Life after death? Your thoughts?

chestervegasblue said:
SWP's back said:
Josh Blue said:
Nothing could broaden your views by the looks of things SWPs back, fair enough stick to your guns for ever long.

-- Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 pm --

@denislawsbackheel fair enough I see your trail of thought, thats cool.
Evidence Josh evidence. One side of this argument is closed to a broadening of ideas and it is not mine. I'm open to everything but will not take a 1700 year old book as proof. As for evangelicals stating evolution is a myth, well, what can I say. Maybe patronise them for being closed minded.

Not all evangelicals state that evolution is a myth, if you're tarring all of these people with the same brush then that's hardly open minded. There is no reason why evolution cannot be the way that a creator could have formed the world. The idea of it fits in with the creation story in the Bible, partially in the detail but also in the way that it didn't happen all at once, but more that it was a process.

If you're open to everything, then are you open to things that can't be categorically proven? Many of these evangelicals that you speak of have a hope that one day everything on this earth will be made new, that there will be no more death, or crying, or pain. They believe that 2000 years ago, God became man, died to pay for their sins, and then returned to life, and that it is that which has permanently separated them from death. This belief structure sounds pretty open minded to me! :)

[round of applause for this post]

Take a bow Sir.
This is a bizarre interpretation of the word open. If you accept one unprovable story why not accept them all, fairies, spaghetti monsters, buzzer1 theories (joke mate ;).

Not being open to verifiable evidence because it doesn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, is pretty closed minded in my book.
But to further indoctrinate others in this way of thinking is dishonest and tantamount to child abuse and fraud.

At this point I imagine you're sticking your fingers in your ears and saying 'nanananana, can't hear you', but if you're still listening, give me some real reason other than faith to believe that your god is real or your religion is true.
pauldominic said:
chestervegasblue said:
SWP's back said:
Evidence Josh evidence. One side of this argument is closed to a broadening of ideas and it is not mine. I'm open to everything but will not take a 1700 year old book as proof. As for evangelicals stating evolution is a myth, well, what can I say. Maybe patronise them for being closed minded.

Not all evangelicals state that evolution is a myth, if you're tarring all of these people with the same brush then that's hardly open minded. There is no reason why evolution cannot be the way that a creator could have formed the world. The idea of it fits in with the creation story in the Bible, partially in the detail but also in the way that it didn't happen all at once, but more that it was a process.

If you're open to everything, then are you open to things that can't be categorically proven? Many of these evangelicals that you speak of have a hope that one day everything on this earth will be made new, that there will be no more death, or crying, or pain. They believe that 2000 years ago, God became man, died to pay for their sins, and then returned to life, and that it is that which has permanently separated them from death. This belief structure sounds pretty open minded to me! :)

[round of applause for this post]

Take a bow Sir.
Yet you ignore my reply. Fitting
I am not for religon, I do not follow religon and I am not preaching it. I believe in God and the Devil and see them every day. Religon divides people but I do believe if people follow it with morals it can be a great structure to live their life from.

Religous extremists - Chill be happy knowing you think your doing the right thing you don't need to defend/prove anything.

Atheist extremists - You are all probably smart guys and can live your lifes very well without needing God but don't get annoyed if others don't believe what you believe.

@SWPs back, the 1700 year old book? I am not using the bible for evidence of anything? I dont get what your getting at mate? Maybe you got it twisted.
BulgarianPride said:
OnlyOneUweRosler said:
pauldominic said:
Not surprising since the Garden of Eden is in Iraq along with Babylon.

-- Thu May 26, 2011 6:42 pm --

I've got to say I'm really genuinely impressed with OnlyOneUweRosler. It's amazing that when you lay down the simple facts of the case you can have a serious discussion.

I've been trying to do that for hundreds of pages.

Thank you

I need a mod to check the IPs of these guys. Please?

Are we one and the same poster mods?
Josh Blue said:
I am not for religon, I do not follow religon and I am not preaching it. I believe in God and the Devil and see them every day. Religon divides people but I do believe if people follow it with morals it can be a great structure to live their life from.

Religous extremists - Chill be happy knowing you think your doing the right thing you don't need to defend/prove anything.

Atheist extremists - You are all probably smart guys and can live your lifes very well without needing God but don't get annoyed if others don't believe what you believe.

@SWPs back, the 1700 year old book? I am not using the bible for evidence of anything? I dont get what your getting at mate? Maybe you got it twisted.

You can derive good morals without the bible or religion Josh.

