Liverpool (A) | PL | Post Match Thread

Macallister was very clever, lunged at Doku’s high boot as he was clearing the ball, 9 times out of 10 he con’s the ref like he has conned the very conn-able impartial football journalists. Only 5 more years of constant reminding of this “injustice “ to go
The difference between the press’s reaction to the Mane red card, compared to yesterday should tell you all you need to know. Surprised some still fall for it…
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Saw it as I did
It is abundantly clear whoever plays for the dippers they are coached by Herr Kraut to go down ,from Mane,Sarah,Origi and now Mcallister ,until yesterday it has been lucrative over the years why would you abandon it.I was astounded they didn't get it in a vital chapter of Bingo's tearful farewell.
If we have to lose the league rather it be Arsenal even though that would be painful enough.
Let’s be honest we would take a point at anfield
They were more likely to win by the end but we did ok
We battered them first half as well
They took an undeserved point at our place that’s football
My main concerns were Kev had no legs, erling looked awful and Alvarez will cost us the league in midfield if he keeps playing
Against Arsenal we have to be better but the crowd will help
Agreed. We needed bit of luck and we got it but we also needed incredible mental strength not to lose that game. The tension out on the pitch must've been immense The defence was under a lot of pressure but we came through it in the end and incredibly without Father Ruben. We have to be proud of the lads for getting out with a point despite some below performances up front.
The piece of play yesterday where Haaland was running at Van Dijk, I thought he should have had the pace to get away from him. Especially as Van Dijk is turned one way and then the other and has his back to Haaland for a split second. Thought Haaland lacked a bit of belief that he could outpace him.
Doku could/should have headed it clear but he shit out of the challenge. Not for the first time if memory serves & Nunes is also guilty of the same thing
Worrying this type of behaviour it is not picked up by our scouts in my opinion
I don't think it was as easy as it appeared.

The ball was spinning away from him which affected his decision making, it wasn't easy to reach to head clear.
The piece of play yesterday where Haaland was running at Van Dijk, I thought he should have had the pace to get away from him. Especially as Van Dijk is turned one way and then the other and has his back to Haaland for a split second. Thought Haaland lacked a bit of belief that he could outpace him.
A low shot would have worked the keeper, as it was it went straight into his hands.
all the moaning about the so-called nailed-on pen by the bin-dippers and cheating claims, Can I add Manchester City 2 nailed-on handballs we never got and the offside they missed by Salah

Swings and roundabouts
'probably' - simply because he is a much better player than Doku and would have benefited the team more from Kova helping Rodri.
Yeah, for me too.

Kovacic for Alvarez is the only change I'd have made.

But then again, Doku nearly won it!

Now the dust has settled that is a good point, ends their winning run and it was a game they were desperate to win.

They'll be shitting it now, not even top anymore!

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