Left-wing anarchist guilty of terror offences

Genuine question---"Islamo Leftism"

What do posters perceive that to be mean?
I only ask because I read that term for the first time today.
Genuine question---"Islamo Leftism"

What do posters perceive that to be mean?
I only ask because I read that term for the first time today.
According to that fount of all knowledge, Wikipedia, Islamo-Leftist is a neologism (new term or expression) applied to the political alliance between leftists and Islamists. So there you go.
According to that fount of all knowledge, Wikipedia, Islamo-Leftist is a neologism (new term or expression) applied to the political alliance between leftists and Islamists. So there you go.
And yet, going back to how "muddled" everything is, I wouldn't be surprised if those 2 things might seem odd bedfellows.
It did to me anyway.
My concern is not that I am forced to be Islamic. My concern is that Muslims who behave in what would be considered unacceptable ways are influencing how normal business is conducted in this country.
Whether it is grooming gangs getting away with it for long periods, school teachers being hounded out and having going in to hiding, schools having to close due to aggressive mob behaviour, anti semitic chants and banners on massive levels going unchallenged and this week, parliament changing long standing procedures due to fear of reprisals because people disagree with how the MPs may vote.

It is a culture of fear and intimidation and our authorities are doing nothing about it for fear of being accused of Islamophobia.
It is used to shut down debate.
I accept that the vast majority of British Muslims are law abiding and would probably like this all to go away. They certainly should not be targeted in any way. I feel really sorry for them as they are victims of this too. But we don’t hear of any other religious group behaving in the way some of these people do.
As others have pointed out, it's only around 3,000 that are of serious interest, and in all likelihood have never stepped foot on our shores. But let's assume it is 38,000 and every single one those 38,000 were born in the UK and were Muslims from birth. That's 1% of the Muslim population of the UK. Do I stereotype and build an unfair, hateful image of Muslims living here because of that 1%? Or do I trust it's the 99% who are truly reflective of the Muslim faith, and their assimilation into our culture and values?

You also failed to answer the most pertinent question; namely, has Islam been imposed upon you or your loved ones in any way? The mayor of London is a Muslim, are you forced to accept Islamic ways when visiting our capital, or can you go about your business unhindered?

As a final point, let's not confuse things; using the term Islamist is the same as using Muslim. There's an unavoidable correlation between the two terms. Anderson knew what he was doing.
I would agree that Anderson knew what he was doing. However, I'd say the following. As I'm sure you know, a Muslim is an adherent of the Islamic religion though that term is not interchangeable with Islamist. An Islamist is generally defined as a person who believes that Islam should have a significant influence on society, politics, and governance i.e. a religio-political ideology. Islamists seek to implement Islamic principles and values to the extent of advocating for the establishment of an Islamic state. This should not be confused with the beliefs of the vast majority of ordinary peaceful, law-abiding Muslims in this country. Anderson was either too dim to understand that crucial point or, more likely, was being deliberately disingenuous as to take advantage of the wider public's failure to understand the difference.
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According to that fount of all knowledge, Wikipedia, Islamo-Leftist is a neologism (new term or expression) applied to the political alliance between leftists and Islamists. So there you go.

And yet, going back to how "muddled" everything is, I wouldn't be surprised if those 2 things might seem odd bedfellows.
It did to me anyway.
Leftists tend to support charities helping the poor (if the state doesn't do it) and Islam, like almost all other religions asks adherents to give alms to the poor. They are strange bedfellows in many areas, but occasionally are in unison.
My concern is not that I am forced to be Islamic. My concern is that Muslims who behave in what would be considered unacceptable ways are influencing how normal business is conducted in this country.
Whether it is grooming gangs getting away with it for long periods, school teachers being hounded out and having going in to hiding, schools having to close due to aggressive mob behaviour, anti semitic chants and banners on massive levels going unchallenged and this week, parliament changing long standing procedures due to fear of reprisals because people disagree with how the MPs may vote.

It is a culture of fear and intimidation and our authorities are doing nothing about it for fear of being accused of Islamophobia.
It is used to shut down debate.
I accept that the vast majority of British Muslims are law abiding and would probably like this all to go away. They certainly should not be targeted in any way. I feel really sorry for them as they are victims of this too. But we don’t hear of any other religious group behaving in the way some of these people do.
If you think that is bad, wait until you learn about Christianity.

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