Lescott [Merged]

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personally i think tomorrow we should bid 20 mil
then friday bid 19m
sat 18 mil

and so on, no one else will pay more than 10 mil for him so gollum will have to get a move on, and after the result and lescotts ''frame or mind'' there will be no point to delay this transfer
stu9488 said:
Its nothing to get worked up over, no Messi im afraid. I can't give any information out at all untill I have permission please Im not being rude by not replying, but I can't answer anything about it.

cheers stu.

Might be one of those young lads we are after, Rafael or Figueredo.
Robbo. said:
So i dont have to trawl through shit loads of pages, is there any update on Lescott please.
He's been dropped from their team for Sigmund Cyclops. Moles has outed and shamed him for advantage the way Bollock Obeyme outed his own granny as a racist pig. Moles is now talking about he might go if the price was right.
M.C.F.C.O.K said:
stu9488 said:
Its nothing to get worked up over, no Messi im afraid. I can't give any information out at all untill I have permission please Im not being rude by not replying, but I can't answer anything about it.

cheers stu.

Might be one of those young lads we are after, Rafael or Figueredo.

Or 'the kid' from Barca? Muniesa
mcfc-mike said:
personally i think tomorrow we should bid 20 mil
then friday bid 19m
sat 18 mil

and so on, no one else will pay more than 10 mil for him so gollum will have to get a move on, and after the result and lescotts ''frame or mind'' there will be no point to delay this transfer
like he idea , it wont happen though

how about we give to friday lunch time to accept bid
and if not accepted let it be known we are after someoune else
I think now is the time the tables have turned in our favour. Lescotts took a leaf out of Bellyaches book and decided he wants out and Everton have a players who is not interested in playing for them. So we can now start playing hard ball with them and getting him for the price that he's worth. Personally I'd offer 10mil plus 5mil payable when he becomes the next england captain. Give them a take it or leave it offer and leave them the problem of having an unhappy player or cashing on what he's actually worth.
kiam06 said:
Everton should be ashamed of themsleves, their handling of this situation has been awful. If a player wants to leave and hands in a transfer request the right thing to do is hold your hands up and let the player move, all this swiping and bitterness has really made Everton and Moyes look bad, I do not remember anyone having a go at SWP when Chelsea came and took him off us.

Everton you are a joke.

completely agreed mate, putting it out to the media that his attitude isnt right and that the other players think his attitude isnt right is just marginalising Lescott and hanging him out to dry, moyles just being a sulky sulky brat who cant let go, not sure who would want to go and play for a snake like that in future?
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