Life after death? Your thoughts?

if you can live life after death whats the point in birth,im affraid imo that death or shall i say post death is the same as pre birth nothing emptyness
Josh Blue said:
@ElanJo I'm not trying to change anyones thoughts/beliefs/opinions just politley asking if everyone could have a bit of respect for eachother. We are all human (and blues).
I'm sorry but beliefs are very much fair game, especially when not backed up with an ounce of evidence
Josh Blue said:
Ok I think everyone should just respect each others thoughts and opinions here. In this world there are Religous extremists, Muslim ones(In the news all the time, sometimes unfairly) Catholic ones (IRA) Jewish ones (Zionists) and many more. Lots of terrible things have happened because of religon it divdes people and is used for man to manipulate people for their own agendas hence I do not follow a religon but I do believe in God and my inner self and live my life accordingly.

The religous extremists I mentioned are very misguided and I hope extreme atheists is not a thing of the future, telling someone their belief is wrong is just as bad as the religous extremists you cannot tell someone there God is not real because you are not them. An atheist has their own beliefs which are important to them and make them who they are (not a bad person) but you shouldnt try and mock or change peoples beliefs.

Believing in God is called having Faith, it is a blind faith this means you do not have to have cold hard facts to believe in something, you just take your leap of faith knowing you could be wrong, but if you feel god you feel god.

Anyway this post has know agenda just think both sides are trying to out do each other, prove each other wrong when nobody knows. Lets just share ideas not judge, mock and try to force opinions, theories and beliefs down each others necks.

-- Fri May 27, 2011 7:43 pm --

End of thread ;)

Yours is a position of cultural relativism.
It only makes sense if people believe that pluralism is true.
I don't.
I do not respect certain beliefs and consider many cultural views to be barbaric and should outlawed.
In to these groups I put
female circumcision
forced marriage
brainwashing children into faith
denying demonstrable scientific truths like evolution
SWP's back said:
Josh Blue said:
@ElanJo I'm not trying to change anyones thoughts/beliefs/opinions just politley asking if everyone could have a bit of respect for eachother. We are all human (and blues).
I'm sorry but beliefs are very much fair game, especially when not backed up with an ounce of evidence

Nothing could broaden your views by the looks of things SWPs back, fair enough stick to your guns for ever long.<br /><br />-- Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 pm --<br /><br />@denislawsbackheel fair enough I see your trail of thought, thats cool.
Josh Blue said:
SWP's back said:
Josh Blue said:
@ElanJo I'm not trying to change anyones thoughts/beliefs/opinions just politley asking if everyone could have a bit of respect for eachother. We are all human (and blues).
I'm sorry but beliefs are very much fair game, especially when not backed up with an ounce of evidence

Nothing could broaden your views by the looks of things SWPs back, fair enough stick to your guns for ever long.

-- Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 pm --

@denislawsbackheel fair enough I see your trail of thought, thats cool.
Evidence Josh evidence. One side of this argument is closed to a broadening of ideas and it is not mine. I'm open to everything but will not take a 1700 year old book as proof. As for evangelicals stating evolution is a myth, well, what can I say. Maybe patronise them for being closed minded.
SWP's back said:
Josh Blue said:
SWP's back said:
I'm sorry but beliefs are very much fair game, especially when not backed up with an ounce of evidence

Nothing could broaden your views by the looks of things SWPs back, fair enough stick to your guns for ever long.

-- Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 pm --

@denislawsbackheel fair enough I see your trail of thought, thats cool.
Evidence Josh evidence. One side of this argument is closed to a broadening of ideas and it is not mine. I'm open to everything but will not take a 1700 year old book as proof. As for evangelicals stating evolution is a myth, well, what can I say. Maybe patronise them for being closed minded.

Not all evangelicals state that evolution is a myth, if you're tarring all of these people with the same brush then that's hardly open minded. There is no reason why evolution cannot be the way that a creator could have formed the world. The idea of it fits in with the creation story in the Bible, partially in the detail but also in the way that it didn't happen all at once, but more that it was a process.

