Lescott [Merged]

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Lomas has a lob on said:
rodders said:
They'll also need someone to defend set pieces properly too.
They conceded 38% of their goals last season that way, the most in the PL.
that stat really suprises me, i thought everton were tight in everything regarding defending. you may need to wheel that stat out again tonight when the nutty evertonians make there daily visit.

It surprised me too. Maybe Lescott can't do it all by himself ;-)
It's from an Opta Stats overview of the 2008-09 season in the guardian.
keemcfc said:
Pam said:
Yeah, pissing Z Cars, FFS. What mingers.
erm, what?

They play the theme from Z Cars when the Eviltons run out at Goodison, Lomas. I know its difficult to believe and something of an outrage on the ears, but there you have it.
ellonblue said:
The stance that MH took with JT was, he would wait to get any encouragement from JT before another bit went in, so we are told? Respect was given to the other team, in this case chelsea.
Now if that is the way we are doing our business and another bit DOES go in for lescott, surely everton are encouraging the fact they WILL sell but the price obviously is what they want?
yeh agreed, the wordings in evertons statements have changed! people can slag chelsea but through out the hole terry saga they always stated he's not for sale,end of, it was terrys silence that pro-longed the hole thing, now with everton before a bid was even made and it was only rumours there stance was similar to that of chelsea's, now they are refusing our bids, and then quoting there own price(s), i think everton are fully aware he may go but quite rightly (for them) they are tryin to get the best possible deal for everton! unlike the terry saga i think the ball is well and truly in our court at the moment, hughes just has to decide if lescott is worth another bid!
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/everton-fc/everton-fc-news/2009/08/01/dominic-king-man-city-should-go-to-the-bottom-of-the-class-100252-24286530/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/everton- ... -24286530/</a>

I think the scouse are upset awwwww lol
Lomas has a lob on said:
ellonblue said:
The stance that MH took with JT was, he would wait to get any t quite rightly (for them) they are tryin to get the best possible deal for everton! unlike the terry saga i think the ball is well and truly in our court at the moment, hughes just has to decide if lescott is worth another bid!

Everton are saying they would'nt accept £20 mil for him. Big fat LOL with a cherry on the top.
kinky7 said:

I think the scouse are upset awwwww lol

"MONEY, if you have enough of it, can get you most things but it will never, ever be able to buy you class."

I stopped reading after that.
Off the pitch we have shown more class than Chelsea, Rags, Dippers have ever done in their own transfer dealings over the years.
On it we now clearly have an abundance of class.

Dummy spitting vitriol from the ever so envious scousers, no more no less.
kinky7 said:

I think the scouse are upset awwwww lol
Don't know about you guys but i am getting pissed off with everyone thinking we are doing our laundry in public! i like to think i can look at most things level headed even when it involves city. When have we in this transfer window "started" talking about targets FIRST? Did i miss those press releases on the os?
Am I missing something with all this moaning about City being arrogant and "flexing their financial muscle"? From what I've read we put bids in for players like Terry and Lescott direct with their clubs, those clubs then decide to make those bids public and we are the bad guys.

Everton are a decent club who are run proberly and have over achieved over a number of seasons due to having a top manager. However they made our bid for one of their players public.
mcfcliam said:
For Everton to accept £20m and try and buy senderos, Lescott must have had a quiet word with Moyes.

If this is true then I can understand why all these Everton fans come on here. Senderos = piss poor.
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