Care to elaborate where you see the devil or god everyday?

You didn't mention the other gods I mentioned in my previous post? Explain how I am closed minded?
@ SWPs back

Bible and Religon - I have stated quite a few times now that I don't follow a religon, also why do you keep bringing to bible up I am not mentioning it because I think the Qu'ran is probably a better holy book although both are similar. Of course you can have good morals without following religon as I posted before non-believers are capable of being great people with very high morale values, I dont know why you think I dont think that?

You being close minded - I have never said you are close minded, I think your a smart guy but are very set in your thoughts and don't intend to change them. (Not saying anything wrong with that at all, never met you I could easily be wrong.)

God and the Devil = Good and Evil, I say selfless acts which is not what science would call human nature and I also see alot of Evil usually concerning Money, drugs and power. (Or in our countries case Oil aswell)
Josh Blue said:
@ SWPs back

Bible and Religon - I have stated quite a few times now that I don't follow a religon, also why do you keep bringing to bible up I am not mentioning it because I think the Qu'ran is probably a better holy book although both are similar. Of course you can have good morals without following religon as I posted before non-believers are capable of being great people with very high morale values, I dont know why you think I dont think that?

You being close minded - I have never said you are close minded, I think your a smart guy but are very set in your thoughts and don't intend to change them. (Not saying anything wrong with that at all, never met you I could easily be wrong.)

God and the Devil = Good and Evil, I say selfless acts which is not what science would call human nature and I also see alot of Evil usually concerning Money, drugs and power. (Or in our countries case Oil aswell)

Ok I retract you calling me closed minded if that is not what you intended. As for being set in my ways, I went to a C of E Primary, and a Catholic Grammar School. I took Divinity (theology/R.E) GCSE etc but it was only when I finished school, I looked back at the indoctrination I had experienced and it really pissed me off. How I was expected to listen to lesson after lesson, morning assemblies and the like, being told as a 4/5 year old that you have to do x, y or z or you will go to hell.

For me, that is tantamount to child abuse. Any sort of religious instruction before the age of 14-16 should not be allowed. You are dealing with young, impressionable minds that are biologically designed through evolution to believe what they are told by an adult (for simple reasons such as "eat that berry and you will die", "don't go near that cave or you will be eaten" etc etc).

As for you seeing god in selfless human acts, what about animals saving humans for no personal gains?

Dolphins saving humans: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... arks-bait/</a>

Dogs saving children: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ar-attack/</a>

or look at this list for a top ten <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ng-humans/</a>

^^ I'd recommend clicking that link, made me smile.

Is that god working through these animals or is it just a result/querk of mammalian (look through the list) evolution?
SWP's back said:
pauldominic said:
chestervegasblue said:
Not all evangelicals state that evolution is a myth, if you're tarring all of these people with the same brush then that's hardly open minded. There is no reason why evolution cannot be the way that a creator could have formed the world. The idea of it fits in with the creation story in the Bible, partially in the detail but also in the way that it didn't happen all at once, but more that it was a process.

If you're open to everything, then are you open to things that can't be categorically proven? Many of these evangelicals that you speak of have a hope that one day everything on this earth will be made new, that there will be no more death, or crying, or pain. They believe that 2000 years ago, God became man, died to pay for their sins, and then returned to life, and that it is that which has permanently separated them from death. This belief structure sounds pretty open minded to me! :)

[round of applause for this post]

Take a bow Sir.
Yet you ignore my reply. Fitting

Entirely fitting since you're still using evidence and proof interchangeably as if they were the same thing.

If by calling the Bible 1700 years old you mean the canon of scripture, that happened in AD 393 which makes the bible 1618 years old.

However the books that compose the New Testament were all written by AD 95 and most were written by AD67, which makes it 1944 years old (if we exclude revelation).
@SWPs back Yeah I am neither for or against Catholic schools because you usually get better GCSEs than normal state schools and when youve left and older you can make your own mind up and go your own way (like you have).

Without their teaching you may have never taken this path?

Also them stories are great mate, and obviously I cannot say the reasoning to why them things happen. Its stuff you wouldnt believe if you read it in the bible eh? haha. Anyway as I have said loadsssss now I am not religous I probably agree with out about it causing wars etc I also believe it divides and is used for Man to manipulate women and children and also other men for their own personal agendas.

Think we have pretty much come to the end of our debate agreeing the disagree on somethings? From reading your stuff I rekon we are about the same age, I'm 18.

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