let me tell you a story...

Of course its all about money. Carlos could have said no but he's allowed his agent to bring him into disrepute with the club and the fans. No-one likes a greedy bastard. But to think that he can hold the club and the fans to ransom at such a vital time in our season and our current evolution is unforgiveable. There is a time and a place for such negotiations. The way that this has been positioned shows a complete lack of respect from player and agent. A lack of class too.

Carlos needs to fuck his agent off if he wants to recover the situation with City. Unlikely I guess.

So we will muddle through to January and add a replacement for Tevez to our ever growng striker wish list.

flb said:
simon23 said:
i keep reading from diferent posters that we are a different club and that we are in control etc etc etc and at the moment im inclined to agree....the club are handling it in the correct way

but RM now needs to pull out of the bag a fergie style offensive and get tev to realise that leaving would be a huge mistake as there is no doubt in my mind that without tevez we are a hugely weaker side and no matter how much money we have we would struggle to replace him....i cannt think of a player id rather have that we can realistically get.

its ok for everyone on here to keep saying that the club is bigger than one player (and they are right) but we do need tev to stay...he is the fulcrum to our team.

if its about money then thats fine....we can negotiate that...if its about the relationship between the player and RM (and that is a distinct possibility also) then we have a problem! I know we have to support the manager but it again brings into question the way RM does things...why do a number of players have a problem with the way RM manages?.....tev does bellamy did, ireland did, petrov alluded to it, there is obviously a probelm between RM and ade and even viera has come out and said things....In no way do i want RM to go but there has to be something that RM is doign to alienate certain players.....does he also need to look at how he does things and maybe change slightly??????

There are obvious difficulties between Tevez & Mancini and have been since Mancini arrived at the club,you say a number of players have a problem with the way he manages,thankfully the majority have or will leave the club in the not too distant future.

There are different ways of managing players and some wont like the way he does things so thats tuff titties-there are also a lot of players who have flourished under Mancini-with evidence on the pitch to prove it.

A lone striker will score a big percentage of the teams goals-but wont those chances still be created for another striker in the near future?Tevez in a lot of ways is a very selfish striker,hes guilty on numerous occasions of fluffing it infront of goal and often ignores a much simpler pass to a team mate for his own glory.Listen,hes a great player who will be missed but not as much as some are making out,with the transfer window looming for once the timing could just be right for MCFC.

Thats the scoreline!

Am I the only one to note that in matches Tevez only starts to 'deliver' when some players (his rival teammate) are subbed off. Even tho we outplayed & have numerous goalscoring opportunities prior to that.

We attribute it to bad chemistry.

The bottom line is that we got to root this out. Team first before self- aggrandisement!
simon23 said:
i keep reading from diferent posters that we are a different club and that we are in control etc etc etc and at the moment im inclined to agree....the club are handling it in the correct way

but RM now needs to pull out of the bag a fergie style offensive and get tev to realise that leaving would be a huge mistake as there is no doubt in my mind that without tevez we are a hugely weaker side and no matter how much money we have we would struggle to replace him....i cannt think of a player id rather have that we can realistically get.

its ok for everyone on here to keep saying that the club is bigger than one player (and they are right) but we do need tev to stay...he is the fulcrum to our team.

if its about money then thats fine....we can negotiate that...if its about the relationship between the player and RM (and that is a distinct possibility also) then we have a problem! I know we have to support the manager but it again brings into question the way RM does things...why do a number of players have a problem with the way RM manages?.....tev does bellamy did, ireland did, petrov alluded to it, there is obviously a probelm between RM and ade and even viera has come out and said things....In no way do i want RM to go but there has to be something that RM is doign to alienate certain players.....does he also need to look at how he does things and maybe change slightly??????

Bellamy is a good premiership player who has a huge gob on him and has caused trouble wherever he's been. Petrov another with a big gob on him. Not a world class player even though he thinks he is. Ireland, well the less said the better. Granted Tevez is a world class player but he has previous with United.

We are top equal and I think that Mancini can stay exactly like he is. In other words like the detested Ferguson, he takes no shit from overpaid, overhyped prima donnas. And long may that last.

Oh and by the way, wasn't it only a few matches ago you were calling for Roberto's head?
Julie said:
SWP's back said:
No one on the inside but perhaps with associations of someone on the inside.

As I asked earlier in the thread, can you explain TH Kia thread on Monday when City were officially stating Tevez was happy etc? If you can, please tell me as I would happily been convinced otherwise.

