Lescott [Merged]

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Optimus Prime said:
The way I see it, Moyes should just shut his ginger head and sell us the player - I mean, Everton are a team that's going nowhere fast and surely he must recognise this.

He should be satisfied with buying young players from the Championship, grooming them into Premier League players, and then selling them on to Clubs with genuine ambition to challenge for honours - its a complement that a Club like us want to buy a player he's developed and is a testament to the job he's doing there.

Frankly, Everton are a team who are clearly punching above their weight in the league at the moment, but it can't last without investment. Moyes should bide his time til some money comes into the club by developing his players and selling them on to Big Clubs thus generating finance for himself in this way - I think he's getting ideas above his station at the moment, and this whole approach will blow up in his face when he's left with a threadbare squad, short on quality, with their only decent player wanting out. Shame on him!

Obvious troll is obvious.

But still I'll reply.

Why should Everton sell one of their best players to a new rival for European spots? Just because you want him and you have a tonne of money?

'its a complement that a Club like us' - A club like who? What have you done and who are you?

Everton are punching above their weight? OK, yeah. So we must be punching above our weight quite consistently then. And our side is short on quality and we have only one good player. Jesus Christ mate. If you're not a troll then you have probably the most limited footballing knowledge in the world.
Darker shade of Blue said:
mcfcliam said:
For human and unselfish reasons.

Liam , you need to be more open minded about this difficult situation .

Moyes isn't being selfish , but looking after the interests of the club . Evertons future must come first , and though we all have different opinions on how best to deal with this situation , there are obviously things in Moyes mind which we are not able to figure in our own equations .

I'm very open minded about this.

I'm just saying it's no good for Everton keeping a player who simply doesn't want to play for you. He's made it clear that he wants to play for us, what else does he have to do?

I'm sure 90% of Everton fans want Lescott to leave.
bizzbo said:
Braggster said:
This transfer is as much, if not more, down to the internal politics at Everton than City and Everton's respective positions, or Moyes' view of a player's worth.

The idea that anyone else will ever offer a sum approaching £20m for Lescott is risible. It simply will not happen, ever.

Given that Moyes is desperate to strengthen his squad, and has no funds to do so, if he were being purely logical about this he would screw £22m out of us, reinvest £10-12m in a replacement CB, who is younger and cheaper wages-wise than Lescott, and spend the rest on the other areas of weakness in the Everton squad.

However, there are several factors that complicate this. One is that Moyes has allowed this issue to get personal, but more important are that: (1) he is immensely frustrated at having to 'sell to buy' despite his huge success so far; (2) he knows that Kenwright would like to sell, but he wants to assert his personal control over team affairs; (3) he suspects that he would not, in fact, see the whole £22m and suspects that some of it, at least, would go into the Kirby pot.

The deciding factor in this saga, other than Lescott's behaviour over the next few weeks, is what happens within Everton.

Kenwright simply cannot risk openly overruling Moyes, as that would risk losing the manager. And then Everton would be royally fvcked. So he needs to persuade him to sell. Will that happen? Who the fuck knows. I would just add this. I think Moyes is being a little unreasonable with his chairman, because I cannot see how Kenwright can be expected to magic up the funds to compete. And for Everton's future, well beyond the Moyes era, the issue of a new stadium is crucial.

I agree with the analysis, but not the conclusions. Where would Moyes go? Newcastle?? Surely the most important thing to him is to maintain his reputation. Spend the season on the sidelines and he risks becoming yesterdays man.

I have a suspicion that Moyes may be holding this up, knowing it is likely to happen, in order to secure more of the fee for transfers, and to remind Kenwright and the American how awkward he can be when he doesnt get his way.

You may be right, bizzbo (though I'm not convinced that he would become yesterday's man unless he were on the sidelines for a full season at the very least). But the point was more that from Kenwright's perspective it would be a risk, rather than that Moyes would actually resign. If I were Kenwright, I would not want to roll the dice on Moyes staying if I sold Lescott over his head.
We could have Lescott and loan them a few other players?

Logan, Garrido, Johnson & Benjani maybe?

DSOB - Would you be happy with that?

EDIT - And Etuhu too.
The Fixer said:
Your argument is flawed mate... your forgetting one important issue TRANSFER REQUEST player wants to leave you.

There is another important issue: CONTRACT.

And only one is legally binding.
Remember last time one of Baconface's arse lickers had a go about the way we do our business, there Chairman had to come out and deny it all within hours.
Ferdinand £30million
Terry - would of been £30million had chelsea oked the move
lescott no more than £20 million, he isn't worth £30million cos he isnt as good as terry or ferdinand.
The Fixer said:
Imo moyes is doing the opposite, his self stubborness is preventing you from adding to your squad, he's moaning he has no cash but wont make a 15 mill proffit on Lescott who wants to go, if i was a blue dipper i'd be fooked of with the ginger frog eyed fecker!!!

So we should be angry at Moyes because the board have given him no money to spend? That makes sense...

10% of the transfer goes to Wolves.

We have 80m debts that need to be shifted.

Moyes isn't guaranteed the money and he knows it.
Shooter 83 said:
Remember last time one of Baconface's arse lickers had a go about the way we do our business, there Chairman had to come out and deny it all within hours.

Why would they lick his ass when it's his face that tastes of pork?
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