Lionel Messi | Joins Inter Miami (pg4111)

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Hasn't he had thoughts of fuckin off for a year now? Maybe longer?

Yes but thinking about it and actually doing it are two different things.

I went for a dream job once. I had thought about doing it for years.
It was less money, and i wouldn't be self employed anymore. But stability and less stress seemed attractive.

I maintained this view right up to the point i was offered the job.
It was only then i realised i would be making a massive mistake.
I would no longer be in control of my own time. Any hope of being wealthy would be gone. Even the thought of having a boss again terrified me.
Funny how none of these thoughts seemed a problem until they become a reality!
He wants to leave. When he goes to training later today, he'll just be reminded further why when he sees players he doesn't rate, a manager he doesn't rate and a club run by someone he hates.

If Khaldoon and Sheikh Mansour still harbour a desire for Messi, this is no way over.
He wants to leave. When he goes to training later today, he'll just be reminded further why when he sees players he doesn't rate, a manager he doesn't rate and a club run by someone he hates.

If Khaldoon and Sheikh Mansour still harbour a desire for Messi, this is no way over.

Supposedly Vidal and Suarez are training alone due to there moves to Italy, would be hilarious if Leo rocked up at training and opted to train with them.
I think the chances of getting him this window have reduced somewhat but absolutely "Dead" way. This isn't blind hope..

If you are staying no matter what you keep your thoughts to yourself and just say I love the club and I'm staying. Messi burnt every bridge possible accept with the fans. There is a reason he and his Dad did what they did and I'm sure it was to put more pressure on the Barca board.

I also think this is something City will have encouraged him to do. That interview was carefully planned not just off the cuff thoughts...he didn't even need to do one if he was definitely staying. Why would he?

Having done everything asked of him and burned all his bridges, what are the chances we leave him high and dry to face the aftermath on his own?

We will still be doing our bit to get him out this window. Tolmie is bang on with this.

What I would like to know from @tolmie's hairdoo is if we are ultimately unsuccessful this window will we still sign a pre contract with him in January?
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Even though i think the move to us made sense right now, i'm not so sure for next year.
The move wasn't for the money. I think it was a career choice, and the need to do "something".

Trying to analyse his statement, and filter snippets from the press, i'm not sure he will leave next season.
He wasn't wasting anybody's time. He was genuinely going to come to us.
But i think once he started the ball rolling, the reality of what he was doing started to sink in. One of the biggest reality checks was his family's reaction to having to move. I think it genuinely shocked him.
I've seen many rich men uproot their kids from school's/friends and it not a pretty sight.

He's only known one club. His family are settled there. The board will be changing soon.
I think any thoughts of personal achievements a move would make will fade.
I think he will accept this and look to help start a new generation at Barcelona.
The attractions will just be too great. A new board and a new re-building plan. His family more than happy to stay.
He will be seen as an even bigger hero for staying and helping the new build. He will also leave a hero for dedicating his whole career to Barcelona.

Maybe i will be wrong, and he sees the longer term view that City/CFG would be very good for him. I suppose we will see once he's free to sign a pre agreement in January.

Totally agree. In which case, bartomeu does deserve credit for putting out that particular fire , even if hendid fightnit with crooked dirty fire.
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I have always had the suspicion that Messi has been at Barca for so long that old Jorge has got his own little thing going on, Jorge ensures that Messi is kept sweet and stays at Barca, and in return Barca ensures that Jorge is compensated for keeping Messi there . Messi has a little strop and threatens to leave and Jorge See's his nice little Barca income dry up, Jorge flys in within 48 hours Lionel ain't leaving, he ain't happy but he ain't leaving. When Family are representing you it's not a pure football decision based on what the player wants and needs, Jorge and the brother Messi didn't want the gravy train to end .

And you think he would get nothing from messi moving, on a deal that supposedly safeguarded his earnings for the next 5 years at a high level or asigning on bonus etc etc?
Perhaps he didn't want to come because Pep told him he was going at the end of the season
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