Last Film You Saw

The snowman. 3/10. Plot holes galore. And what was the point of Val Kilmers character besides not actually being able to Speak and having nothing to do with the plot?

Thought so too. I didn't realise when watching it's based off a book so the plot lines that don't go anywhere must have been things they felt they couldn't leave out, but if you haven't read the book it doesn't make a lot of sense.
'Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets' - 5.9/10 (only rated it that high because of the nice cameo by Rihanna)

'Bright' - 4/10 mostly garbage and agree with previous posters regarding it practically being a Training Day/Alien Nation hybrid

'Three Billboards....' - 7.4/10 pretty mixed feelings on this. Wasn't expecting much and was pleasantly surprised. Enjoyed watching it and thought it was a good film, but i wouldn't exactly rush to watch it again.
Staw Wars - The Last Jedi

It is ok but not as good as Rogue One by a long way. The comic relief felt forced and characters i found remote to the audience. The lead lady is just not engaging for my money either and she really should be but i found myself not really caring for the rebellion. The sith fella still reminds me of a stoner college kid.

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