Libyan "rebels" show their gratitude

SWP's back said:
xenon_ said:
Not surprised really, seeing as we bombed the shit out of them. They are kicking over the gravestone of dead people. I think that's atrocious, however, it pales in comparison to what we, the western forces, did to their country.

And before the brainwashed "patriots" come at me with 'with fought to free them from an evil man' or 'give them democracy' or some other such bullshit, please consider the nature of all our so-called wars of the last 10-15 years.

War is big business. Perhaps the biggest. You can destroy shit, and then get paid to build it back up again. On top of that there's natural resources to consider, weapons contracts...

How do the ordinary folk of developed countries STILL fall for these tired excuses when it's even more blatant these days?

I'm not defending what they're doing on that video, it's sick. I'm just not surprised and think the military-industrial complex is far, far worse.

Spend 500 million pounds on war. Stand in line for a piece of 30 billion pounds worth of contracts. Take away the tragic loss of life and everything else that comes with war, and it sounds too good to resist.
You are right ofcourse. We should have stood back and watched the government destroy all the cities that the rebels were couped up in.

What's a bit of genocide eh? Nothing to the namby pamby liberal it would seem.

You can paint me however you want, mate
One fucked up religion that Islam.
has nothing to do with religion..... these are soldiers who were armed/trained by the americans...... you think they would learn from their own faults. they have trained nearly every terrorist in recent times!
xenon_ said:
SWP's back said:
xenon_ said:
Not surprised really, seeing as we bombed the shit out of them. They are kicking over the gravestone of dead people. I think that's atrocious, however, it pales in comparison to what we, the western forces, did to their country.

And before the brainwashed "patriots" come at me with 'with fought to free them from an evil man' or 'give them democracy' or some other such bullshit, please consider the nature of all our so-called wars of the last 10-15 years.

War is big business. Perhaps the biggest. You can destroy shit, and then get paid to build it back up again. On top of that there's natural resources to consider, weapons contracts...

How do the ordinary folk of developed countries STILL fall for these tired excuses when it's even more blatant these days?

I'm not defending what they're doing on that video, it's sick. I'm just not surprised and think the military-industrial complex is far, far worse.

Spend 500 million pounds on war. Stand in line for a piece of 30 billion pounds worth of contracts. Take away the tragic loss of life and everything else that comes with war, and it sounds too good to resist.
You are right ofcourse. We should have stood back and watched the government destroy all the cities that the rebels were couped up in.

What's a bit of genocide eh? Nothing to the namby pamby liberal it would seem.

You can paint me however you want, mate
Such as pro-genocide?
des hardi said:
One fucked up religion that Islam.
has nothing to do with religion..... these are soldiers who were armed/trained by the americans...... you think they would learn from their own faults. they have trained nearly every terrorist in recent times!
Your kidding ain't yer the whole episode is based on the fact the yanks chucked their stupid book in the furnace and the cross and jewish graves we're given special attention,those rifles are a very good AK47 copy if the Americans have started to supply them do the Russians know. Don't profess to be a gun expert but they weren't M16s thats for sure.
SWP's back said:
xenon_ said:
SWP's back said:
You are right ofcourse. We should have stood back and watched the government destroy all the cities that the rebels were couped up in.

What's a bit of genocide eh? Nothing to the namby pamby liberal it would seem.

You can paint me however you want, mate
Such as pro-genocide?

First you paint me as indifferent to genocide. Now I'm pro-genocide. Fine, I'll bite your ridiculous bait...

Of course I hate genocide, what decent person doesn't. What I'm saying is that these excuses that the media spout are not the primary reason we invade other countries. Probably not even a secondary reason. For the people who decide what "wars" we fight, the primary goal, I believe, is to make a lot of money and control natural resources.

Mass murder for profit. That is what western armies are about, and I'd guess the eastern superpowers are just as bad too.
xenon_ said:
SWP's back said:
xenon_ said:
You can paint me however you want, mate
Such as pro-genocide?

First you paint me as indifferent to genocide. Now I'm pro-genocide. Fine, I'll bite your ridiculous bait...

