Thats not the issue though is it,there is a lot wrong with the BBC funding model, if i refuse to buy sausages from Tesco do Tesco stop me from buying sausages from Asda because thats in effect what the BBC are doing by telling you that you cant watch TV on another platform, if the BBC dont want me to watch their product then they should cease to pipe it into my home, i dont want it but its there and thats a BBC problem not my problem, yes they can become funded by subscription and have the platform decoded but would most likely lose in excess of over 50% of the customers they have today, Now that wouldnt sit well with the gravey train at the helm of the BBC thats been milking it for years, peanuts it is you are correct but the peanuts from a near 70 million is big money and a lot of this public funding is just wasted away, i think its more about principle as to why a record number of licence evaders have ceased to cough up,me being one