Life after death? Your thoughts?

No living soul will ever know if there is an 'afterlife' until that point in time has been reached by each individual .......

nobody is ever gonna come back before that time to tell us , that is for sure!
Josh Blue said:
like God evolution has neither been proved nor dis-proved. quote]

Does God's absence not tell you that he doesn't exist ? I mean you have never met him in person, spoke to him on the phone, recieved a letter from, txt message, E-mail, fax, telegram and so on. The only suggestion that a divine power exists or existed at some point is in a book that has been re-written umpteen times by men of flesh and bone. I mean it's 2011 can the alimghty not manage a DVD ?

at least Evoloutionists can present fossils and bones, can display the genetic markers, point out the physical connections between multiple species.

I don't mean to be rude and I don't want to offend anyone but science try's to convince you, Religion threatens you. So no life after death is wishful thinking by the weak minded in my honest opinion.
For me, no chance of an afterlife.
If you define afterlife as my body going into the dirt and giving life to the grass, then maybe ha!
I'd like to believe there is life after death, and I seriously believe we have a soul, when we die our bodies are just a shell, but our soul lives on.

OnlyOneUweRosler said:
While we are on the subject doesn anyone have any views on near death experiences?

I posted this in another thread a few weeks ago. Through this experience I went through is why I believe we have a soul.

Make of it as you wish.

FuZzY said:
I've been debating with myself whether to post this or not on here as no doubt it will bring out the idiots and their idiotic responses.

But so what, believe as you wish.

Nobody knows what actually happens when you die but I do honestly believe we all have a soul.

Going back to maybe 1992/93 I had what can only be described as a near death or out of body experience. Something that will stick with me for the rest of my life.

I was in bed but not asleep. I hadn't taken any drugs or had a drink before you start. I remember lying there and then I suddenly felt an over whelming feeling of being paralyzed, like I was weighed down. I couldn't move at all. The fear that came across me I will always remember to this day. I can remember feeling absolutely terrified as I knew something was happening but didn't know what. I wanted to shout for help to my Mum but I couldn't. I could then hear what was like a loud buzzing noise in my head. The next thing I remember I was literally above myself. I could see everything on top of my wardrobe from the light of the street lamp outside shining through the top of the curtains, and saying to myself as I looked round my room that I was dead. Funny enough that horrible feeling of fear I had before had gone, I wasn't frightened one bit.

I didn't see any "light" or anyone else waiting for me to take me to the "other side" or anything like that. That was it. Nothing else. I woke up the next day with a blinding headache.

To this day I will always remember it like it happened last night. I can't explain what happened, I don't know, I can only tell you what I did experience.

I bought a book after this called "What happens when you die" don't know who by, because my friend borrowed it and has never given it back. But it was about a lady who supposedly died during an operation and saw an after life. What she did say though she heard a loud buzzing noise in her head, just like I did?

One thing that whatever it was I experienced that night, it helped me come to terms with my Mums death in 1994 more than it would've done if this hadn't of happened.

Strange thing is though that in April 1999 I actually did nearly die. I was on a life support machine for 12 hours apparently, due to a blood clot on the brain. I got asked if I saw anything, I didn't, or if I did I don't remember. I can only describe that as if I was asleep. Unaware of anything.

Like I said I can still remember this to this day. I could see the light from the street lamp outside shining through the top of my curtains, and everything on top of my wardrobe.

It wasn't a dream, I was awake, whatever it was, it happened to me.

This is the book I read afterwards:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 855384392#</a>

It is very interesting. Whether or not its true I don't know.
ElanJo said:
Ducado said:
SWP's back said:
Oh dear Josh.

Evolution is a fact, trying reading up on Lenski and e-coli bacteria for one.

Sorry you are wrong it is a theory that has the consensus, true some evidence points towards it but there is an astounding body of evidence that points against it, even Darwin was not so sure about it, but as the science community now acts just like the Papal authorities of days long gone, the evidence against is conveniently ignored, which is not uncommon within scientific circles, as I have pointed out before many people spout on about a subject because they beleive what a particular "person" has told them, they have not bothered to study the opposite or contrary view or opinion.

