Lionel Messi | Joins Inter Miami (pg4111)

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I keep checking back for news but I am thinking now that these Messi - Barca talks that SSN think are scheduled for Weds are the next key stage.

I think it's possible then that Barcelona may make a last ditch attempt to keep him through:
  • Improved terms
  • or threats of legal action
but I don't think Messi will back down. Assuming no change, Barcelona have to decide:
  • whether to negotiate with City
  • initiate legal action although this maybe a bluff.
I think it will conclude with a negotiated transfer.
how long does it take before city have to move on ?

i know its messi and once in a lifetime chance but this could be slowing down the rebuild and city need to be flying right from the kick off, we still have not signed a replacement for kompany and please don't say nathan ake will be the only centre back we sign in this window

we must now give messi a time slot for him to sign, we are even not going to be 100% he is covid-19 free and isolation coming into the uk takes 2 week so this week we must have a answer or messi does not start the season at city

So you think that all the execs and people who are working behind the scenes are sitting ONLY focussed on the Messi situation? Honestly? That our entire rebuilt/transfer strategy is being hijacked by the Messi thing?

For all we know it could be totally done and dusted with the final steps being played out to make it totally watertight within the media etc.

am being a simpleton here, but if this is the case(and i truly hope it is) why isn't he holding our shirt up in front of pep's dugout
My worry is that we get him and next march after the presidential elections his mate Xavi is installed as manager and we then have months of stories that he wants to go back "home" and City end up letting him leave.

Don't get me wrong only a fool would turn down the chance to get him on a free but if we have to pay millions for the privilege of having him here he'd better be here for 3 years at least or else we'd be better off going for a Sancho or an Haarland.

Personally I think he's just doing a bigger version of the annual Messi dance. Happy to be proven wrong of course.
It looks like he's made his mind up this time. Certainly once he's made it, and commits to a move and makes it, it's highly unlikely he returns to Barca. They are clearly in flux though and the management structure they have there will change.
Gotta know what your talking about before you type. Barcelona were never offered anything resembling the offer you speak of for Rakitic. Barcelona attempted numerous times to include Rakitic in the Neymar return deal and Rakitic wanted no part of it. right a bell ?.

Barcelona made is very clear with Rakitic, Messi, Iniesta, Xavi and Puyol to name a few, that if the player wishes to retire, go to a none competitive league such as Qatar, MLS etc; they would be free to leave for basically free as a way of saying thank you.

Bartomeu told Messi the same exact thing, but now Messi changed his mind and said that he wants to play for city and Barcelona understands that you can't power up the richest club in the world by handing him the best player in the world for free.

Nobody here has to take anything personal and City and Barcelona have no reason to get into any sort of issues over this. City honestly are very clear about the subject. Messi you called us and we took a look at it and offered you 750 million dollar provided you work our you last year with Barcelona or come to an agreement that does not infringe in our finances and is allowed by FIFA.

If anything City fans are already getting a sneak peak at the " Other " side of Messi. The greatest footballer who is surrounded by a serious of people who are looking for his finances and a player who is to this day extremely immature. Its been 18 days and this old Captain hasn't even said this mouth is mine regarding the game as the team Captain.

Utter shite
does anyone know who is actually a reliable source on the messi situation? Seems like so many journalists getting involved on this and mainly talking bollocks. I know Sam lee is quite close to city and Guillem Balague has his relations with Pep...
not saying that ? but we all know the centre back needs sorting and quick
messi has took all the hype and maybe any more new signing are waiting to see if city get messi done and dusted and then sign ?
It seems to be going very well at the moment.

I do think buying a centre-back is very important. I like Ake and Laporte but Harwood-Bellis does not have the experience yet so we need another centre-back and none better than KK for me. IMO given the sheer scale of the Messi contract it seems a bit silly to haggle over a relatively small amount given that arguably from a playing point of view, a central defender of Koulibaly's stature is absolutely vital to City.
does anyone know who is actually a reliable source on the messi situation? Seems like so many journalists getting involved on this and mainly talking bollocks. I know Sam lee is quite close to city and Guillem Balague has his relations with Pep...
Follow the Spanish guys. They are the ones with the connections to the personalities. And of course Tolmie.
Nope he didn’t pull it out of his ass. Report close to the operation and as published in Marca in Spain. He will cost Manchester City 750 million euros.
5 seasons ( 3 @ City, 2 @ NYC ) with a gross salary of 100 million per year

250 million as a sign on bonus to be executed when he joins NYC to avoid issues with the financial fair play.

This would obviously be the arrangement if we gets to leave Barcelona for free.

Utter madness. I have a hard time believe FIFA would not have something to say.
So you're a Barcelona fan who believes everything that Marca of all papers publishes? Right...
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