Lescott [Merged]

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BringBackSwales said:
Mothball said:
How long does it take him to wite a letter FFS.As he got fkn learning problems

I have been wondering why the letter is taking so long myself but I didn't like to say anything
haha haven't given you a complex about this "letter" have i? you carry on talking about it i've noticed you've had a few posts without bringin it up. . . . . . . well done, you can mention it again now, lets try and ween you off it slowly.
johnmc said:
blueinsa said:
Ah, the perfect world again!

If the rags came calling for Moyes tomorrow, he would be off like a shot without a second thought for Everton, trust me.

They are professionals guys, not fans living out a dream. Its a job to them just like ours are, imagine someone offering you double your current income tomorrow. Do you go or do you stay because you feel you might owe your boss/company a bit back?

Be honest now...

You ask me to be honest and I will - i've left jobs for more money in the past and have always served my notice, never took the piss in ringing in sick, in fact i probably worked harder because people probably expected me to take my foot off the peddle. But its irrelevant as football transfers don't work like that.

Lescott might well wish to further his career with us, but that doesnt mean he now hates Everton and Moyes. I'm sure he respects the fact they took a chance on him and turned him into an international footballer. So whilst he wants to come he wants to rock the boat as little as possible. Its called respect.

John i applaud your professionalism mate. Im lucky enough to own my own business and i know how much hard work that takes and i expect the same from my staff.

However, football is not the real world, contracts mean nothing. Everton themselves are now doing exactly what we are with Senderos and Arsenal, thats the way transfer business is conducted.

Whether he comes or not, im not that bothered to be honest mate, we can probaly get better for less but Hughes wants him and it appears Lescott wants to come so time will tell.

In a way i applaud Moyes, he is employed by Everton and as such he is serving them well.

However my bug with all this is the accusations that we have done anything wrong. It's rubbish and for me it's the only thing that has let EFC and Moyes down. I can understand the fans being upset about possibly losing a valued player, but for Moyes and Co, who do know better, to spout the crap they have about the way we have behaved makes them out to be rather childish at best and very hypocritical at worst as they will do ecactly what we have done, evertime they sign a player.
blueinsa said:
Whether he comes or not, im not that bothered to be honest mate, we can probaly get better for less but Hughes wants him and it appears Lescott wants to come so time will tell.

In a way i applaud Moyes, he is employed by Everton and as such he is serving them well.

However my bug with all this is the accusations that we have done anything wrong. It's rubbish and for me it's the only thing that has let EFC and Moyes down. I can understand the fans being upset about possibly losing a valued player, but for Moyes and Co, who do know better, to spout the crap they have about the way we have behaved makes them out to be rather childish at best and very hypocritical at worst as they will do ecactly what we have done, evertime they sign a player.

I am not criticising City or Everton really for the way they have handled this - both as you would expect want whats best for themselves.

However my bug bare is with SOME fans who expect Everton to just cave and deliver Lescott to us on a silver platter, And when we sign Lescott it will be "Lets get Vidic now" or "Messi next" and things along those lines.
johnmc said:
blueinsa said:
Whether he comes or not, im not that bothered to be honest mate, we can probaly get better for less but Hughes wants him and it appears Lescott wants to come so time will tell.

In a way i applaud Moyes, he is employed by Everton and as such he is serving them well.

However my bug with all this is the accusations that we have done anything wrong. It's rubbish and for me it's the only thing that has let EFC and Moyes down. I can understand the fans being upset about possibly losing a valued player, but for Moyes and Co, who do know better, to spout the crap they have about the way we have behaved makes them out to be rather childish at best and very hypocritical at worst as they will do ecactly what we have done, evertime they sign a player.

I am not criticising City or Everton really for the way they have handled this - both as you would expect want whats best for themselves.

However my bug bare is with SOME fans who expect Everton to just cave and deliver Lescott to us on a silver platter, And when we sign Lescott it will be "Lets get Vidic now" or "Messi next" and things along those lines.

Nothing wrong with dreaming mate lol

It's a bit of giddyness, after the last 30 years, and i can bet a few of us will have been around for all of them, even im feeling a bit giddy to be honest.

I think that what we are beginning to see is the influx of the "new" city fan, just like those that went to Chelsea or the Rags. We knew it would happen and we wont be able to stop it.

As for Messi, if you dont ask, you will never get....lol
LongsightM13 said:
This was part of my post on the Van der Vart thread, but it's probably more relevant here. Can't say I've seen the lad but has a good pedigree. Does anyone know any more about him?

"As an aside, we were linked with a young Germany international centre half, Alex Westerman, a few weeks ago as an alternative to Lescott. This all seems to have gone quiet but I was in Cologne for a couple of days last week and some Shalke fans I was sharing a beer with were distraught that City had been linked with him in the German press as well.
These lads say he will be their international captain for the next decade. They said he's big, almost unbeatable in the air, two-footed, scores from set pieces and is the fastest player at the club — all defensive areas where City need to strengthen.
Only downside is relative inexperience and the fact he has never played in England. But that hasn't stopped us buying from the Bundesliga before, has it? Would cost £12m tops.
Get in there, Sparky, and let Moyes go and farm his ginger pubes!

Heiko Westermann can play on any position in the back 4 and in the midfield too, both as holding midfielder or in Barry's position. I wouldn't mind him to be honest. He is 26, so not really young, but that is OK. Schalke also has another great defender, Benedikt Höwedes, highly impressive in the U-21 championship which Germany won, and one of the top 5 centre halfs in Bundesliga, tall and strong and good at bringing the ball out from the back. I wouldn't mind a double swoop of Westermann and Höwedes.
do u think we sud put in another bid and if so how much sud we go up 2?
i rate him very highly but not over 15m but city bein city i think we shud av 1 last go 4 him with 21m
AdamMCFC88 said:
do u think we sud put in another bid and if so how much sud we go up 2?
i rate him very highly but not over 15m but city bein city i think we shud av 1 last go 4 him with 21m

I fink u shud tipe proper m8, dis is a forum, nt a moby fone.

It is much betta 4 all us oldies 2 undastnd.

alera said:
The lack of balls on this guy is frightening.

Lets be honest Everton are in a shit bargainin position if he puts in a written transfer request and starts moaing to the press.

They only have 2 fit central defenders at the moment and no money to spend. Does anyone apart from Lescott honestly believe they will bench him or refuse to sell. What they are going to do, completely fuck themselves just to shaft Lescott. I dont think so , they would only have one fit central defender !

The way he is playing this is so stupid its almost beyond belief !

When the player kicks up a stink they always end up being sold ! Be a man show some balls we are talking about his new contract being worth 10s of millions more than he is currently on. Short term pain for long term gain !
Like the rest of us you don't know so you're in no position to throw insults

Remember when SWP and Anelka left City? Your character assessment is based solely on your self interest. If a City player tried to walk out on the club, you'd be encouraging them would you?
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