Such as?
I'm waiting also
SWP's back said:
ElanJo said:
Ducado said:
Sorry you are wrong it is a theory that has the consensus, true some evidence points towards it but there is an astounding body of evidence that points against it, even Darwin was not so sure about it, but as the science community now acts just like the Papal authorities of days long gone, the evidence against is conveniently ignored, which is not uncommon within scientific circles, as I have pointed out before many people spout on about a subject because they beleive what a particular "person" has told them, they have not bothered to study the opposite or contrary view or opinion.

Such as?
I'm waiting also

Yea, it should be breathtaking stuff.

"Some" evidence for it but an "astounding" amount against it! Amazing! I'm awaiting his post with a great deal of anticipation.<br /><br />-- Fri May 27, 2011 10:56 am --<br /><br />
FuZzY said:
I'd like to believe there is life after death, and I seriously believe we have a soul, when we die our bodies are just a shell, but our soul lives on.

OnlyOneUweRosler said:
While we are on the subject doesn anyone have any views on near death experiences?

I posted this in another thread a few weeks ago. Through this experience I went through is why I believe we have a soul.

Make of it as you wish.

FuZzY said:
I've been debating with myself whether to post this or not on here as no doubt it will bring out the idiots and their idiotic responses.

But so what, believe as you wish.

Nobody knows what actually happens when you die but I do honestly believe we all have a soul.

Going back to maybe 1992/93 I had what can only be described as a near death or out of body experience. Something that will stick with me for the rest of my life.

I was in bed but not asleep. I hadn't taken any drugs or had a drink before you start. I remember lying there and then I suddenly felt an over whelming feeling of being paralyzed, like I was weighed down. I couldn't move at all. The fear that came across me I will always remember to this day. I can remember feeling absolutely terrified as I knew something was happening but didn't know what. I wanted to shout for help to my Mum but I couldn't. I could then hear what was like a loud buzzing noise in my head. The next thing I remember I was literally above myself. I could see everything on top of my wardrobe from the light of the street lamp outside shining through the top of the curtains, and saying to myself as I looked round my room that I was dead. Funny enough that horrible feeling of fear I had before had gone, I wasn't frightened one bit.

I didn't see any "light" or anyone else waiting for me to take me to the "other side" or anything like that. That was it. Nothing else. I woke up the next day with a blinding headache.

To this day I will always remember it like it happened last night. I can't explain what happened, I don't know, I can only tell you what I did experience.

I bought a book after this called "What happens when you die" don't know who by, because my friend borrowed it and has never given it back. But it was about a lady who supposedly died during an operation and saw an after life. What she did say though she heard a loud buzzing noise in her head, just like I did?

One thing that whatever it was I experienced that night, it helped me come to terms with my Mums death in 1994 more than it would've done if this hadn't of happened.

Strange thing is though that in April 1999 I actually did nearly die. I was on a life support machine for 12 hours apparently, due to a blood clot on the brain. I got asked if I saw anything, I didn't, or if I did I don't remember. I can only describe that as if I was asleep. Unaware of anything.

Like I said I can still remember this to this day. I could see the light from the street lamp outside shining through the top of my curtains, and everything on top of my wardrobe.

It wasn't a dream, I was awake, whatever it was, it happened to me.

This is the book I read afterwards:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 855384392#</a>

It is very interesting. Whether or not its true I don't know.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -paralysis</a>
ElanJo said:
SWP's back said:
ElanJo said:
I'm waiting also

Yea, it should be breathtaking stuff.

"Some" evidence for it but an "astounding" amount against it! Amazing! I'm awaiting his post with a great deal of anticipation.

I'm waiting with bated breath.

It may well change my outlook on the world.

Though I just read "The greatest show on Earth - The evidence for evolution", but that's frounded upon I hear.
OnlyOneUweRosler said:
Evolution is nonsense.

Care to read this:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

That is one of 100's of peer reviewed scientific articles on Lenski's work with e-coli bacteria which proves evolution to be a process that is occurs.

Oh and wow.
SWP's back said:
OnlyOneUweRosler said:
Evolution is nonsense.

Care to read this:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

That is one of 100's of peer reviewed scientific articles on Lenski's work with e-coli bacteria which proves evolution to be a process that is occurs.

Oh and wow.

Evolution isn't true. Ever heard of a platypus? Mammal, but breathes under water and lays eggs.

Yeah....perfect sense this evolution thing

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