Last Film You Saw

I can think of TWO beautiful reasons to watch this.

I'm in full agreement :)

Just got back from Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Very enjoyable, but I can understand why some have issues with it. A massive sprawling epic, could've done with some tighter editing and a shorter run time
Valerian and the city of a thousand planets..

Brilliant!! Really liked it, especially Rihanna playing bubble...

Just got back from Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Very enjoyable, but I can understand why some have issues with it. A massive sprawling epic, could've done with some tighter editing and a shorter run time

Same here, just back. Noticed the 'arming anyone for money' stuff they put in there, as well as other stuff. I was half expecting some Antifa dude to jump in an X wing fighter. Next time this truth about arming countries/people is brought up in conversation people will say "you've just watched Star Wars haven't you? You're an idiot etc).. very clever.

Anyway, cracking film.
Hidden figures. 8/10 very good movie and a great story (true). I can’t believe the shit those people went through only 50 years ago. The lead protagonist s must have had brilliant minds.
Donnie Brasco. Great film. 8/10. Amazing bravery to infiltrate the mafia. Apparently the real Donnie Brasco didn’t sweat making him perfect for the job. Forget about it!

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