I did also remember you questioning TH when he posted the day before the derby saying Fergie was lying about having no fit players (as TH correctly predicted ALL the Utd players that were said to be unavailable, as actually playing - you did say you would hold your hands up if you were wrong, did you?).

There is no doubt TH gets information from someone on the inside and posts in good faith. But in football, as in every aspect of life, when it comes to the time of "hey lads hey", people change their mind and back out of plans that have been best laid, this can leave egg on face.

I steer clear of the transfer forum for that very reason, but that is now the last 2 times I have seen TH predict something that the media had not picked up on, and been proven correct within days. Gstar is right to say that ITK's shouldn't be relied on as gospel and anyone that does is probably foolish, but Gstar was also saying TH may be off the mark back on monday in the Kia thread.

Yes i did hold my hands up after the derby (i think anyway if not i do now) but that turned out to be typical rasherchops lies, you dont really need to be ITK to have a guess that he was doing his usual lying tramp routine on that score but yeah on that instance i got it wrong hands up, but as i said didn't Tolmie say we were 100% signing Rooney only for that to be proven wrong about a day or two later? it cuts both ways surely?

I just have a pet hate and thats the ITK stuff, it like someone feels they have to be superior to the rest of us mere mortals by telling us they have contacts etc, nothing ive seen so far on here suggests to me he's iTK, as i say i dont mean that to be an attack on him or anyone i just read so many times how someone has inside info on something only for it to turn out to be trash.

Absolutely you are right he did. But as I say, if Rooney's agent had said he would come to City for £x amount and we agreed (all off the record), that conversation would have gone ahead before Rooney handed in his transfer request. If that info was past in utmost good faith to Tolmie, he passed it across in good faith also. We then saw that Utd bent over and took it hard from Stretford and it was the biggest U turn in recent football history leaving Tolmie looking a bit silly.

All the above could have, or could have not happened and Tolm is a big boy, and getting things wrong and people having a go comes with the territory.

But I was just focussing on his thread from Monday that really did seem to come out of no where at a time when we were ALL being led to believe that Tevez loved us and wanted to help us win trophies.

It is up to the individual to make up there own minds and I tend to take everything with a pinch of salt, but I do believe that TH was told of this long before it made the press and no one could have made a lucky guess based on what was coming out of City on Monday, so feel some have been a little unkind, in this particular instance.

I do concede that TH doesn't help himself sometimes with his mysterious posting style, but it does seem to amuse many.

ps - in case you missed it in a previous thread, I held my hands up and apologised for questioning you blue credentials prior to the derby (though if you are a rag, well done on conning me ;-)
Balti said:
Of course its all about money. Carlos could have said no but he's allowed his agent to bring him into disrepute with the club and the fans. No-one likes a greedy bastard. But to think that he can hold the club and the fans to ransom at such a vital time in our season and our current evolution is unforgiveable. There is a time and a place for such negotiations. The way that this has been positioned shows a complete lack of respect from player and agent. A lack of class too.

Carlos needs to fuck his agent off if he wants to recover the situation with City. Unlikely I guess.

So we will muddle through to January and add a replacement for Tevez to our ever growng striker wish list.

more or less spot on if his stated reason is he's homesick why put a transfer request in who in South America never mind Argentina can afford him just stinks of money grabbin to me.
simon23 wrote:
i keep reading from diferent posters that we are a different club and that we are in control etc etc etc and at the moment im inclined to agree....the club are handling it in the correct way

but RM now needs to pull out of the bag a fergie style offensive and get tev to realise that leaving would be a huge mistake as there is no doubt in my mind that without tevez we are a hugely weaker side and no matter how much money we have we would struggle to replace him....i cannt think of a player id rather have that we can realistically get.

its ok for everyone on here to keep saying that the club is bigger than one player (and they are right) but we do need tev to stay...he is the fulcrum to our team.

if its about money then thats fine....we can negotiate that...if its about the relationship between the player and RM (and that is a distinct possibility also) then we have a problem! I know we have to support the manager but it again brings into question the way RM does things...why do a number of players have a problem with the way RM manages?.....tev does bellamy did, ireland did, petrov alluded to it, there is obviously a probelm between RM and ade and even viera has come out and said things....In no way do i want RM to go but there has to be something that RM is doign to alienate certain players.....does he also need to look at how he does things and maybe change slightly??????

I wouldn't worry about Bellamy, Ireland or Petrov.

