Lessons to be learned from Saturday (Wembley Way)

dw7 said:
I'm not doubting SOME trouble did happen but I didn't see one bit what so ever tbh

I still have several lumps on the back of my head from
Wembley Way.
dw7 said:
citykev28 said:
i understand your idea of marching down wembley way in numbers but when you've got your lad with you, you simply take the safe option. stay away from the twats as much as possible.
This why go looking when you can avoid it

I didn't see any trouble whatsoever and I posted on here that we should try to keep things peaceful, but I'm not having women and children getting targeted by these pricks, and if this means we need to make sure that Wembley Way is chocker with City fans to discourage the scum from attacking them, then I think that is an excellent idea tbh.
Whitworth Park said:
I posted on here on a couple of occasions warning people what utter scum
the Cockney Reds are would not hesitate to attack women and children and
people with shirts.
I was accused of scaremongering and derided by some posters.
(Who obviously live in cotton candy land )
However this is not an I told you so rant because what happened was horrendous and I did think that the Police would have provided better
protection on Wembley Way.

With the prospect of another meeting in the Charity Shield things need
to be put in place.
When we win everyone (as many people as possible) should exit down Wembley
Way as it was proved on Saturday that when faced with equal numbers they
didnt want to know.

It would seem that we will be allocated the same end so people with children
female and elderly fans would be advised if possible to use Wembley Central
and avoide Wembley Park.
If the MET are unable to protect City fan's then we have to assume the
responsibility ourselves and ensure there is no repeat of Saturday.
You're exagerating. Some Utd fans were very aggressive, but there was little or no trouble because most ignored them
Marvin said:
Whitworth Park said:
I posted on here on a couple of occasions warning people what utter scum
the Cockney Reds are would not hesitate to attack women and children and
people with shirts.
I was accused of scaremongering and derided by some posters.
(Who obviously live in cotton candy land )
However this is not an I told you so rant because what happened was horrendous and I did think that the Police would have provided better
protection on Wembley Way.

With the prospect of another meeting in the Charity Shield things need
to be put in place.
When we win everyone (as many people as possible) should exit down Wembley
Way as it was proved on Saturday that when faced with equal numbers they
didnt want to know.

It would seem that we will be allocated the same end so people with children
female and elderly fans would be advised if possible to use Wembley Central
and avoide Wembley Park.
If the MET are unable to protect City fan's then we have to assume the
responsibility ourselves and ensure there is no repeat of Saturday.
You're exagerating. Some Utd fans were very aggressive, but there was little or no trouble because most ignored them

i saw a fair bit of trouble..
I didnt see any trouble walking up WW to the ground but if you were among the first City fans to leave the stadium after the match it was as bad as anything I saw in the 70's and 80's.

The basic problem is that the two sets of fans do not leave the ground at the same time, the losers are about 10 mins ahead of the winners. That gives the losing teams nutters ample time to group together to attack the fans of the winning team.

The losing team might have the same number of nutters but they're spread thinly among 30,000 normal people and not concentrated in a large group in the same way.
To my mind, before the game 80 per cent of blues came to the ground from the west. When we got to the ground after more than afew scoops, a mass of blue, very little red . Before we went in the ground , approx 4.45 - turnstile H - we looked down wembley way and far more red than blue - alot of the blue were families wearing colours , a good number of the scum looked like they were out for trouble, big time. After the game, scuffles on the concourse and saw one blue sparked out in the coach park, in a neck brace with paramedics - just hope he's ok.
Marvin said:
Whitworth Park said:
I posted on here on a couple of occasions warning people what utter scum
the Cockney Reds are would not hesitate to attack women and children and
people with shirts.
I was accused of scaremongering and derided by some posters.
(Who obviously live in cotton candy land )
However this is not an I told you so rant because what happened was horrendous and I did think that the Police would have provided better
protection on Wembley Way.

With the prospect of another meeting in the Charity Shield things need
to be put in place.
When we win everyone (as many people as possible) should exit down Wembley
Way as it was proved on Saturday that when faced with equal numbers they
didnt want to know.

It would seem that we will be allocated the same end so people with children
female and elderly fans would be advised if possible to use Wembley Central
and avoide Wembley Park.
If the MET are unable to protect City fan's then we have to assume the
responsibility ourselves and ensure there is no repeat of Saturday.
You're exagerating. Some Utd fans were very aggressive, but there was little or no trouble because most ignored them

You are exactly the type of blind fool I was refering to.
Have you not read the post's on this board ????
These are the true fact's not the crap put out by the MET.
I didnt see the scenes on Wembley Way as I was in a pub on the west side.
However I have several friends who had to run through the mob of hate
who were kicked at spat at had bottles can's thrown at them
No protection was provided whatsoever by the Police.
These were people with children, people with their elderly parents.
If you think I am exagerating in anyway you are either a Rag or a complete
Before the game the police let united fans congregate on the upper walkway after the underpass. I was with my mum and dad and we were pelted with glass bottles and full beer cans as well as scum spitting on us. There were kids crying (some were even in united kids!).

The police did nothing but film them and didn't do anything despite the protest of fans (blue and red).

Outside the ground the policing was awful, as was the decision to play it at 5.15. I would like to add the stewards and police inside the ground were excellent.

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