Last Film You Saw

citytill1die84 said:
Mayor West said:
Wio Gumflapdinand said:
Watched a film tonight called "the borderlands". 2013 British horror and I have to say being a horror fan that has become disillusioned with the genre recently it was a pleasant suprise. Good acting and decent story and plenty of frightening moments but not overdone. 8/10

Just watched this, its a creepy fucking film. Being a big horror fan too, I was expecting the usual possesion /demon rubbish, but this was a subtle film, not to over the top.

Sounds good I love a good horror. I'll be giving it a try tomorrow night.
When it comes to found footage style horror, this films is to "paranormal activity" as
"Jaws" is to "shark tornado"
the old classic :

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead : 8/10.

intelligent dark comedy that had me sniggering throughout. i think i was sold on the use of "pink floyds Seamus". somehow it felt like i was watching a classic with the cinematography feel of "they call him trinity" and "time bandits" in it for me.

based on two lesser characters from Hamlet , it`s got that stephen king feel of a great story within another story. dorky at times..... but still worth re-watching as dreyfus, roth and oldman were excellent. credit for turning theatre into a decent movie ....... "12 angry men" & "arsnic and old lace " spring to mind.
Just got back from watching Noah. Absolutely brilliant film, was a bit dubious after reading on here people slag it off, guess that will teach me for listening to bluemooners taste in films!! 8\10.
End of days (1999)The Schwartzenegger fights the devil one, seen it years ago, still watchable although corny and some glaring lapses in the story.

Btw Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are dead is a top film.
Just watched two more Statham films - Hummingbird and Safe

Both - 7/10 (am I now going to hell...?)
BOMBER7967 said:
Wasteland - A British crime/revenge film set in Leeds....brilliant film, great acting and a refreshing change from all the Cockernee based stuff we are used to, 8/10

watched this the other day and I completely agree. I like that guy who was in misfits, its just that harry potter kid that gets on my tits. Definitely worth a watch.

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