Latest: KAKA DEAL OFF (All Kaka Discussion)

Gutted, Deflated, Empty, Upset, Mad, Annoyed, Emotions High and Low

Good thing i am used to being a city fan and this is the norm..................

All i want now is the TRUTH to come out, what happened, who did what etc. Thats all that matters now to me. Personaly i feel the Milan owner has messed us around for him to look like the hero but i would like city to treat us properly with a proper statement of why we pulled out.

Im off to bed, tomorrow is a new day, no expectations for Kaka to sign, no spening 14 hours hitting F5.May even catch up with work.

Last few days have been highly entertainer on these fine forums of ours, and thanks to everyone who has contributed. Im not going to Flame anyone here, ive enjoyed all posts wether they have come true or not.

Feeling empty inside now, Bellamy signing is just /shrug shoulders feel after this , but he has improved our squad and i am sure we will have a few more before our next match. We may not get the Superstars just yet but i am sure we will get the 2nd tier ones if we go after them and thats 100% better than most we have here.

Good night all
Re: The Official "Is Kaka coming?" Thread (ALL Kaka discussion)

Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
Kaka! said:
So WHICH TRAITORS were telling him not to come?? Witch hunt time!!!!

This whole thing is a disgrace. We've been made a total laughing stock again. Just wait till the rags start on this one, the cnuts.

How many times are you going to post this?!

This error's making it slightly difficult. The sooner the new server's up the better.
Ronaldinho all over again, why did I know deep down this was gonna happen, there's only messi and tranny left to snub us leaving city fans the world over nursing embarrassment, just when will we have some fucking LUCK
we'd get stick if we got him or didnt!

back in the real world i'd like to have players who want to play for the club - that's what City has needed for a long time...a few more who'll challenge for every ball for 90 minutes with some ability and not have to settle for tards like Vassel and Sun Jihai!! - i'm just glad them days are go.i..n...g

next up David Villa?!
A few points to raise;
Our profile has been ENHANCED the world over, fans of City have all pulled together as one over this deal to defend the club against wankers from the media and beyond, we've still got £100m to spend on someone else, we can learn lessons from the breakdown of this deal and put those lessons to good use over the next 20 years or so of the Arab's regime. Basically we can't lose over this deal!
Dont remember Sky showing Live footage from Shearers House when he turned down Utd also.....
Why do some of you have to behave like kids who can't get the expensive toy they want? It's not Cook's fault, it's not Ajay's fault, it's not Gary Owen's fault. Happyblue got it wrong as well don't forget.

NO ONE repeat NO ONE on here really knows what did or didn't happen over this or how close we did or didn't get. So let's all go to bed as it looks like there cold be lots more to come tomorrow onwards.
We look like tools.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 7389DA.jpg</a>

But we all need to get together now and pull behind the club to the end of the season.
Fair play to the lad. Clearly he's not arsed about the money, and loves AC Milan. I've got no problem with that. Would have loved to have seen him here, but not at the cost of him being here under duress. I certainly wont be booing him if we play Milan in the UEFA cup final!

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