Lionel Messi | Joins Inter Miami (pg4111)

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2 years of Messi paying for himself. How much will Barca actually have left after that from the 'Messi money'?
I don't know whether it's accurate but I read that Messi can be credited with bringing in as much as 30% of their revenue, which if even close to being true is a monumental figure.
Bullshit. He's a greedy bastard. I'm sick of this bullshit argument about our place of work and what we'd do. None of us have any idea of the riches these people make. It's ludicrous. The reason the club are in trouble is because of the greed of the players. They just take, take, take then take some more. It'll never change.
Hardly a bullshit argument. what is a bullshit argument though, is asking the best player that's ever lived that actually earns his wages every season to play for free because other people higher up have fucked up royally and expect the players to pay for their mistakes. Having enough money to live in luxury for the rest of your life doesn't mean you shouldn't expect to be paid for any work you do.

The club is in trouble because its been horrifically run not because of players greed. Laying any blame on the players here is so so wrong. all players are "greedy" in the sense that they want as much money as is being offered, nobody is going to reject more money because they think they've got enough. There's a reason only Barca are offering to pay those kind of figures, it's because it's not sustainable and any well run club wouldn't even contemplate it.
Absolutely this ^ it’s the equivalent of winning a competitive contract to deliver something at a set price and then when you’ve won the contract trying to renegotiate it - it fundamentally distorts the original tendering process and the whole tendering process needs to be restarted. They have gained an advantage by default and under false pretences.
Known as fraudulent misrepresentation….
Can't believe the number of people here on Blue moon who actually believe this guy has any plans to come to City. Whineonel Messi is basically just using these rumours as an excuse to whine about his perceived lack of appreciation from Barca and how he needs one last major payday. Pep saw what Whineonel was doing and he walked away from the whole thing. It's all for show.
If that is true, they’re more fucked than I originally thought. Trying to ship out numerous of players to sign up their ageing superstar is madness. How can a club with a stadium of 90000 capacity, the worlds best player, lucrative sponsorship deals and a famed academy be in so much shit? I always thought the Coutinho deal would come to bite them back on the arse. I’m not saying that deal is solely responsible, but £140m for that shit **** raised so many eyebrows that you had to question who ever was in charge was off their head.
Exactly £140m for the flat track bully Countinho yet we are ruining football
Can't believe the number of people here on Blue moon who actually believe this guy has any plans to come to City. Whineonel Messi is basically just using these rumours as an excuse to whine about his perceived lack of appreciation from Barca and how he needs one last major payday. Pep saw what Whineonel was doing and he walked away from the whole thing. It's all for show.
What’s he been whining about ?
So they've gone from being in debt, needing to get the payroll down, can't register new signings and paying up players contracts to it being just a matter of time because Marcotti understands?

Are you sure you want to share that?

Very sure. He's a very well connected journalist. If we only shared information that was 100% certain on here then this thread would be 300 pages not 3000. Back in your box please.
Sounds like championship manager.
That's just about what football has turned into since the 1990s.

Owners, players, fans, the media... They've all lost touch with reality, and the financial / business side of the game has become a farce - financial disasters waiting to happen.

With any luck, Barcelona will be the first of the big debt clubs to go bust and others will drop like dominoes, until someone actually wakes up and smells the coffee.

Let's get real - Footballers getting paid £1m+ per month... It's completely mental!
That's just about what football has turned into since the 1990s.

Owners, players, fans, the media... They've all lost touch with reality, and the financial / business side of the game has become a farce - financial disasters waiting to happen.

With any luck, Barcelona will be the first of the big debt clubs to go bust and others will drop like dominoes, until someone actually wakes up and smells the coffee.

Let's get real - Footballers getting paid £1m+ per month... It's completely mental!
Absolutely - the revenues of major clubs have grown to previously unprecedented levels - but clubs have allowed their costs to spiral out of control. Wages are crazy and too high a percentage of revenues - clubs have assumed that revenues would just keep growing and growing but revenues have declined in the pandemic and some (most) clubs had no contingency for such an event. Clubs have ploughed into debt but when you consider how their revenues have grown there's been little need to be so reliant upon debt if clubs had been managed properly. Football on many levels is a cesspit with people associated with it primarily interested in taking money out of the game.
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