State of Grace (1990) is a criminally underrated/ignored Irish mafia/mob film, with Gary Oldman producing one of his finest performances as a volatile thug with blind loyalties to his elder bother, Ed Harris chewing the scenery and Sean Penn brooding his way throughout the film with Robin Wright, in her film debut providing the love interest [and in real life to Penn].
A film littered with mob characters spotted in other classics of the genre, a haunting score by Ennio Morricone [which sounds familiar as parts were recycled in later films like Bugsy], cinematography provided by the son of the Blade Runner cinematographer and a violent climactic shootout that John Woo would be proud of.
Pity it was released in the cinema (UK) at the same week as Goodfellas (1990) which meant the film was completely overshadowed by Scorsese's classic and quietly faded in its wake.
State of Grace - Final bar shootout.