Life comes at you fast


Well-Known Member
10 Dec 2012
Far North
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?

Sounds like you've had a really bad time of it recently mate and the only consolation I can give to you is that it will get better, if you have emotional struggles try not to think about life and the world too broadly, look for the smaller good things in life that are a constant.

I hope you dig yourself out of this hole mate because life really is worth living.
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?
Chin up fella. These things come in waves. It will pass and things will start to look brighter. Hang in there.
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?
That's a lot to go through in one go......try to get some support from your friends etc.

I've been through lots in life and usually just say to myself that they are the trials and tribulations we all have to endure in a struggle through life ...a life that goes fast may I add. Too fast for some.

I have read some great books that helped a bit in these periods. ("The Prophet" - Khalil Gibran for example or "Johnathan Livingstone seagull" - Richard Bach and even "the little prince" - Antoine de saint exupery)

Or listen to music. I am a rock.

Whatever you do don't watch old videos of MCFC from the 80's and 90's
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?
Obviously not experienced the exact same, but within the space of 6 months in 2022 my mother died suddenly and I found her, the whole family contracted Covid and I ended up in hospital for 10 days and was 1ml of oxygen away from being put into intensive care. I got out on 27/02, my dad was sent in on 28/02 and passed away 6 weeks later. My uncle was diagnosed with non-alcoholic liver disease, which affected his cognitive function and he passed 10 weeks ago.

Life does come fast mate, and we all deal with things really differently. My sister ended up on anti depressants but I managed to crack on, I did drink far too much for a while but remained positive and decided to look at the positives those people I’ve mentioned have to my life and rather be sad I’ve lost them, I was so thankful I had them. They all made me who I am and affected so many positives.

I’m not saying chin up or just carry on, but try to change the mindset and see the positive if you can at all. The parent, how amazing you’ve had them in your life and that you’ve got the chance to tell them right now. Losing your job for no fault, it’s a new opportunity to do something you want to do, the family member who committed suicide, learn from them, be happy you had them.

I appreciate it might be fluffy stuff and again, we all deal with things differently. If you ever want a pint let me know
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?
Firstly sorry to hear this and reading your post, there’s plenty of help out there genuinely we’ve come a long way for mental health issues, I’m not qualified to give you help but my advice is please don’t keep it in you’ve reached out on here , and please do the same with all the professional agencies only other advice is if you can is to walk everyday and talk everyday and you’ll come through this tough time, you will.
Keep strong remember all the positives you have in life.
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?
You just took a great first step in reaching out to a community of “friends” to talk about it. Don’t stop there. Talk, talk and more talk. Get it out and let it out…in all it’s sad glory.

There will be tears and there will be laughs, but whatever anxiety, emotions, and pain you are feeling need to come out and be addressed, for your own good mental and physical health.

No-one is suggesting you NEED therapy, but talking to someone not involved can give you a completely different kind of perspective than those involved, because they’re trying to make sense of it all, too.

I hope you feel better soon and hope you find a friendly ear to help you process what you’re dealing with.
The gym is a great place to turn to when it all gets a bit much. Gives you an outlet to release frustrations and exercise releases endorphins to improve your mood temporarily. Good luck mate, that's one hell of a fucking week that would test anyone's constitution. Its normal to be feeling down after that, the fact you are on here already asking for help and advice tells me you are going about it the right way and you will be fine. Hard times pass, they always do.
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?
Maybe go & see your GP, tell them how you are struggling & ask for counselling/help.
I went through something similar with the unexpected sudden death of a very much loved close member of my family whilst also having a serious health scare of my own. I had counselling over the phone for a number of weeks & it was honestly brilliant for me, helped me with perspective & kind of re-set me.
It’s amazing the mental pressures & stresses we can carry around with us at these times & what it can do to us.
I hope you are ok & get through this soon.
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?
I am so sorry to hear all of this is happening, mate. When it rains, it pours, as they say. It can be so difficult to see any light whilst you are in the middle of such a dank, dark tunnel, but there’s an exit, I promise you! And we are here to support you through the tunnel and out!

I definitely encourage you to share your current challenges in the General / Mental Health Support Thread, where you’ll get nothing but compassion, understanding, experience-driven advice, and as much support as you need. We have built a wonderful community and a safe, judgement-free space full of fellow blues (and other good faith participants).

I think the best piece of advice I can give, as someone who has had their world turned upside down, is to stay connected and engaged with people that will anchor you to the wider world, remind you of the positives and love that still exist, and provide a view to a situation where you feel ok again.

Also, do not be afraid to seek therapy or a support group. There are people out there experiencing something similar (though, never exactly the same) who can be incredibly helpful in providing perspective and assistance as you navigate this difficult time.

We are all in this together!

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