Last Film You Saw


Good watch I thought...

In an alternate present day, humans, orcs, elves and fairies have been coexisting since the beginning of time. Two police officers, one a human, the other an orc, embark on a routine night patrol that will alter the future of their world as they know it. Battling both their own personal differences as well as an onslaught of enemies, they must work together to protect a young female elf and a thought-to-be-forgotten relic, which, in the wrong hands, could destroy everything.
Me before you. Thought provoking and a nice watch. Can’t imagine it will appeal to many on here!

Love and Mercy a film based on the life of Brian Wilson. 10/10 for the music and 7/10 for the film. Brian Wilson was a genius!
I feel we could have a good long debate on Dunkirk.

For me it felt like one big trailer for the actual film as strange as it sounds.

The trailer conveys the same feeling as the whole film did but did it in 2mins. The film needed more random focus at times on minuscule events to give relief to the huge panorama of the films style. When they were looking up waiting to get bombed on the pier for example. Some one would have shouted or in a futile effort shot at the dive bomber, focus on them, zoom in on their face and have a quick cutaway to what led that random soldier to such an end. The grand scale became tedious and monotonous with no relief given by changing the style to compliment the main style.

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