supporter, ) he stays at Monaco for one more season if he's still doing the business real come in, if he isn't then real move on

we just bid more, at least make them pay one way or another. The next best thing since sliced bread will be along sooner or later, if we don't have him already.
I think you forget that PSG are part of the G14 clubs therefore the only beef the other members of the mob cared about was Arab money catapulting PSG into super money status.

YES FFP was about before we were bought by Sheikh Mansour, but you've failed to point out that it was a VERY different model to the one now in place. FFP really was about spiralling club debt, BUT it had been mooted for nearly NINE YEARS without much enthusiasm by the G14, UNTIL Sheikh Mansour bought Manchester City & to believe otherwise is a bit naive IMO. Think about these two words 'FAIR PLAY'. Football only became about what was fair & unfair when we were acquired by a super rich owner who was willing to spend vast amounts if necessary to achieve his end game. What has fair & unfair to other clubs got to do with good financial governance? Wasn't this 'supposed' to be about debt & not what was fair or unfair? Here in lies the real crux of the matter & that alone should tell you the real reason behind the hastily re-hashed FFP.

We all know the reasons why FFP was radically changed, but the suspicion was complete in my mind when in 2012, a business acquaintance who has a box at Old Toilet told me about a conversation he had with his best mate who was a very close friend of David Gill. When I mentioned how unfair FFP was on City, my business acquaintance went on to tell me that his best mate told him Gill was the chief architect of the changed FFP & it was designed to stop City. Apparently Gill said words to the effect of, 'This will stop them right in their tracks'.

My business acquaintance has absolutely no reason to lie & neither has his best mate & what made it even more credible was the very matter of factly way he said it. Apparently, this was common knowledge in high circles albeit the public narrative was one about 'saving football from itself'. The way FFP has played itself out, the way we were stiffed by UEFA/G14 moving the goal posts to ensure we failed all pointed to a stitch up, & as I said, to believe otherwise is naive in the extreme for any City fan who says they have a grasp of the facts surrounding FFP.

Look at the reaction when we bought Walker. 'Gross', 'eye watering', 'desperate', 'over paying for unwanted players', as opposed to ManUre making the smartest and most significant signing of the summer by buying 29 year old Matic for a snip at £40m. That is how UEFA, the FA & the media see Manchester City Football Club & they will stop at nothing to preserve the status quo.

All dreamt up by Platini and Blatter, it wouldn't stand up due to their previous for corruption. It's open, wide open and they wouldn't dare. Perhaps it was the good Sheikh who got this going and expose the cnuts for what they are.
The other thing is would Uefa enforce the Rules ?

We (ie PSG and City) are no longer new owners about to pump billions into good teams starved of investment. In a way we have become part of the establishment so we may be treated differently. We beat the FFP cartel which was their way to prevent new competition but other new money of which there is plenty available still has the barrier to entry to contend with if they follow our lead.

PSG may also play the unfair card by pointing to new PL money making their income lower so they are just topping up via Quatar to make it an even playing field.

Well all know UEFA are bent as a 9 bob note, but I do not think they are so bent as to have rules and to completely ignore them, or to make up new interpretations which are completely arbitrary and unjustifiable. They need to have at least semblance of credibility.

Personally I think it very unlikely that PSG have broken or will break any of the rules. I would imagine they have a planned revenue stream that (in conjunction with the allowed 3-year losses of €90m) supports their spending. Neymar will doubtless bring new sponsorship opportunities and revenues, for example.
Personally I think it very unlikely that PSG have broken or will break any of the rules. I would imagine they have a planned revenue stream that (in conjunction with the allowed 3-year losses of €90m) supports their spending. Neymar will doubtless bring new sponsorship opportunities and revenues, for example.

Id say thats spot on.

All power to their elbow imo.
All dreamt up by Platini and Blatter, it wouldn't stand up due to their previous for corruption. It's open, wide open and they wouldn't dare. Perhaps it was the good Sheikh who got this going and expose the cnuts for what they are.

It had nothing to do with Blatter and very little to do with Platini.

It was simply the G14 cartel and their owners, frightened at the prospect of spiralling transfer fees and them not being able to compete financially, and the prospect of losing vital CL revenues to newcomers. The whole plan was about stopping this happening, and the "this" was City. PSG came along after.

I don't doubt for one moment that the evil shite Gill is absolutely behind it.
We don't need him, we have enough goals in the team
Depends how you look at it. We could potentially be tying up our goals for the next decade with mbappe and Jesus, for me the market is only gonna get worse as well. Next years mbappe will probably break the Neymar record, so like I said earlier, I feel our owners are at a crossroads moment, they're facing having to decide quite simply if they want the top talent at the club or not, if it's the latter then fair dos, its their money and I wouldn't blame them, we've had a blast while it lasted but we won't be sat at the top table for too much longer.
Going to stick my neck out & say this deal is on but more to flush Sanchez out than to pay near on £140m for this kid.

Mbappa would see City set for many years but it's not just about saying yes pay the money, this kid wants fame more than Naymar so his overtures added to the transfer will be massive & can we afford them having already spent or near to £200m.

I get it we need to offload Delph, Mangala, Nasri, Bony, Roberts, Zinchenko but so do the buying clubs it's ain't guna happen till the last days of August IMO.

We have to be dangling over the edge for Mbappa but it's worth the shite we may get as this kid is the real deal.

Com on Mansour go get him & leave Sanchez at Arsenal we have the best left winger Sane in Europe & will become a very very speacial player who could 1 day find himself bagging the
Ballon d'or.
Depends how you look at it. We could potentially be tying up our goals for the next decade with mbappe and Jesus, for me the market is only gonna get worse as well. Next years mbappe will probably break the Neymar record, so like I said earlier, I feel our owners are at a crossroads moment, they're facing having to decide quite simply if they want the top talent at the club or not, if it's the latter then fair dos, its their money and I wouldn't blame them, we've had a blast while it lasted but we won't be sat at the top table for too much longer.

Hmmmmm. I'm not so sure.

There's only 2 tier one clubs in the world where money doesn't matter, us and PSG. And you could argue only one, since unlike PSG, we do actually try to run a sustainable business model which delivers profits, even if we have a bottomless pot of cash to support it.

And neither us nor PSG can go on blowing £200m+ every year and stay in line with the rules. We'd get banned, pure and simple.

None of the other clubs relish the prospect of a huge jump in transfer fees, nor have a huge jump in revenues to support vastly higher spending. So I do not see an inexorable increase in transfer fees happening. This year may well be a high watermark for quite some time.
We don't need him, we have enough goals in the team
We'll do well, but Mbappe is a special player who would put us into CL contention. I am not sure about Aguero. I am hopeful he will have a good season in a very attacking team, but not sure he is as good as he was.
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