Lee Jackson Head Groundsman Leaving

Lee gave City Matters a fantastic presentation on what went into laying down and maintaining the pitch. It's a bit more than tipping a few packets of grass seeds onto it every now and again.

We couldn't play the quality of football we do, involving often long and accurate ground passes, without the quality of the pitch we play it on. Lee has done a phenomenal job and I wish him well wherever he goes in the future (unless it's to united or Liverpool of course).

As someone who use to work in the sports turf industry its far from just chucking some grass seed and water about !.
It's very scientific and I loved that part of the industry great improvements over the decades..

The first thing Lee said yesterday was it's not about him but his team. That's what a great manager is.

Good luck Lee in what every you do ( unless you go to the rags ;) )
Lee Jackson has been a wonderful groundsman for City and I'm certain he's our most successful groundsman ever (I've not checked the stats but think this must be true). I mean successful in terms of pitch awards ('best pitch' style awards not trophies won on that pitch) and his playing surface has always been amongst the best even when City's resources meant the tools he was given were not so good.

He's always been a wonderful City employee and dedicated Blue too. He will be missed. Some have said 'why leave after 1st game of season?' and I don't know the answer but I do think that for a groundsman getting a pitch ready for the start of a season is possibly seen as a major step in the year. Pitches get relaid and have other major work done to them most close seasons so, it's possible, Lee's satisfaction comes from getting it to the stage where it's at its absolute best, not where it may be a bit bedraggled at a season's end.

Whatever Lee's reason I think we need to thank him for so much effort over all of these years. People talk about Stan Gibson as a legendary groundsman but Lee definitely deserves to be remembered at the same level if not higher.
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Lee is a very humble lad and I'm sure he doesn't want people speculating on why he's leaving before the conspiracy theorists get involved. Great lad, done an amazing job for 30+ years, enjoy your next steps whatever that may be

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