Lescott [Merged]

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alphonse groenendijk said:
stu9488 said:
Hang on a minute, I have apologised for what was posted in Jan on numerous occasions due to getting bad information. What I have posted recently has come from me and nobody else as its my job. The very fact that you keep bringing this up and I find it quite sad that you have gone through thousands of posts to find that quote, I am not and do not need to defend myself to you or anybody else, if you do not believe what I am posting BRILLIANT! but don't start making comments such as "attention whore" as I have far better things to do than come on here to get some attention. I have said I no longer get any transfer news at all and if you read my posts nothing I have posted is direct "transfer news" merely what I do on a daily basis. You don't have to read it do you? You dont have to believe it do you?

Eh there lah calm down, donn't ler em get yer.

I say burn him.
twinkletoes said:
terry4everblue said:
arsenal will be stronger without cashbayor and cashtoure.
aston villa is miles better then you.
hughes will be sacked by november..

How did you get on with your GCSE's this year?

Not well would be my guess.

'Cashbayor and Cashtoure' dont quite have the same ring to them as 'Cashley Cole' do they! Obviously he read the 'Cashley Cole' in his Dad's paper and thought he would try and be clever.

Think I can hear your Mum calling...your (shoplifted) Postman Pat shapes on (shoplifted) toast are ready for you.......
i8rags said:
stu9488 said:
Hang on a minute, I have apologised for what was posted in Jan on numerous occasions due to getting bad information. What I have posted recently has come from me and nobody else as its my job. The very fact that you keep bringing this up and I find it quite sad that you have gone through thousands of posts to find that quote, I am not and do not need to defend myself to you or anybody else, if you do not believe what I am posting BRILLIANT! but don't start making comments such as "attention whore" as I have far better things to do than come on here to get some attention. I have said I no longer get any transfer news at all and if you read my posts nothing I have posted is direct "transfer news" merely what I do on a daily basis. You don't have to read it do you? You dont have to believe it do you?
stu do you mean evaluate the player, or put a value on in terms of money, as i cant believe any medical team could place a value in terms of money.

No I mean Valuation, we process medical information and then use certain parts of that, (playing time number of appearences fitness levels etc) to put a Valuation together, the club then put their valuation of marketing(shirt sales etc) to ours and one valuation is then drawn up, clubs then try to agree a fee.
avoidconfusion said:
stu9488 said:
Hang on a minute, I have apologised for what was posted in Jan on numerous occasions due to getting bad information. What I have posted recently has come from me and nobody else as its my job. The very fact that you keep bringing this up and I find it quite sad that you have gone through thousands of posts to find that quote, I am not and do not need to defend myself to you or anybody else, if you do not believe what I am posting BRILLIANT! but don't start making comments such as "attention whore" as I have far better things to do than come on here to get some attention. I have said I no longer get any transfer news at all and if you read my posts nothing I have posted is direct "transfer news" merely what I do on a daily basis. You don't have to read it do you? You dont have to believe it do you?

Thousands of posts? That was the very first post you did on mancityfans , took 5 seconds to find that (there is a search function you know).

I read what I want to read and comment on it as I please, the old chestnut of "if you don't believe it, don't read it" doesn't work here. I will call you a bullshitter as long as I think you are a bullshitter... and I think you are one.

Tell me, why would you be allowed to disclose this information (the one about us getting Lescott's medical information from Everton) etc. ?

to be fair to stu all of his medical info has been spot on and he did mention that he gets permission before posting info to make sure its ok to do so
City request Mr. Lescott's medical file to evaluate his condition over time. Everton hand it over.

Is that about the gist of it Stu?


He's not for sale though, at any price.
flb said:
wantefc said:
Jesus i actually agree with you. I think the sooner he goes the better. The key is what we do with the money ie..bringing in players. If we dont then you will eventually get an exodus. I think in everything you have to turn a negative into a positive and most players do move on sooner or later. So sell him and buy quality

Cant see why Moyes is digging his heels in so much on this one.
£20+ million would get shrewd Moyes 3/4 squad enhancing players.

this is Moyes sticking 2 up at Kenwright for me

I agree remember Moyes and his contract dispute at the start of last season and how they wern't performing until he got what he wanted? No man is bigger than a club but Moyes is making sure that Bill is aware that David is bigger than him I suspect that Moyes knows that a big share of JL's transfer money will not be going his way and so he is hanging on to his assets
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