
avoidconfusion said:
GDB said:
Am I going to have to put you straight here then?

1. Incorrect. The story goes like this and I stressed this at the time. Before the Wolves game I asked if Sylvinhio was playing, to which my source replied no. I then asked if Garrido was his replacement and he said yes, most probabaly. I did make a mistake here and admitted I jumped the gun as my source is not Mancini so does not have the last decision.
2. I said we were interested in Moses over two weeks ago, 95% of what the papers say is bollocks, I don't understand why I would have just got it off the paper because I have a 95% chance of getting it wrong considering I'd rubbished 95% of rumours doing the rounds. I revealed Vieira was a done deal, unaware that it had already been rumoured that it was official on SSN (apparently, I didn't see it) I simply reported what my source said and it turned out correct.
3. Dear me, you're way out. Find me please where i said we'd signed Ivan Cordoba? You'll be in for a job because I never did. I said we were interested and had approached which we did, then I told you guys there was a hitch and I got a load of shit for that. I await to be proven wrong. I doubt it, though.

Bellamy? Never said he was defintley on his way, I said he'd be on his way if people didn't bang heads together at the top and give RM the mandate to manage the team as Bellamy was not at all happy at the board and the board were being very stubborn indeed and refusing to let RM have a decision on Craig. Believe you me there are still hostilities. His future isn't still 100% sure, for the time being it does though which is a positive thing. Hopefully you can remember attempting to rally you guys round to put some pressure on Mr.Cook.

Also, on the final point, well you're wrong again, I have not been banned and therefore you will not get your convinient lies unchallenged.

I have asked you where you will be drinking/sitting at the game tonight on many occasions to no avail. A cynic would say you are a keyboard warrior...

Convenient lies eh? You just keep changing your stories. There already was speculation that we are after Moses over two weeks ago.
There already were articles all over newsnow saying that Vieira is a done deal before you posted it.

You continiously insinuated that Bellamy might be leaving the club, supporting the articles in the press. Don't try and backtrack now, you know exactly what you said between the lines.

I am as much a keyboard warrior as anyone else on this forum that cannot stand WUMs and wannabe ITKs like you.

And I already answered your question about where I drink, not my fault that you didn't read it. I don't drink and I don't even live in the UK (which is the location field under my name says Rotterdam.. thought that was a give away really). Besides why are you asking all this? Are you threatening me?

Very meek repsonse ac, I expected better. If anyone wants to check what I've said it's there in the threads.

I wanted to know where a few of you guys who were the main ones sharpening their keyboard axe were drinking on game day so I could prove to you I was geniune City fans and that I am basically not a bulshitter. Therefore you know who I am, my face, where I sit and you can have a word in my ear not on my screen about ITK posts I have revealed.

Fair enough then, your in Rotterdam.

The truth will come out in the wash one day re Bellers I'm sure.
Lark Lane Blue said:
slicky202 said:
there any welsh blues on the forum? would like to ask them for some advice about travelling to home games. i would like to drive but my car aint up to it

There's a "ticket and travel exchange" forum downstairs mate, you might wanna try there. There is a few welsh blues knocking about on here.

cheers mate
Can I ask then, if your not TFM are you Hicks Jr? Guess you have nothing to do now you have been kicked of the bindippers board eh. So seen as they dont like you over there anymore, can you spill the beans...... Are we signing Torres then or not? ;0)
I dont really care if you know things or are just making them up and I generally think people on here should throw less poop around (it's starting to be like in a monkeycage in a zoo up in this place) but I'll give you this: When the media was saying Ansaldi was a done deal you said he is not coming and today we can read in the media that Ansaldi himself said there is no connection and he has not heard anything:-) Atleast a good call on that one! Let's hope Aguero is true as he is one of my favorite young players.

Now, I am not defending anyone of being ITK but to all the people doubting people who bring forth information etc. take a moment to think about how the system works. Transfermarket and transferdeals is a very fluid place, just because some ITK reports that we are after this or that player or that negotiations are in an advanced stage does not mean that it will necesarrely happen. Whealing and dealing in soccer is a tricky business just like anywhere else (ask anyone in the shipping business for instance) and things can quickly take a turn for the worse (kaka)... or for the better (Robinho). Be happy people bother to come here and share info, wether it's genuine or not and dont slag people off because they dont have a 100% clean sheet, as I said it is a tricky business:-)

Now, just to be frank this comes from someone who is one hundred percent not in the know! Whenever I hear information it is always through the leader in my supportersgroup who's heard it from some guy, who's heard it from some guy at the club if you know what I mean;-) Not really first hand:-P
Like most on here, I've read GDB's postings with a mixture of amusement and antipathy.

Is he ITK? Is he genuine? No one knows for sure. Most of his transfer stuff has been less than convincing, to be brutally honest.

However... his stuff about Bellamy actually struck a chord with me. I watched last night's game and I was a bit worried about Bellamy's attitude and performance throughout the game. He struck me as not being particularly happy. And when he was substitued he looked well pissed off.

Now, that's not "fact", just an observation and a perception.

But I will watch the Bellamy situation over the next few weeks to see how it pans out.

Let's just say I'm less convinmced he's here for the long-term than i was a couple of days ago.
slicky202 said:
there any welsh blues on the forum? would like to ask them for some advice about travelling to home games. i would like to drive but my car aint up to it

Where in Wales u from mate, i am City Card holder and travel up as often as possible (hard as im in the pub game) also know a few others who travel up more often than myself get in touch and we will take it from there, have room as there are three of us who go and can take 6 easy. cheers dai
Soulboy said:
Like most on here, I've read GDB's postings with a mixture of amusement and antipathy.

Is he ITK? Is he genuine? No one knows for sure. Most of his transfer stuff has been less than convincing, to be brutally honest.

However... his stuff about Bellamy actually struck a chord with me. I watched last night's game and I was a bit worried about Bellamy's attitude and performance throughout the game. He struck me as not being particularly happy. And when he was substitued he looked well pissed off.

Now, that's not "fact", just an observation and a perception.

But I will watch the Bellamy situation over the next few weeks to see how it pans out.

Let's just say I'm less convinmced he's here for the long-term than i was a couple of days ago.

He looked pissed off because he was unhappy with his own performance.

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