Lescott [Merged]

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Glutton4Punishment said:
He's just pissed at the thought of losing a good player. Lets face it, we all say things in the heat of the moment, and the second journo's get on the case the words can be taken out of context. I think he's basically having a dig at the public attention brought to bear. I'll try to be balanced in this, but I seem to remember some managers always playing the "we dont discuss other teams players" card when this sort of media scrum is created, I think that Hughes would be well advised to follow that line - it suggests an air of respect and quiet confidence rather than setting himself up to be called a moneybags.
Lets face it, if Lescott wants a move, he'll move - I'm not falling out with anyone over it. This is a country mile departed from the Rooney saga - Lescott is a Brummie and a Villa fan, we simply cant expect him to spurn a great pay day because of loyalty. Sad but true.
One other thought - sure to please a couple of the people accusing this thread of becoming an EFC home page, I wouldnt be at all surprised if Kenwright was pulling all the strings - make it look like we are putting up a fight rather than just rolling over.
I just wish this whole debacle would be resolved quickly!

Proper football fan.

honest balanced view..pretty spot on
1qwerty said:
mcfc1632 said:
Do not remember him kicking up so much when rooney went to the scum!!!! - surely double-standards

What planet are you on ? he successfully sued Rooney for the lies Rodney made in his book and then donated the "substancial damages " to charity , He was screaming Blue murder when Rodney left .. Just face it ... Everything Moyes said was true ... No Class No dignity from City .. and it will backfire .. Moyes is a sycophant to nobody , least of al Kenwright . In fact Kenwright Kow Tow's to Moyes because he knows that if Davy walks away then he'll lose the biggest asset the club has got .... In 7 years with a nett transfer budget of £4m / year he's transformed Everton from a team annually threatened with relegation to a top 5/6 team ... a record that has earned him Manager of the year 3 times out of 7 by his fellow bosses ... and as much as that might gall you .. its a record Hughes will NEVER get close to !!!!

good point there la (note to diary...add DM to list of potential future managers)
Can someone please explain what we are supposed to have done wrong? We've made a couple of bids for a player (which is our right), and Everton have turned them down (which is their right). Am I missing something? United/Chelsea/Liverpool/Arsenal have been doing this type of thing for years. Rooney, Berbatov, Carrick, Ferdinand, all signed from rival clubs, who I'm pretty sure weren't best pleased about selling their best players. Maybe the problem is that Everton have been doing things 'the right way' for several years now, living within their means, gradually improving year on year, and they just can't handle the fact that City are highly likely to replace them as 'the next best' after the Sky 4 in the space of twelve months? Might explain their reluctance to sell, and some of the bitter statements emonating from their manager.
In The Know said:
HellasLEAF said:
only a matter of time now...

<a class="postlink" href="http://goal.com/en/news/9/england/2009/08/02/1417194/joleon-lescott-to-stun-everton-with-transfer-request-report" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://goal.com/en/news/9/england/2009/ ... est-report</a>

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.goal.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.goal.com</a> is one of if not the worst site on the net. I wouldn't believe them if they said the sky was blue.

Do goal.com employ their own journalists to create and write articles? or are they just a vehicle which publish media stories from other credible/not so credible media outlets ie the notw, people etc?

I hear people time and time again say (it's from goal.com it must be bollocks) but i was of the oppinion they never wrote there own storys!
bluemooner_mcfc said:
Forzacitizens said:
these everton fans are getting seriously annoying now

no there not...............

imgine what its like to lose one of your best players and especially the way its being done in the media?

im sure if it was done to us we would be the same if not worse so take yourself back to when chelsea nicked and bullied us into selling SWP.

its only to be expected they feel we are bullying them into selling lescott because its coming across that way in the papers and nobody likes a bully.

like someone said dont tar them with the same brush because theres worse city fans on here for sure.

its an opinion mate, i find them annoying, probably like a lot of other blues on here
Could Moyes record show that everton are indeed punching above their weight if they were a true top 5-6 team then he wouldnt deserve manager of the year because basicaly all he has done is kept the status quo. All i keep on hearing is how great a manager Moyes is.

One question for all your everton fans what has he won you?
hgblue said:
Can someone please explain what we are supposed to have done wrong? We've made a couple of bids for a player (which is our right), and Everton have turned them down (which is their right). Am I missing something? United/Chelsea/Liverpool/Arsenal have been doing this type of thing for years. Rooney, Berbatov, Carrick, Ferdinand, all signed from rival clubs, who I'm pretty sure weren't best pleased about selling their best players. Maybe the problem is that Everton have been doing things 'the right way' for several years now, living within their means, gradually improving year on year, and they just can't handle the fact that City are highly likely to replace them as 'the next best' after the Sky 4 in the space of twelve months? Might explain their reluctance to sell, and some of the bitter statements emonating from their manager.

Bang on!

What gets me is that not one of these Toffee's would be whinging and whining if the shoe was on the other foot!

I dont expect them to be pleased about the possibiliy of losing one of their better players, i do however expect them to be reasonable and accept the fact that we have done nothing wrong in this, in fact the reason it is now being played out in the media is due entirely down to EFC.

Bids have gone in and they have been rejected. Fine! One thing here Toffee's, if we do end up signing the player, please dont come on here giving it large, it will be because your club have decided to accept an offer, something that every football club the world over has done lots of times over the years.

Vent your anger at your own club, its chairman and your god like manager, not at us...
As mentioned previously, it is everton that's have made the bids public. Simple reason is that kenwright and moyes are going to snap city's hand off for £20m for a defender that they bought for a fraction of that a few years ago. They've dragged it int the public because lets face its much better to make us look like bullying bastards and will be able to appease fans much more easily by putting up a struggle untill lescott hmself declares he wants the move, as opposed to doing a deal hush hush behind close doors which would piss the fans of big time. So as for phil Neville gobbing off, he's either been briefed by moyes et al or is just too thick and ignorant to understand the whole saga!
hgblue said:
Can someone please explain what we are supposed to have done wrong? We've made a couple of bids for a player (which is our right), and Everton have turned them down (which is their right). Am I missing something? United/Chelsea/Liverpool/Arsenal have been doing this type of thing for years. Rooney, Berbatov, Carrick, Ferdinand, all signed from rival clubs, who I'm pretty sure weren't best pleased about selling their best players. Maybe the problem is that Everton have been doing things 'the right way' for several years now, living within their means, gradually improving year on year, and they just can't handle the fact that City are highly likely to replace them as 'the next best' after the Sky 4 in the space of twelve months? Might explain their reluctance to sell, and some of the bitter statements emonating from their manager.

What you have done wrong is basically zip - its mainly jealousy (and a great story for the hacks who are desperate for you to fail)- you guys have the capability to live the dream - maybe not my dream given some of the players Hughes has bought in - but all the riches and glory may be yours. For my two-penneth worth - not with MH as manager. I said last night that the best pound for pound buy City could make would be Wenger. Not only would he create a vision which MCFC could follow and flourish from, but also he's a media darling.
That said - in answer to another earlie point about the story being released, to be honest, its irrellevant now - I dont like Hughes speaking openly about someoene who is a current EFC player, but by the same token, I dont like EFC airing their dirty laundry in public either. Lacks class
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