Lescott [Merged]

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Dubai Blue said:
riley347 said:
Stop shouting at me.

He's still shite, and as for TBH....................would you want him in your team?

Neither would Everton.

Not if I were Moyes no, if I were manager of somebody like Hull City or Wolves though I'd probably regard Tal as a good buy if the price was low enough.
mancity1 said:
Dobsy87 said:
The most succinct, accurate and honest post by an Evertonian I've seen on bluemoon. That's why I've been getting peeved with some of the others, who've had a quite condescending attitude.

That is why it makes sense that Lescott comes to City.

You can argue about the merits of the player and the transfer value of the player and like anyone he can turn out to be little value for money but to argue that he should stay at a club he doesn't want to stay at and be paid a price well above market value in the premiership because a club with the funds can afford him at that price is no good for anybody.

Who is arguing that he should stay? Not me. I want him to leave asap. So do Everton imo, any talk of "he is not going" is just bravado or propaganda to appease the fans. Moyes is no mug. He knows Lescott has to go, but he is not going to go cheap. He will of scanned the market for a quality left footed left back and he knows that there is a derth of talent out there and Lescott is City's best option. He will get the optimum deal and he will make sure he has the backing of the fans before he sells. Things are happening on the QT, you only have to read Stu's posts to see that the two clubs are communicating. EFC have to play this carefully for fear of a fans revolt. Anti Kenwright support is gathering fast.
Omiclops said:
So, what do people think of that article that I wrote about Lescott?

Any room for improvements or mistakes etc?


I think that all criticsm of Everton and especially triumphalism should be avoided. In any transaction it's all about one party telling the other party what they want to hear. City & Everton both have public positions to protect. When and if the deal is done we can analyse it then.
Fair play to you EFCJono, though I do think Moyes will resist the sale if he can, as he doesn't think he can get a better player than Lescott with the money (and perhaps isn't sure he'll even get all the money).

I can imagine anti-Kenwright support is growing, but I think it's quite unfair. I'm not saying that the Kenwright regime is perfect, but the fact of the matter is that Everton cannot afford to spend more than they do, and he can't magic money up out of nowhere.

TO the anti Kenwright people, I would say: what else would YOU do in his shoes? Because you sure as hell don't want to go down the Pompey route (or the Thaksin route).
Braggster said:
Fair play to you EFCJono, though I do think Moyes will resist the sale if he can, as he doesn't think he can get a better player than Lescott with the money (and perhaps isn't sure he'll even get all the money).

I can imagine anti-Kenwright support is growing, but I think it's quite unfair. I'm not saying that the Kenwright regime is perfect, but the fact of the matter is that Everton cannot afford to spend more than they do, and he can't magic money up out of nowhere.

TO the anti Kenwright people, I would say: what else would YOU do in his shoes? Because you sure as hell don't want to go down the Pompey route (or the Thaksin route).

I don't think there is a better player than Lescott in that position that we could afford with the money we would get. However we could improve the team. We need a RB, 2 CB's, RM and cover for LB, LM and Defensive Midfield.

The Anti Kenwright brigade is growing not because of his financial contraints but because of his trial of broken promises.
The Anti Kenwright brigade is growing not because of his financial contraints but because of his trial of broken promises.

I keep hearing this referred to, what exactly are these broken promises? Just transfers or something more?
Dobsy87 said:
The Anti Kenwright brigade is growing not because of his financial contraints but because of his trial of broken promises.

I keep hearing this referred to, what exactly are these broken promises? Just transfers or something more?

The Kings Dock move, The NTL debacle, the proposed take over a few years back, moving the club from the City to Knowsley. More recently not directly form Kenwright but Robert Ellistone in June about how we are going to improve the team with transfers, none of which have materialised (except Jo), our constant failure to secure even the most "nailed down of transfers" Norton, Delph, Senderos, M'Bia etc. I'm not even Anti Kenwright, I believe he has the club at heart but you can see why people lose confidence.
Dobsy87 said:
I keep hearing this referred to, what exactly are these broken promises? Just transfers or something more?

The Kings Dock move, The NTL debacle, the proposed take over a few years back, moving the club from the City to Knowsley. More recently not directly form Kenwright but Robert Ellistone in June about how we are going to improve the team with transfers, none of which have materialised (except Jo), our constant failure to secure even the most "nailed down of transfers" Norton, Delph, Senderos, M'Bia etc. I'm not even Anti Kenwright, I believe he has the club at heart but you can see why people lose confidence.
everton could always call on sly stallone to put his hand in his pocket ; )
Lomas has a lob on said:
The Kings Dock move, The NTL debacle, the proposed take over a few years back, moving the club from the City to Knowsley. More recently not directly form Kenwright but Robert Ellistone in June about how we are going to improve the team with transfers, none of which have materialised (except Jo), our constant failure to secure even the most "nailed down of transfers" Norton, Delph, Senderos, M'Bia etc. I'm not even Anti Kenwright, I believe he has the club at heart but you can see why people lose confidence.
everton could always call on sly stallone to put his hand in his pocket ; )

Yeah, although the day he came I think we drew 0 - 0 with Wigan or someone. I don't think he could leave quick enough.
As far as google tells me, Knowsley is only 5 miles from Goodison park. Maine Road was a couple of miles from COMS so why the uproar?
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