Of course I hate genocide, what decent person doesn't. What I'm saying is that these excuses that the media spout are not the primary reason we invade other countries. Probably not even a secondary reason. For the people who decide what "wars" we fight, the primary goal, I believe, is to make a lot of money and control natural resources.

Mass murder for profit. That is what western armies are about, and I'd guess the eastern superpowers are just as bad too.
So you'd rather we'd not done anything (whatever the motive) and seen an even bigger mass murdger and genocide?

I don't care about alterior motives so long as the right thing is done. I wish Zimbabwe was sat upon oil so we'd have more reason to go in there and sort stuff out
xenon_ said:
SWP's back said:
xenon_ said:
You can paint me however you want, mate
Such as pro-genocide?

First you paint me as indifferent to genocide. Now I'm pro-genocide. Fine, I'll bite your ridiculous bait...

Of course I hate genocide, what decent person doesn't. What I'm saying is that these excuses that the media spout are not the primary reason we invade other countries. Probably not even a secondary reason. For the people who decide what "wars" we fight, the primary goal, I believe, is to make a lot of money and control natural resources.

Mass murder for profit. That is what western armies are about, and I'd guess the eastern superpowers are just as bad too.

Find it difficult to disagree with that.

I was always opposed to the "liberation" of Libya. In much the same way as the Western leaders all clapped and cheered when the despots in Egypt were replaced, I await the rise of extremism in both countries... who more than likely will be in conflict with our views very shortly after!

I would love the uprisings in Egypt, Libya and even Syria to be truly the start of real change for the ordinary man and woman in those countries. I'm just very cynical about what the real agenda is for all this.
SWP's back said:
xenon_ said:
SWP's back said:
Such as pro-genocide?

First you paint me as indifferent to genocide. Now I'm pro-genocide. Fine, I'll bite your ridiculous bait...

Of course I hate genocide, what decent person doesn't. What I'm saying is that these excuses that the media spout are not the primary reason we invade other countries. Probably not even a secondary reason. For the people who decide what "wars" we fight, the primary goal, I believe, is to make a lot of money and control natural resources.

Mass murder for profit. That is what western armies are about, and I'd guess the eastern superpowers are just as bad too.
So you'd rather we'd not done anything (whatever the motive) and seen an even bigger mass murdger and genocide?

I don't care about alterior motives so long as the right thing is done. I wish Zimbabwe was sat upon oil so we'd have more reason to go in there and sort stuff out

That's an interesting viewpoint and I only wish that our intervention did some real good, but from what I understand of post-war Libya, (on top of the countless innocents NATO murdered in order to get Ghaddafi (sp?) ) , massacres are still going on. Sharia law has been imposed. Widespread torture ensues.

If the British media was to show post-war Libya with the same amount of gusto and passion as they did pre-war, then I'd wager we'd be agreeing that we haven't done much to protect the people there. All we've done is line our own pockets and oust on evil government for another... except this new evil government will happily welcome western central bank loans and corporate rape.

And now we're trying to pull the same shit with Syria. Our media is greasing the stats on deaths, making out that the entire populace is against Assad and that it's Assad's forces doing all the killing, when the death toll is relatively even. And the Syrians are crapping themselves because they've seen what NATO "humanitarian intervention" results in.
xenon_ said:
Not surprised really, seeing as we bombed the shit out of them. They are kicking over the gravestone of dead people. I think that's atrocious, however, it pales in comparison to what we, the western forces, did to their country.

And before the brainwashed "patriots" come at me with 'with fought to free them from an evil man' or 'give them democracy' or some other such bullshit, please consider the nature of all our so-called wars of the last 10-15 years.

War is big business. Perhaps the biggest. You can destroy shit, and then get paid to build it back up again. On top of that there's natural resources to consider, weapons contracts...

How do the ordinary folk of developed countries STILL fall for these tired excuses when it's even more blatant these days?

I'm not defending what they're doing on that video, it's sick. I'm just not surprised and think the military-industrial complex is far, far worse.

Spend 500 million pounds on war. Stand in line for a piece of 30 billion pounds worth of contracts. Take away the tragic loss of life and everything else that comes with war, and it sounds too good to resist.

This, all fucking day long.

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