Lionel Messi | Joins Inter Miami (pg4111)

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We are all guessing here.

Not to dwell on this too long (although better than pages and pages of fish puns), what i have read is that even missing training can be seen as a breach of contract, and as such waive the loyalty bonus.

Now i get that from messi's side, he sees himself as no longer a barca player, and not breaching a contract he is no longer obliged by. And that is the stance i take and support in this too, as that is how i want to intepret the reported clause in his contract.

But from barca's side, they see him as a player who has asked to leave and gone on strike, as such losing his bonus. Which Could well be wrong.

It still makes the claim of the tweet fall flat on its arse, whichever way you look at it, that if barca made him stay they would be another €70m down next year. Which i guess was my point, it is speculation gone rogue.
So what’s happening today ...

- Jorge v Bart meeting 2.0?
- Bart getting arrested?
- Messi releasing that video statement?
- Messi filing for int’l transfer with FIFA?
- Some totally new bombshell?

well, looking at my Sunday Mirror 'sensational story' bingo card, i have ticked off everything but a sex/love tryst angle. can you guys dig up a female prostitute or porn star connected to anyone in this juicy story?

where the fuck is Stormy Daniels when you need her most...
So I’m gonna go out o a limb at this point and say I think Messi is staying at Barcelona. The clause in his contract that indicates June 10th appears to be the only truth thus far.

but did anybody stop to think that on June 10th city were banned from the Champions league, and only 4 days after City win their case, Messi sends the fax to Barcelona with the intent to leave. interesting .
Hi mate, just a quick heads up. Not one person in this forum gives even the slightest fuck what you think about this. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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