Lescott [Merged]

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paul_blue said:


Wouldn't worry about it fella, Neville's just a Quasimodo looking Pleb, who's dead from the neck up!!!
Banned Tosspot said:
I was the reason you got banned on Bluewatch ;)

And I've been back on bluewatch for ages ;-) so don't worry your ugly little head about it.
Chippy_boy said:
1qwerty said:
1) we went from annual relegation candidates to consistently " best of the rest " and actually are the only current team to break into the top 4

2) pulled out of the to deal before he pulled the plug himself

3) remind me .. when was the last time you finished above us ? got to an FA Cup final ? .... that's the same ????? oh dear .. you really are deluded

4) He will score 15 - 20 this season IMHO , If he returns to you or goes elsewhere then that's a bridge we'll cross when we get to it .. something we consistently do , quite successfully ,

I'm not trying to justify myself .. I don't have to , I'm happy and confident with my team , I am confident we'll improve on last season , despite City trying to assemble a group of players who are all very good but have yet not had time to gel and interact with each other , hughes doesn;t even know his best 11 as yet , and unless you have a well established core of a team , already in place then this is going to take time , ... you well inevitably beat some decent teams in this 1st season together but you'll also get battered by some well coached , well organised teams with managers who know what they're doing .... I'll include Fulham , Stoke , Spurs , and maybe even Sunderland.... I honestly think you'll be better than Villa but they have players who can turn a game out of nothing . As much as you don't like it but Everton are one of the best organised teams in the premier league and we've proved that with a full squad , injuries permitting , we can give anybody a game and rarely get beat ,,... Instead of reacting to my mild wind ups with petty insults take on board what I've said , because if you finish above us then you'll break the Sky 4 monopoly ... And if you do finish above us then you deserve that milestone

Why don't you go and be happy and confident somewhere else.

Good idea ... It's been really nice exchanging views with your good selves , It's great having nice pleasant friends from our opposing teams .. Best of luck for the forthcoming season ... and may all your problems be Royal Blue and white ones :)
Dobsy87 said:
If Lescott doesn't ask Everton for the move he's a fool. We'd be offering him ten million quid extra over a five year contract. Everton cannot hope to do anything more than finish fifth and maybe win an FA Cup. No offence to the Everton fans but if you want us to 'face facts' then do so yourselves. No sugar daddy = no way to break the Sky 4.

I agree with this,if he dont hand a tranney in then fuck him,he obviously dont wana play for us that much dose he,i say we give it till the day after they get back from tour,if still nothing then byeeeeeeeeeeeeee,and i dont think we should up the bid either take it or fuckin leave it,end of,,,not got a clue why we are pandering to them,,is there no chance we can take jo back of em,i would and loan him elsewhere if we could
wrongun73 said:
ToffeeBlue said:
Sparky your boring me, either put up or shut up. You know what our valuation is, so either pay it or do one.
30million for lescott is way over the top and you know it.
i would pay half that, tops. i think we should walk away, leaving everton to stand still in the transfer market. theres better than him out there for loads less, plus it would get rid of you ***** off here!
I think alot of todays valuations are over the top so why should we settle for less than the going rate and what we value our player at? Not going to happen, we have a stubborn Scot in charge. Moyes should just come out and tell Sparky, meet the valuation NOW or go away and play with your new train set!
qwerty just two little things you keep saying your a well organised side and we may get beat off well organised sides, how come you didn't beat us last season at your place ( remember when robinho got spat on but scouse scum) and also if your soo well organised how did villa manage to turn you over in the last seconds of your home game when you just drawn level, not very organised that you know
1) can you prove that he was going to pull the plug ( didnt think so ). That however still doesnt answer the point of where were everton at the negotiations dont knock those that have tried before you have yourself

2) You have consistently finished above us and you got to an FA Cup final but what have you won. Nothing thats what, ill say it again 2nd place is first loser

3)Do you genuinely think we are going to bend over for everton after this your kidding right.

Basically you have said nothing really, your well organised whoopy do and you said villa have players who can turn a game out of nothing, cos thats really where we are lacking, basically your whole perception lies on us not gelling and you being settled.

Do you know hughes well then and have intimate choice of his team selections. How do you know he doesnt know his best 11 is. If you lot are so not bothered about us why are you on here with your veiled digs and nonsense arguments
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