And i don't care much what Adebayor (who appears to be missing from the sub bench as well), Bridge or Tevez have to moan about either.

As long as Yaya, De Jong, Kolarov, Kompany, etc keep working hard then City are moving in the right direction and I still feel we are a work in progress at this moment. All be it one that can win the league this year too !
Tolmie has been in the transfer forum this morning, suggesting the Dzeko deal is definitely on, with developments this week. Interestingly, he says this is NOT as a replacement for Tevez.
Would seem to suggest Ade is off and Tevez will not be allowed to leave until the summer
robbieh said:
After the Newcastle game I said that Tevez would not be here long. Cue lots of flac along the lines of Tevez loves the club, Mancini should go first etc

What has been obvious from day one is that while he is a fantastic player who gives his all he is a pain in the arse. He left a club where he felt undervalued and joined a club that makes heroes out of the likes of Goater, Kinkladze et al.(No disrespect to those two btw who both served the club admirably).

But given Carlos' undeniable quality, the fact that he left United, he was always going to be a god for many City fans. The problem is that he understands all this too well. The unecessary hugging of RSC, the constant press leakings, the shin pads, he's basically Robinho with effort and commitment. In other words he thinks he's bigger than the club.

The club these days however is bigger than any one player. And just like Robinho he will be shipped out and we will replace him.

When that is remains to be seen. As I said he is the type to give his all while he is a City player. One things for sure we should not be held to ransom.

For my money there are players more important to us now.

If Vincent was injured I'd be worried. Ditto NDJ. Silva's artistry would be difficult to replace. And Yaya's burgeoning power is becoming very integral to the way we play.

absolutely spot on...
robbieh said:
simon23 said:
i keep reading from diferent posters that we are a different club and that we are in control etc etc etc and at the moment im inclined to agree....the club are handling it in the correct way

but RM now needs to pull out of the bag a fergie style offensive and get tev to realise that leaving would be a huge mistake as there is no doubt in my mind that without tevez we are a hugely weaker side and no matter how much money we have we would struggle to replace him....i cannt think of a player id rather have that we can realistically get.

its ok for everyone on here to keep saying that the club is bigger than one player (and they are right) but we do need tev to stay...he is the fulcrum to our team.

if its about money then thats fine....we can negotiate that...if its about the relationship between the player and RM (and that is a distinct possibility also) then we have a problem! I know we have to support the manager but it again brings into question the way RM does things...why do a number of players have a problem with the way RM manages?.....tev does bellamy did, ireland did, petrov alluded to it, there is obviously a probelm between RM and ade and even viera has come out and said things....In no way do i want RM to go but there has to be something that RM is doign to alienate certain players.....does he also need to look at how he does things and maybe change slightly??????

Bellamy is a good premiership player who has a huge gob on him and has caused trouble wherever he's been. Petrov another with a big gob on him. Not a world class player even though he thinks he is. Ireland, well the less said the better. Granted Tevez is a world class player but he has previous with United.

We are top equal and I think that Mancini can stay exactly like he is. In other words like the detested Ferguson, he takes no shit from overpaid, overhyped prima donnas. And long may that last.

Oh and by the way, wasn't it only a few matches ago you were calling for Roberto's head?


i have criticised RM numerous times but I havent asked for him to be sacked..infact quite the opposite as numerous times ive said managerial stability is the most important thing. i do however believe that it is a two way street and RM does need to look at how he deals with players (not just tev)
simon23 said:
robbieh said:
Bellamy is a good premiership player who has a huge gob on him and has caused trouble wherever he's been. Petrov another with a big gob on him. Not a world class player even though he thinks he is. Ireland, well the less said the better. Granted Tevez is a world class player but he has previous with United.

We are top equal and I think that Mancini can stay exactly like he is. In other words like the detested Ferguson, he takes no shit from overpaid, overhyped prima donnas. And long may that last.

Oh and by the way, wasn't it only a few matches ago you were calling for Roberto's head?


i have criticised RM numerous times but I havent asked for him to be sacked..infact quite the opposite as numerous times ive said managerial stability is the most important thing. i do however believe that it is a two way street and RM does need to look at how he deals with players (not just tev)

You don't know how he deals with players, most of the players at the moment seem happy enough so he's doing something right and the most important thing is he's got us playing well and winning again. The statement from City made it clear Tevez was willing to extend his contract so his relationship with Mancini can't be that bad, it seems like him and his agent are after more money and City have rightly told them that they won't entertain a new contract deal until the summer as it's club policy

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