If you're open to everything, then are you open to things that can't be categorically proven? Many of these evangelicals that you speak of have a hope that one day everything on this earth will be made new, that there will be no more death, or crying, or pain. They believe that 2000 years ago, God became man, died to pay for their sins, and then returned to life, and that it is that which has permanently separated them from death. This belief structure sounds pretty open minded to me! :)
chestervegasblue said:
SWP's back said:
Josh Blue said:
Nothing could broaden your views by the looks of things SWPs back, fair enough stick to your guns for ever long.

-- Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 pm --

@denislawsbackheel fair enough I see your trail of thought, thats cool.
Evidence Josh evidence. One side of this argument is closed to a broadening of ideas and it is not mine. I'm open to everything but will not take a 1700 year old book as proof. As for evangelicals stating evolution is a myth, well, what can I say. Maybe patronise them for being closed minded.

Not all evangelicals state that evolution is a myth, if you're tarring all of these people with the same brush then that's hardly open minded. There is no reason why evolution cannot be the way that a creator could have formed the world. The idea of it fits in with the creation story in the Bible, partially in the detail but also in the way that it didn't happen all at once, but more that it was a process.

If you're open to everything, then are you open to things that can't be categorically proven? Many of these evangelicals that you speak of have a hope that one day everything on this earth will be made new, that there will be no more death, or crying, or pain. They believe that 2000 years ago, God became man, died to pay for their sins, and then returned to life, and that it is that which has permanently separated them from death. This belief structure sounds pretty open minded to me! :)

I was referring mainly to Uwe and his stated belief that evolution is lie.

As for religion and you believing that is open minded. Tell that to those blown up in the name of religion, those killed for being heretics, those shamed into living a false life through the ages as they were gay with continues to this day. Religion managed to push the bounds of science back for centuries. If organised monotheistic religion is one thing, it is not open minded.

As for never being able to prove that god doesn't exist, that is true. It is impossible to prove a negative, just as one cannot disprove Thor, Baldur, Freyja, Eros, Gaia or Ra. I would say that is you discount their existence, then you are as "closed minded" as me. Mankind did just fine for tens of millenia without Christianity/Judaism/Islam but so long as we allow our children to be indoctrinated as the Nazi's did with the Hitler youth, then religion will hang on in the human psyche like a parasitic worm.

I do not believe religious people or people "of faith" to be bad people, far from it, some of the kindest and nicest people I know have religion in their lives. I would tend to think that they would still be good people without mind. It's an often quoted statement, but for me, it holds some weight "There will always be good people and bad people but only religion can make good people do bad things". It is a generalism sure, but it does ring true with whats going on in the world.
denislawsbackheel said:
Josh Blue said:
Ok I think everyone should just respect each others thoughts and opinions here. In this world there are Religous extremists, Muslim ones(In the news all the time, sometimes unfairly) Catholic ones (IRA) Jewish ones (Zionists) and many more. Lots of terrible things have happened because of religon it divdes people and is used for man to manipulate people for their own agendas hence I do not follow a religon but I do believe in God and my inner self and live my life accordingly.

The religous extremists I mentioned are very misguided and I hope extreme atheists is not a thing of the future, telling someone their belief is wrong is just as bad as the religous extremists you cannot tell someone there God is not real because you are not them. An atheist has their own beliefs which are important to them and make them who they are (not a bad person) but you shouldnt try and mock or change peoples beliefs.

Believing in God is called having Faith, it is a blind faith this means you do not have to have cold hard facts to believe in something, you just take your leap of faith knowing you could be wrong, but if you feel god you feel god.

Anyway this post has know agenda just think both sides are trying to out do each other, prove each other wrong when nobody knows. Lets just share ideas not judge, mock and try to force opinions, theories and beliefs down each others necks.

-- Fri May 27, 2011 7:43 pm --

End of thread ;)

Yours is a position of cultural relativism.
It only makes sense if people believe that pluralism is true.
I don't.
I do not respect certain beliefs and consider many cultural views to be barbaric and should outlawed.
In to these groups I put
female circumcision
forced marriage
brainwashing children into faith
denying demonstrable scientific truths like evolution

I'd add to that, that the denial of help to those who suffer or are in pain, or to enforce or add to it on the basis of creed or dogma is truly barbaric.

I would not outlaw religion but I would remove every indulgence it currently receives. It is an impediment to a just and more humane society.

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